Getting to know each other

The restaurant was an upmarket one. It was one of the finest in Glasgow. He had chosen this for three reasons- he wanted to honor their date by giving it the best setting possible and the other reason was, well, he wanted to impress her; and most importantly, he wanted to do all that in private. In fact, he was a little embarrassed to admit to himself his desire to impress her but he felt remarkably like a teenager when he had been too eager and had worked really hard to impress a girl. It was a novelty for him. He knew he was labeled as a flirt by all and sundry and they were kind of right, but it had been a very long time since he had felt this way for a girl.

He didn't know what to expect this evening. He was okay to let it go the way it would. He had no expectations and that was another novelty for him. Generally he had a clear idea where the evenings were supposed to head and they usually did, more or less. But this one? No, no it was different. It felt different. He knew it was different.

He didn't know why it was that way. True, the biggest part of the mystery was how she could look exactly the way he had imagined her to be. Most people didn't agree, especially in his case, but guys could be romantic too. They too could have this image in their minds about their soul mates. And he felt incredibly lucky that he had found her!

Well, he checked himself; let's not get ahead of myself. You don't even know if she is the one. You don't even know anything about her except her name and that she is your fan. But something told him that he was right. She is the one!

Feanor was so busy pondering that he didn't notice that she had arrived. He raised his head at the sound of a polite cough and his eyes stuck on her face. My god! She looked absolutely stunning! Her face was glowing; there was no other word for it. There just wasn't any other word for it. She was wearing an off the shoulder rose pink dress that bared her arms and stopped just short of her knees. She wasn't very tall, maybe about 5'4", but her legs were shapely and her feet were shod in very neat and pretty pale pink and silver high heels. Her eyes were enhanced by kohl which brought out the brown of her irises and emphasized how long and thick her eyelashes were. The long hair was piled up in an elegant knot that showed off the grace of her throat and how creamy and flawless they were. Fixing his gaze on that he suddenly experienced such a paroxysm of lust that he was quite unnerved. He didn't know how long he sat there staring at her throat when he was again brought to earth by a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He hastily stood up, dark color scoring up his cheeks, "Apologies, my lady." He said, helping her to her chair, and for some weird reason, went theoretical. "But I must blame you for it. Your beauty left me spellbound."

She stared at him for a moment and then smiled," Very theatrical."

He laughed, "Courtesy and elegant flattery were two things we enjoyed learning the most."

"Is that what you are doing? Courting?" Her eyes guarded as she met his.

"Would you want me to?" his blue eyes were level with her brown ones.

And zap! Once again, the electricity that seemed just to be below the surface seemed to reach out and grabbed them in its grasp. They forgot everything else, drowning in each other's world. Their breaths came short, lips moistened and they were covered in a mist of longing so strong that they both were quite nonplused.

This time it was the waiter who broke the spell. The next quarter of an hour was spent in trying to concentrate on the menu and ordering the drinkables and eatables. When at last they finished ordering, he laughed.

"We really have to stop doing that. Otherwise we are going cause some serious accident."

"I hope not." She murmured, blushing slightly, having understood perfectly what he meant.

Feanor searched for a neutral topic.

"You didn't tell me, which part of Asia are you from?"

"From India. You might have heard of the place. It's called Calcutta. It's one of the first cities that the British occupied."

"Uh-ha? I have heard of it. In fact, one of my co-stars is a big fan of India. His grandfather or someone was an officer back in the time of First World War."

"Was he? In Calcutta?"

"Yes, I believe so. He himself had visited there and said it was charming and some places looked a lot like the older part of London."

"Is it? Well, it's no surprise. They actually built the city. The English. There is a little story about how it came to be."

"I'm all ears."

"Well, there were three villages, don't ask me the names, which were leased out and the city grew up there. It was East India Company's base and was the country's capital for a short while before it was shifted to Delhi. So, Calcutta was there summer capital and Delhi the winter, or maybe the other way round, I think."


"Yes, but of course it changed once we got independence. But the city is historic and plenty of structures built at that time still exist."

"Enough history lessons." He said. "I am acting in a historic drama for god's sake. Let's talk about the present and how we arrived at it."

She wiggled her eyebrows at her, which, in his opinion, made her look so cute that he was seriously challenged not to lean over the table and kiss her brow. But, he manfully restrained himself.

"Oh, I know all about you."

"You do?" he asked in some surprise.

"Oh yes, I told you I am a fan. An ardent one. One who reads and watches everything she can lay her hands on." She was obviously enjoying herself. "You have an older brother and both of you were named for Lord of the Rings characters. You joined theatre when you were only seventeen years old and have toured all over the world." She reeled off the list of his performances. Then she proceeded to list the awards he had won and were nominated for. "Also, when you were just 22 years old, you were listed in the top 10 hottest males of Scotland. Am I right?" she asked, her eyes twinkling.

It took him a few moments to recover. "Wow that is quite something. How long have you been following me? As in, you know, over, whatever source you use."