

6 beings, each of immeasurable power and presence, were facing each other. Seated on magnificent thrones, each with an appearance and aura that suited the creator of it. The man speaking currently, a bald man with a slight goatee and smiling eyes, had a throne that shone gold and would give one the urge to kneel in submission.

"I tire of the constant warfare. Despite it bringing us to this level of power, it is unfortunate to see our fellow beings slaughtered in this stalemate. I believe it will be mutually beneficial for us to hold back the rampant savagery and to progress our civilisations. We must leverage the combined intellect of our civilisations to push the boundaries of our arts. I propose, we cease this war and move to build our own empires. Each to his own."

"Bah. Those pitiful creatures are nothing like me. Might makes right in this world. If they can't survive in battle, it's better if they die. I don't appreciate dead weight. Only fresh meat. I decline" growled a cruel looking creature that was the same crimson red as the rest of its throne, emanating an aura of sheer savagery and wrath.

A being whose throne emanated a scholarly air and a curiously metallic smell spoke "I am agreed. There has been much that I've wished to research without all this pesky fighting"

Two other beings merely grunted their assent, one exhaling a baleful fiery breath, and the other with the pleasant trilling of a nightingale.

There was one, however, whose throne emanated an air that seemed deeply out of place with among the other 5, and smelled of rot and plague, and he stayed silent.

"I guess we are agreed. I have no other agenda, I will take my leave now." said the man, vanishing in a flash of golden light.

The rest of them similarly vanished in different ways, ready to enact whatever plans they had now.


"Your Majesty, how are we to govern the area you have chosen for your empire? We lack the administrative and military might to police it. An area of that size is likely to be exposed to all kinds of threats as well. Perhaps a smaller size would suffice for now?"

"You raise valid concern, but we must never step backwards as an empire, only forwards. So says I, God Emperor Hesolm. Implement a feudal system, provide basic city knowledge to all kingdoms. Let each man reign in charge of the areas he can grasp himself, as kings of their own land. I leave the details to you, old friend, but we cannot compromise on the defence of my empire. See to it with all the resources I have"

"Very well your majesty. I still think you have your own share of bad ideas"

"We'll see. You'd be surprised at the amount of thought I've put into this."

"I'm surprised anytime you think about something other food or fighting."

"Alright you old coot, that's enough. You've got work to do."

"Just thinking of the magnitude of what you've tasked me with has my old bones feeling stiff. Who asked me to be your Chancellor?"

God Emperor Hesolm, a man who has reached the absolute peak of human might, simply chuckled and reclined back in his throne, watching his old friend depart. He looked forward to how the empire might look in the future when different kingdoms competed with each other to push forward the development of the empire as a whole. A glorious sight he was sure it would be.