Preparing to leave

**Falander House**

"Sisterrrr, why do you have to leave?" Grace's younger sister was pleading with her eyes. She replied," Because I want to become the best, in order to do that I need to fight with the best. I need you to start training harder so that you can protect the family in case something happens to me. Can I count on you to hold the fort while am gone?" Grace's little sister nodded with red eyes but then they lit up. "Grace, your the best, of course you will come back, I think it's your future teammates that need you so they can become stronger, not the other way around!" Grace only smiled and hug her sister and then turned to pick up her baby brother. She held him close and spoke to him as if he understood. "I will make our house proud, you both need to work hard so that we can rise with the sun. I will show you guys some new training methods so that we can train together before I leave, of course Your load will be heavier," Grace said this with a mischievous smile on her face. "Ok Big sis, I will show brother when he grows a little bigger!" Both headed towards their training ground. This was a way that Grace and her youngest sister Marie bonded, it was great because it allowed her to train before leaving as well as show her sister how to get even better. After all, they were both ladies, an as such, not all the families training techniques were adequate for everyone. Thanks to a few strong family women, they had twicked certain things to their advantage and were able to develop great techniques that allowed them girls to advance to new heights. Grace and her sister spent most mornings and evenings training together. Now that she had the time to pass her younger sister their secrets, her sister would not fall behind. She wanted to leave without any concern and thus needed to make sure she was covering as much bases as possible. It never hurt to prepare and be safe. She finally felt at ease for her choice and glad that the elders were celebrating in her honor because they knew she was the best. After all, the teams formed in those camps would be like siblings and a great help in the future. Her index finger then quivered a bit but she continued to attack her sister, who had been waiting to spar with her.

Later in the evening she met her other younger sister Gabriela, who was older than Marie. Gabriela had already some lessons but it was always the job of the oldest to teach the younger ones those secrets. Gabriela wasn't home as much, whether it was because of school, training, or hanging out. Because she wasn't the oldest, there wasn't as much expectations on her. As long as she was strong, able to hold her own, did well on everything else, their parents would allow her more personal free time outside. After all, their family was a fighting family, so regardless of what each child wanted to do, they all needed to be proficient in the fighting arts. Therefore, whether the girls weren't going to be fighters, they still needed to be great in order to protect themselves, the family in the future if needed to, any relatives, or any other reason. Grace wished she could have more time with Gabriela, however she was busy and therefore didn't get to spend as much time. They would however speak in the mornings about the future and what she needed to work in while she was gone. She essentially left Gabriela a list of things to do and work on even if she knew their parents and the family had everything under control. This was just a way for them to start thinking like adults and practice for the future.

In mid-day, Grace would also have solo meeting with her parents. They had insider information since in their family, they had members who had succeeded in passing the camp and forming teams. Those members were pillars in their family who had formed good relationships with those other important family members in the other cities. This was one of the reason why ultimately didn't oppose the idea of her leaving; however, there were cases where family member would leave them for those other houses but they weren't to worried about this because in their family everyone was treated well and they were a strong one. Grace had worried for nothing towards her family's blessing.

***Jolins house***

The next day at the Jaquin house, the father reunited some of the family members and celebrated the news. He knew his son was very strong, after all he was his and her wife's son. Everyone was happy and sad at the same time but smiling nonetheless. Jolin, wished his mom was here with him, but then was okay that he wouldn't have to say bye.

The day after, Jolin's father started to personally train some things to him. Giving him pointers and advise to him, what he could probably expect at the camp. He was tying loose ends as well as spending more time with him. Of course, when the twins would come back in the evening, they would join in the fight as a farewell way. Jolin, would then go visit his baby brother Falin. He was usually so busy but now he had more time to spend with him. Falin was such a happy child but calm at the same time.

One afternoon, Jolin was practicing in the family's training grounds when his father came around to watch. "Jolin, don't worry about anyone here, we will be fine. Unfortunately you seem like your fathers child," the father said this with a smirk on his face. He didn't show this friendly and quirky side with just anyone after all. He continued to speak, "just remember that even if your the best, that doesn't mean you will get a team. It's also important to choose wisely if you have the option to choose who to join or who to let join your team. I know you and Grace have good rapport and possible teammate chemistry, make sure that shines so that you two aren't separated. She is great, if two people from the same city can be in the same team, it will be easier. I know she will keep you in line jejeje, so am not too worried, just make sure you have her back and don't let the family down." "Yes father, but you do realize I would be the best in my class if it wasn't for that prodigy jaja. Anyways, I am glad I was able to become friends with her because she really is great at a lot of things. Don't worry, I won't let our family down and I will be stronger so I can stand tall as a Fae." As the week was coming to an end everyone was finishing their last minute things.