Chapter 2: Leaving It All Behind

A few days later I was sitting on my bed, smashing my suitcase down to make it close. I successfully zipped it closed and huffed in satisfaction. I pulled it off the bed and rolled it into the living room, looking around my apartment to see if I missed anything. No, I had everything I needed.

The boys and I were leaving to continue the rest of their tour and I would be gone for about a year. I had discussed it with my job, and was able to take a "sabbatical" of sorts. I smiled as I remembered the conversation I had with Namjoon after he'd talked to the company and the other BTS members.

"Everyone has agreed. You'll come on tour with us." He told me, excitedly. "They agree that a noona like you who acts normal around us would lessen our stress and be a big help taking care of us." He explained.

I took one last look around as I pulled my suitcase out the door. I was leaving it all behind. From my mediocre job to my strained relationship with my father. I was looking forward to a change.

When I walked down the stairs, there was a limo waiting for me at the end of the sidewalk. The same driver I had before, whose name was Jim, opened a door for me to get in. Arguing spilled out of the car as I hopped in. "Why are you guys creating such a ruckus, I'm trying to sleep!" An enraged Yoongi growled. "You can just sleep on the plane..." Jimin whined back. I just chuckled.

"Fay-noona!" exclaimed a doe-eyed Jungkook. "Hi, Kookie." I replied. Yoongi gave a small smile and wave before settling in to go back to sleep. The limo pulled out and headed to the airport. "Excited?" Taehyung asked, curious. " Yeah, excited to be somewhere other than here." I confessed, looking out the window. Taehyung and Hoseok exchanged a puzzled look.

We arrived at the airport and walked inside, heading to our gate. We were headed to Texas for their next concert in Fort Worth. Inside the airport was chaos with many ARMYs swarming to catch a glimpse of the boys. Staff surrounded us, keeping the crowd at bay. I was overwhelmed. "Come here, Fay." Jimin said, putting a protective hand on my back and ushering me through with the others. We boarded the plane and I sat between Jimin and Jin, sighing in relief. "You'll get used to it." Jin reassured. "If you say so..." I mumbled.

A few minutes later, Jimin and I were sharing headphones and listening to music while Jin slept soundly next to me. Hoseok, Jungkook, and of course Yoongi were also asleep on the other side of the aisle. I shook my head, smiling. I could never take naps, unless I was sick. "Psst..." Some said from behind me and I look back to find Namjoon and Taehyung next to him. "How's it going?" Namjoon asked. I simply gave him a thumbs up and he gave me a warm smile in return.

The next few hours on the plane went by with everyone sleeping and I was helping them practice their English. (A/N: I spoke both Korean and English because I was half. My mom was American and dad was Korean. Most of the conversations are in Korean.) You de-boarded the plane into another crazy crowd, this time flanked by Yoongi and Namjoon. The usually cranky Yoongi flashed adorable smiles to the crowd and then went back to an emotionless face as soon as you were back in the car. It was a perfect example of what their fans meant to them, that they could melt Yoongi's hard exterior like that.

When we got to our hotel, we were all settling into our assigned rooms before eating dinner. The rap line (Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok) in one, Taehyung and Jimin in another, Jin and Jungkook in the third, and finally me in the last one. We were in a big suite with several bedrooms, much like a dorm but with an amazing balcony view of the city.

After I had unpacked a few things from my suitcase, all of us gathered in the common area to figure out dinner. "Ramen!" "Bulgogi!" "Pizza!" Seven pairs of eyes danced at your suggestion. "Pizza it is." concluded Namjoon, leaving to call for delivery.

A little while later I was sitting on the couch munching a piece of pizza contently while the boys were excitedly talking and joking. Listening to the chatter, I knew I had made the right decision by coming with them. Already my life was becoming much more than it had been.