Jolin and Mark stared in shock at what just happened.
They watched as the ninja person wearing a green mask started attacking Mal viciously and each time only missing by a centimeter or two. Mal was twisting and turning and almost hitting the person as well. However the other person landed a couple of hits while Mal could verily defend herself and land a few of her own. As soon as Grace tried to join and help, someone else intercepted her and pointed at themselves as if saying they were here opponent. Grace let out a battle cry and started attacking. If not because Grace was exceptional and had her mother's techniques she wouldn't be able to fight on par with that person who seemed to be in shock during the first few interchanges.
Jolin and Mark turned to the other two people and decided to attack as well. These other two people were if not as strong as him, then better by a bit. They also had a few tricks so they were slowly being beaten more than them doing the damage.
Mal dodge a hit going against her carotid artery and started to sweat as she was using all her power. She also activated her extra strength GHR every time she knew her hit would hit and not miss. This seemed to infuriate the opponent who started to give it her all. Thankfully, Mal had to train against her father in order to be better technique wise than her cousins and had also endured all the hits. This gave her valuable experience and was slowly regaining control of the battle thanks to that extra boost of strength that she needed to defeat her opponents. she just needed to land one good strong hit.
Jolin, Mark, and grace weren't doing so well. Grace was at a stalemate and mark and Jolin, no matter how strong, couldn't compete against the experience and technique. The only reason grace seemed to be holding on was because of her mothers side style of fighting when the opponent was stronger and better overall. She had never before had to use this before but now it was what was saving her.
Ptoom! Both Mal and the masked person fell to the ground but with the other person more clearly injured as they had given their all on that last hit. The person to the side stared angrily at her and then at her hands. No longer was he going to wait. The other person knew Mals strength and started shooting knives at her.
Mal was only able to duck twice before one hit her abdomen.
Mal cried out loud.
Mal: " Ahhh! You bastards. What do you want. I thought you were testers but you obviously have a thing against me. Leave my friends alone dammit. "
The other person seemed to not care and the others could only pray that Mal was okay as they couldn't stop to watch and check on her. They were on their own life and death situation.
The other person got close to Mal and stepped on her wound. Mal screamed in pain again and tried fighting. She soon found out she was also bleeding from both her legs and one arm. That guy had hit her more times to prevent her from attacking.
They pointed to one of her rings.
Person 5: " We want that! And you must die first!"
Mal opened her eyes wide! They were here for her and after her Special House Ring. It must be it! She looked at her friends, especially mark and Jolin her were badly injured by now. They were also screaming in pain. Their opponents were a bit better. She looked at the person in front of her as she bled.
"Shit," she thought to herself. This wasn't how she was suppose to die. Just as the guy in front of her took out his last knife to plunged it in her hand, Grace throw herself at her opponent. While this saved Mal, it caused Grace's opponent to hit Grace's head. Grace started bleeding from her head and almost lost conscious but started to fight in the ground with the other person.
Mals person got up once again but then stopped. He ran and helped the friend Mal defeated first and cried out loud. They all stopped and started to run away. Suddenly, flying objects were flying past at a fast speed. They stuck into some of them and a lot of them missed only because the other people had started to run.
Mal breathes and was about to lose consciousness when grace came to her side and kept her awake. Grace also started trying to stop the bleeding. Just as Mal thought about activating her SHR to change, she lost consciousness.
She remembered waking and falling back asleep every few seconds. Everyone was obviously trying to wake her up. Every time she tried activating her ring but she would lose consciousness and didn't muster enough strength to do so.
She remembered being dragged and someone opening her clothes before hearing Grace yelling at the guys to leave her the work and get their stuff as well as clean water and to make a fire. She was thankful grace was looking out for her. She still questioned why she couldn't activate her ability. Maybe it was something in the knives. Maybe there was some kind of poison.
O Well, she tried. As Grace ripped her clothes and started bandaging her and applying leaves that they had gathered earlier as medicine, she heard people speaking in the distance. Grace kept cursing and someone yelled they they wanted to help as well and that they needed to treat her too.
Grace: " No, you guys fix yourselves up first while I work on Mal and then we can patch me up!"
Mal felt she was being redressed in clean clothes and finally decided to close her eyes and give up. Either she would get better or not.
Jolin hurriedly came after he patched himself and mark and started to work on Grace's head. Thankfully it wasn't that bad, or so he thought.
Jolin: "Hey man, we owe you. Thanks for your help. I don't know where they came from or what they wanted. It's clear they can't be instructors. They were seriously trying to kill us it seemed."
The other person just furrowed they brows and stayed silent for a while. Then they said he was here because of her. He pointed towards Mal and everyone suddenly got tense.