Chapter 14: Catharsis

I woke up the next morning feeling like the world had sucked everything out of me. I groaned and buried myself back under the covers. There was a soft knock on the bedroom door. I sighed but said, "Yeah?" The door opened slowly and revealed Taehyung holding a cup of coffee. He approached the bed and held the cup out to me. "I figured after yesterday you deserved to have your coffee in bed." He said and I took the cup from him. He sat on the edge of the bed and asked, "How are you today?" "I feel like shit." I said, laughing ruefully.

"Well, we were all supposed to do some sight seeing today but, how about I stay back with you?" Taehyung suggested. "You'd do that?" I asked, stunned. "Anything for you..." He mumbled so quiet I didn't even hear him. "I'll let the others know we are staying behind. There's more coffee in the kitchen." He continued. I nodded as he left the room. I put on some comfy clothes and slowly padded into the kitchen. I poured another cup of coffee and then headed out to my usual morning spot on the balcony. "I could say that I'll be all you need, but that that would be a lie. I know I'd only hurt you, I know I'd only make you cry. I'm not the one you're needing, I love you, goodbye." I sang, sadly.

Taehyung listened as he shut the balcony door behind him. He thought the song was beautiful, yet heartbreaking. He came up behind me, putting a comforting hand on the small of my back. "They all said they'd miss us, but understand that you need some time." He said. I nodded, blinking back the tears that welled while I was singing. We stood next to each other in silence, watching people go by as I finished my coffee. "So spend the day watching sad movies and stuffing our faces?" Taehyung asked with a slight smile. I couldn't help but smile back at his idea."Okay." I agreed and we both headed back inside.

I was now snuggled into the couch with a blanket wrapped completely around me. Taehyung had stopped in front of the coffee table adding a bowl of popcorn to the other bowls sitting there. "Okay, we have popcorn, Red Vines, Skittles, and my favorite addition-Mallomars!" He explained. I laughed at how 'Gilmore Girls' like this felt. "What movies did you pick out?" He asked, sitting next to me on the couch. "Moulin Rouge, Me Before You, The Fault in Our Stars, and Marley and Me." I said and his eyebrows raised at the last choice. "Uh, Jimin let it slip that you cried when the two of you watched it." I explained after noticing his reaction. "Jiminnnn..." Tae grumbled under his breath as his ears grew a little red.

"It's okay, I think you'd have to be heartless not to be at least a little choked up while watching it." I said, trying to ease his embarrassment. He chose to ignore the subject and got up asking, "Which one first?" "Moulin Rouge? Start with a musical?" I responded. He nodded and popped the disc into the DVD player. He grabbed the remote and sat back down next to me. Since it was a musical and I'd seen it a million times before, I spent most of the movie singing along. I also only got a little teary because it wasn't as sad after seeing it that many times. I picked up the bowl of popcorn, munching on it. "Popcorn?" I asked, leaning the bowl towards him. "Sure" He said, taking a handful from the bowl.

We moved on through the next few movies, sharing snacks and of course me turning into a sobbing mess a few times. Tae surprised me by also looking teary-eyed a couple times. We had cuddled closer on the couch and our sides were completely touching. "All we have left is Marley and Me." I said, getting up to refill the popcorn. "Fine..." He said sighing, reluctantly. I set the refilled bowl of popcorn on the table and went over to the TV to switch the discs. The movie started and Taehyung said, "Remind me to kill Jimin later." I laughed, hitting him lightly in the shoulder. He smiled back at me.

Sometime later, we were at the saddest scene in the movie and I was once again, blubbering. My head was leaned against Tae's shoulder and I felt water hit my temple. I looked up to see him crying hard, but quiet. Tears were quickly rolling down his face. I cuddled into him, placing my head on his chest as I continued to sob. We stayed in that position through the ending of the movie. I looked at him when the credits were rolling and he still had a few tears on his cheeks. I couldn't fight the impulse and lightly brushed at his face with the back of my thumb. His breathe hitched at my touch.

I suddenly realized what I was doing and went to pull my hand away when he caught my wrist. I gasped at his sudden action and we stared at each other for a few moments, not moving. My eyes twitched, trying to read him. Next thing I knew, he had used his grip on my wrist to pull me closer and his lips were on mine. My eyes were wide in shock but then I found myself kissing his soft lips back. We were kissing each other. My other hand was now in his hair at the nape of his neck. I had no control over my actions at this point. We both pulled back, breathless and incredulous over what just happened. "I, um..." I started, just as the rest of the boys walked in the door.

We sprung apart, sitting on opposite sides of the couch when it became noisy in the living room. "Fay! We missed you!" Jimin shouted and slumped into the empty space between Taehyung and I. He started rambling on about all the things they did that day. I leaned back and met Tae's eyes as we exchanged a glance. I felt confused and unsure of what happened. Taehyung was the closest to me of the boys and the person I could tell almost everything to, with the exception of Jimin. Did we just ruin that? I couldn't handle losing anyone else. I tried to ignore those thoughts and turned my attention back to Jimin, smiling at him. If others noticed anything off between Taehyung and I, it wasn't mentioned.

I spent the rest of the evening attached to Jimin or Hobi. I wasn't avoiding Taehyung but I wasn't going out of my way to spend time with him either. I did however spaz a little when our hands bumped each other's while cleaning up the bowls from our movie marathon. He looked at me, guiltily. Was he sorry he kissed me? I went to bed that night in almost more turmoil than the night before when everything with Carson went down.