The way to the main-camp Pt.1

On the morning of the day they were suppose to head out, everyone gathered in the middle of this temporary camp. Everyone was eager to hear the announcement that they would finally go out to this mystical camp. One of the Thirty year old leaders stepped out and commenced the announcement once everyone had gathered.

The 30 yr leader: "One of the main reasons we have gathered you all into small pre-camps is to initiate the first test. Not everyone that was selected, will get the chance to even step into the main camp. Thus, we have made this pre test in order to weed out more people and test their desires to participate. As such, the content of this exam is as follows. You will get in 4 man teams, you must have at least one female in your team, if there are no more females and you fail to secure one for your team, you will suffer a penalty of two hours . This is important, because the last two teams to reach the camp will be disqualified. This also tests your ability to secure important teammates or discern the quality ones from the regular good ones. There will be hints along the way to guide your path. There will also be check points with instructors waiting for anyone who wished to give up and return or who need to rest. This will be a two day journey so I hope you have come prepared for the unexpected. No one can be left behind, if a teammate decides they don't want to be part of this great opportunity, they must still finish with their teammates and drop out afterwards. However, you will lose great potential rewards in doing so. You have 10 minutes to gather your teammates and carry your own things to the finish. It is also your responsibility to find out the clues and find your way to said location. Good luck to you all and I hope you have made worthy acquaintances. It is time to demonstrate that you are the elites of the younger generation. "

With that pronunciation, everyone scrambling to find all their teammates. Most of the roommates formed teams and some were left out. Jolin was calm since he knew he had Grace to fill the female spot; however, some teams weren't having much luck as there was a small number available. Since no one said anything about having more than one female in their team, some of those girls joined together and effectively got rid of half of the competition or at least gave them a two hour head start to said competition but those two girl team had one or 2 guys in them. Jolin and grace welcomed one of Jolin's tent mate and another guy who looked strong enough. They started to allocate duties and gathered all their things. Grace had come prepared. She brought with her something that they could pull their things with and had also packed lightly. They gave the Strong guy the task of carrying the things for most of the way, of course Jolin and Grace would help out as long as they didn't have a task to carry out. Jolin and Grace would be the main guardians and the other guy would be the scout to look for clues and other team members. They couldn't be too careful because the leader didn't say they wouldn't be attacked by the other teams. However, they knew this would maybe be a problem for those who were starting behind and at towards the end when spots were running out. They knew fireworks would light the night sky to signal the number of spots left. Thankfully Jolin had picked his roommate for his tracking abilities since he was from a hunting village outside the city who had gotten a special invitation due to his potential. Thankfully, all of them had packed lightly and wouldn't be too much of a burden for the teammate that would carry the luggage. The strong looking guy was named Storm and Jolin's tent mate was named Birdin but they called him bird. A lot of them looked down on him because he didn't come from an elite school but this didn't bother Jolin because he could see the potential and qualities in this guy. Thus Each responsibility was handed out and they started to head out to the start line. As the sun continued to soar to the sky, a bell rang and the beginning of their journey started. Jolin's team was out ahead because they had come prepared like some of the other elite teams out there but thanks to their light packing and carrying device, they easily pulled ahead with Bird's guidance. None of them knew exactly what they would be looking for but it didn't take long for Bird to show them the way after they were all separated into different paths based on who came first to the start line. Bird immediately saw very small but special characters etched behind the trees as well as minuscule signs of human treading. This went easier than expected, of course they didn't know if this was the same for all the paths or whether or not they were all the same length and terrain. Jolin and Grace grab some ropes and clicked them into their waist and started jogging with Storm and were planing to walk every 15 minutes. Because they were all great, they were used to Jogging and long trips, this was especially true for Grace and the weight that they were pulling became nothing with all of the three combined. Bird would sometimes Pull ahead and scout for any danger while they were walking and would come out to report on his findings. This continued for the whole day. BY nightfall they decided to camp and eat dinner. They all decided to Continue their trip because they wanted to be the first there and rest comfortably while they waited for everyone else. In other words, suffer brutally now and then have a full days rest before everyone else.