Mal of House Anew

Marko's joy increased every time her brothers came with an angry and dejected face. Every time, their sons came empty handed, his chances increased. Then he remembered his son Mal, or to him, Mallory was actually a girl. Then again this was an old idea reinforced by his own grandfather and father that only men could be true heirs to their house. He neither agreed or disagreed but when his daughter had been finally born, he soon changed his mind. Maybe it was because all he had asked for was a child and he finally got one after years of trying with his wife. Or maybe it was the fact that his daughter made him extremely proud because she worked twice as hard to be on par with the boys and blend in. Not only that, but she was like a silent assassin. Sure, she looked like a skinny boy but everyone was surprised by how strong Mal turned out to be despite his nice looks and bright mind. He was just as capable on managing the estate when it was his turn as his older cousins were. Because she was 5 years younger, if she ever lost in strength or experience, it could be attributed to the age difference; after all, whenever she fought against her male cousins of her same age, she would win every time. Therefore, his younger brothers couldn't finish taking his power away when Mal was born and kept proving himself worthy to be lord when his grandfather Ignacious passed away. At 13 years old, to Markos Suprise, he had finally born another child, this time twins! A girl and a boy. It was like life was paying him back for all the past suffering. Even the baby males were being taken to be tested. It was finally Mal's turn. The only "man" left to be tested. Marko couldn't believe it. Everyone didn't doubt that one of the two male sons of their oldest brother was it, as they were the last two males that needed to be tested. Because Mal had been sick and because of the secret the couple were hiding, they decided to test the baby boy first. When Marko came out empty handed with the baby, everyone was shocked and looked at Mal. Mal was the last male to be tested, after that it was all just females. Marko guided Mal to the room to be tested and he was probably the most nervous out of everyone. Everyone else thought it was him acting up and laughing at them all from inside, they all wanted to die. How bloody lucky was Marko this year, he would finally throw them away and get all the power, keeping it until his son Mal was of age and Ignacious died.

Marko: " Her Mal, whatever happens, know that I will support you. I know it has to be you, because even though your not what everyone thinks, I know your the strongest of everyone else whether they be male or female. Therefore, if not you who has been chosen, then WHO?"

Mal, who was verily able to walk after the 30 minute ordeal couldn't believe what was happening and was verily gathering her thought. She walked alone with Shawn to the special treasure room while her dad waited for her outside. Inside, the most beautiful rainbow ring was shining bright. It seems as if it was calling to her because as soon as she entered, the lights began to dance around her. Shawn was amazed. He guided her to try the ring one. She was able to touch the ring and it fit perfect in her finger. The lights gave one last burst of light and wear replaced by a red and green band of color in the ring that then dissipated and the SHR beauty showed. As this was happening, her whole body felt recharged and different. She wondered if this was the special property of the ring, to replenish her stamina and strength, giving her a new lease on life. She was then beckoned to grab the book underneath so she could read all the secrets it held. When Mal walked out of the special treasure room, she no longer looked sick. In fact Mal looked like he never before, almost looking older and with renewed strength. Marko was overjoyed but confused.

When they both walked out, a certain aura came off Mal, everyone looked at his hands holding a gold decorated book and a most beautiful ring. They all wanted to die. One of his younger brothers couldn't believe it. He was perhaps the one most again Marko and the one who had always suspected Mal's identity. He finally came up an exposed them, he brought maids up who talked about suspicious things and the fact that they had never seen Mal as a baby and how he never shared baths with them when it was traditionally for the contending males to do so. It wouldn't be a coincidence that every time something like that had to happen, Mal was always spared. But no more would he let this pass by. He invoke the right to a ceremonial bath were all the brothers had to wash mal because they didn't have the chance to do so as a baby, and if he was going to be the future lord they needed to do this per tradition. Since he invoked this right, Mal couldn't get away with it anymore. Even if the ring signified Mal as the true heir, Ignacious would be disgusted at his sons lies and could order stripping him of the family name and punishing him severely. Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe someone had finally spoken the rumors and questions everyone had. Marko and Melanie were devastated because they knew the truth, they could not say no but they also didn't want to see the horror their daughter being discovered. Marko hated his brother John for finally invoking this right, and with it risking his own skin to make such an accusation.

Marko and Melanie didn't know what to do spare their daughters humiliation. He tried to refuse but before he could even say anything, he just stayed silent and was lead by one of the personal guards of Ignacious. With him and his brothers on their way to their ceremonial bath, half of the house was rejoicing because they all hoped Marko's family would win the battle and were laughing at John's pathetic attempt to get rid of him. Some were not so shocked at the accusation and were nervous because in their hearts, they also had questions while the other fourth were confused and were just relatively happy that the war would soon come to an end in their family. Melanie on the other hand was sitting there speechless, everyone thought it was because she had finally succeeded and couldn't believe her son would the the next true heir. The other wife's of her brother in laws didn't waste time trying to get on her good graces. She only cared for one of them, the only one who had been on her side or at least never tried to go against her and tried to help her secretly. Her friend never suspected the secret either but was overjoyed to know because of her, her husband wouldn't be booted out when Marko's rage be unleashed after the ceremony.