Jolin Fae’s world and House Rings

Jolin's class(2A) consisted of 3 other classmates, all from main noble houses. The 2B class was that for rich or noble middle class students, there were 3(one rich and 2 middle noble, of which one was the Jaquin house). Jolin Fae's twin siblings who were now 10, were the top fighters in their class, often teaming up and crushing everyone else. Jolin however, often has to compete for 2nd place as Grace was often untouchable.

The Jaquin house, as a noble house had passed their general ring pair to the twins. This General Jaquin house ring had the property that allowed the wearers the quality of teamwork, one that the twins already seemed to possess without the aid of the rings. This teamwork quality allowed them to know what each other was thinking in their minds so that they could be in perfect sync and move as one body. By age 10, their father Joe had passed those two rings to the twins since Jolin was a fae. Each house had 2-4 General House rings, each with a different property that allowed special qualities or abilities to the wearers, and each unique to each house. House Faery was one of the noble houses with 4 General house rings. Jolin had received this ring from his mother before she had passed away that year at age 10. Matrin and Melissa Faery possessed the other 2 rings, with the 4th still in Jacobin's finger, having no more children to pass it to, he would keep it on until such day or the day he passed away.

General House Faery ring gave the wearers the Unity property. Perhaps, because of this ring quality, Jolin felt an attachment to Matrin and Mellisa from far away, the only other person he felt that was to his toddler brother Falin Jaquin. House Jaquin General Rings has that of teamwork, and House Falander General House rings have the property of Fighting endurance. The other noble house,the Fons, had 2 rings with qualities of peace, allowing the wearers to lean towards favorable peace options. Yet another middle class Noble house has 1 ring which allowed the wearer to be better at bargaining, this was the fishing and exchange house of Farking.

In other words, House Faery was at the top, possessing 4 General House Rings. Then was house Falander with 3 GHR's, of which Grace was Jolin's classmate. The other two classmates who belonged to top tier noble house but that were below Faery and Falander in both prestige and wealth were Arthur Fons and Jonan Felen. The Felen possed 2 GHR's with property of adaptability.

Below them were the middle noble houses and rich families who formed the 2B training class. These included the top Middle Noble house of the Jaquins. Since the twins had reached an age of 10, they already possess the house's two GHR's and both twins were enrolled together in the class. Other house's potential lords and heirs had to have at least one member enroll in a combat/fighting/estate class. Thus the next middle noble house was that of the Farkings. The other noble houses only had their firstborn sons and daughters enrolled in Estate classes mainly and didn't have any children of age to enroll in class 2B or had adults who had already passed through the academy. The Rich family Straten had risen in the most recent years and had their child, Rose, enrolled in 2B. These were all enrolled in the Royal Academy of Tripoli.

What these young heirs, their siblings, or some parents didn't really know much of, were about another type of special rings. These rings were known as the Special house ring or SHR's. The reason why they didn't know much about them was that they wouldn't work on just any house member. They were kept in each house's special treasure room, at a room separated from the others. These rings seemed to have a life of their own and would glow when they had found someone worthy. In other words, the rings chose or brightened up when they felt someone worthy from the house could wear them. Thus, not every generation had had the pleasure to see this event happen. In fact in some houses, 4-7 generations had passed without someone ever having the pleasure to be chosen. Of course those parents had heard the stories from their fathers or grandfathers and had even seen such rings. Yet, because of the long time, some wouldn't talk about is as much because they had simply almost forgotten about r or lost hope. However, at the Royal academy there was a master who possessed such ring, and even though he was very old, he kept this history and stories alive. However, because each house has special rings with special abilities only inherit to their houses, it was up to those lords or house histories to keep the knowledge alive or at least in their Grand Book. These books contained all the information a youngster from the house could want. It was such an honor to be able to posses and wear these rings because after all, not even regular or rich people has even the General House rings. Thus, these SHR's were even more special than the GHR's and their powers more powerful and meaningful. The number of these rings depended on the families and what they had accomplished many millennial ago; therefore, sometimes today's standard could have been lower than the then ranking of the noble houses. The edge even these GHR's gave these noble houses and their fighters was one of the reasons those Middle Noble house's had not completely disappeared even if they weren't as elegant and prosperous as before.