Chapter 2

Chen Yue woke up and felt quite weird, his body somewhat stiff but also stronger than before. Shrugging it off, he figured it was because he just became a Vampire the day before, so this could be some side effect or something.

Heading to the washroom to wash up, he looked into the mirror and saw that he had completely changed. His once black hair was now a mixture of black and white, making his hair more of a grey color, and his black eyes are now a blank red color. Not to mention that his face became much better looking.

In his opinion, he actually liked this look of his more than his old one, and it isn't just because he became more handsome. He felt like the grey hair and red eyes made him look quite badass, so he liked it.

"AI, did I change like this because I became a Vampire?" Chen Yue asked.

[Host is correct. If someone becomes a Vampire, they will always have their body changed no matter what. Each time Host will upgrade his Vampire Bloodline, his body will keep changing to look better each time.]

"So, I will basically become increasingly handsome each time I get a certain amount of Servants. Go figures, haha." Chen Yue laughs.

He felt quite good after sleeping for the night, and his mental strain has completely disappeared, making him feel refreshed and more alert, rather than tired and sluggish like how he was last night before he went to sleep.

Opening his mouth he doesn't see his fangs, but he subconsciously knows how to bring them out, which he does, making long white fangs appear in his mouth, looking quite dangerous. Just by looking at them he can tell they are incredibly sharp.

Chen Yue left the washroom and went back into his room, but once he got in there he felt a burst of hunger assault him, making him groan in annoyance. Recalling how Vampires need to drink blood as their food, he knew he would have to do it as well.

[Host needs to feed on blood for his first time now. Host has obtained a Free Mission:

-Drink blood for the first time since you turned into a Vampire.

-Rewards: Unlocking the Mission function, small increase in Stats.

-Failure: Permanently unable to use the Mission function, small loss in Stats.]

"Heh, that works for me. I needed to feed anyways, and this just gives me a bonus to doing it." Chen Yue grinned.

Although he doesn't know how strong he is right now, he can tell he should at least be as strong as a soldier, if not stronger than them right now. All of his senses also increased, and he can easily hear much further than before.

He was about to leave the house when he suddenly got a burning feeling on his body as soon as he came in contact with the light, making him jump backwards into the darkness of his house as fast as he could. Looking down at the arm that came into contact with the light, he could see it as slightly burning.

[Host has obtained the Light Resistance(1/10) Perk: Resist the Light better and not be burned heavily like before. You still get burned, but not as bad. Recommended to cover up with clothes.]

Chen Yue felt his mouth twitch and decided to test his new Perk out. Using the same arm that was burned, he put it out into the light and he could feel the burning sensation again, but it wasn't as bad as before. Though, it still burned him and hurt like hell so he quickly pulled his arm back.

Scratching his head, he went back upstairs and put on a full outfit of black clothes that cover all of his skin. For his hands he put black gloves on and he has a scarf that covers most of his face, leaving only his eyes visible.

Thankfully for him it is currently winter, so nobody would think he was dressed weirdly as a lot of people would be heavily covered like him. As he steps outside, he was glad that the sun didn't burn him anymore like before.

'I should really increase that Light Resistance Perk to 10 when I can, or else it would be hard for me to leave the house in the future.' Chen Yue thought.

Since he needs to suck the blood of somebody, he naturally wouldn't do it out in the open, so he strolled throughout the alleyways in his city for a while, and just when he was getting annoyed from not finding anybody, he finally saw a person.

He seemed to be homeless as he was dressed in torn clothes and was dirty, but he was still alive at least. Looking at how dirty the man was, Chen Yue was disgusted but he had no choice but to drink this mans blood.

Stalking up towards him, the man didn't even notice Chen Yue until he was behind him, and before he could say anything, his mouth was covered by Chen Yue who lowered his scarf and brought his fangs out before he sunk them into the neck of his first victim.

The man started struggling heavily but he couldn't overpower Chen Yue at all. He could only helplessly watch as his blood was drained from his body as he continued to feel weaker and weaker until he finally blacked out.

As for Chen Yue, although the man was really dirty, once he tasted his blood, a sweet taste entered his mouth rather than the normal metallic taste of blood, making him want to drink more and more of it. Before he even realized it, he ended up drinking all of the blood in the body of the man as he became a shriveled up corpse.

Looking down at the shriveled corpse, Chen Yue didn't feel anything but a bit of disgust. As for that panic of the first kill bullshit most people have? He doesn't feel that because he already dealt with that when he was 16 where he killed the person who killed his parents.

He might not of killed somebody since then, but he doesn't feel much but disgust on his second kill now as he knows he will kill many more people in the future anyways, so he might as well get used to it now.

[Host has completed the Free Mission and has unlocked the Mission function.]

[Host's Stats have been slightly increased.]

[Please check your Status.]

'Status.' Chen Yue thought.

[Name: Chen Yue

-Gender: Male

-Race: Vampire(0/10)

-Age: 21

-Strength: 13/1000(Mortal)

-Agility: 11/1000(Mortal)

-Dexterity: 10/1000(Mortal)

-Endurance: 10/1000(Mortal)

-Vitality: 14/1000(Mortal)

-Intelligence: 12/1000(Mortal)

-Charm: 10/1000(Mortal)

-Luck: 10/1000(Mortal)

-Soul: Mortal

-Servants: 0

-Points: 0

-World Points: 0

-Energy Points: 0

-Perks: Immortal(P), Light Resistance(1/10)

-Abilities: Blood Siphoning(1/10), Bat Transformation(1/10), Blood Burst(1/10), Cellular Destruction(1/10)]

'Although not all of my Stats increased, those that did made me feel a lot stronger than before. Sure enough, just increasing my Stats by one or two makes me much stronger than before.' Chen Yue figured.

Looking at the corpse, Chen Yue didn't really know what to do with it. He can't really just leave it here since all of the blood was drained from it, which wouldn't be good if people found that out because it would become dangerous for him then.

Chen Yue felt stupid at this point, because if he just sucked a bit of blood from the man instead of all of it, he wouldn't care even if he just left the corpse here because it would still have the blood in it and people would just think he froze to death.

[I will help Host out this time, but Host needs to deal with the bodies in the future.]

Before Chen Yue could say anything, the corpse in front of him simply disappeared, as if it wasn't there to begin with. Looking at that, his mouth merely twitched as he didn't expect this AI could do something like that so casually.

Shaking his head, he is just glad he is full now because that feeling where he had to feed was really uncomfortable and he doesn't want to feel it again anytime soon. He can tell that he won't be hungry for at least a week now, so he was glad.

Covering his face with his scarf again, he leaves the alley and heads back to his house, having nothing else to do now. Since he had already completed the given mission and he is now full, he doesn't want to stay outside longer just in case the sun gets stronger.

When he gets home he simply sits down in front of his computer and decides to read a few chapters that came up on some of the novels he reads since he just woke up an hour earlier and isn't tired at all now.