The trail

He smiled at her and as he started walking towards her she admired those long legs sheathed in a pair of chinos. The strong fair arms holding the tray and how the plain t-shirt molded the beautifully shaped muscles on his chest and arms. He set the tray at a corner table which she noticed for the first time was there and came towards her. Without any words, he took her in his arms and kissed her. It was a sweet, tender kiss that was a promise of continuation of what had been set yesterday. A sweet give and take between two people who were delirious with the wonder of the joy of finding each other.

Her head was reeling when he finished the kiss but kept her holding in the circle of his arms. He touched the tip of his nose with hers and said softly, "I see you are awake."

"Yes." She answered, very shyly. She remembered the heated kiss and embrace and everything else from last night vividly but recognizing that intimacy in the light of morning made her shy and a little uncertain.

He understood it. He set her a little away from him and took her hands in his. Slowly and tenderly, he kissed her knuckles and placed one in the center of each palm. Then he simple folded her back in his arms and held her there, not moving.

The thump of her heart against her ears and the now familiar fruity scent steadies her a bit and her tension eased a bit. She breathed in deep and burrowed closer. Standing there on the balcony, so close to the perfect guy, she felt contented and happy. In fact, she felt she couldn't be happier.

He moved back and asked her, "Better?" She nodded, "I haven't brushed my teeth."

"Oh yes. The washroom is through here." He pointed at it, drawing her inside. And your bag is in the cupboard. For the first time she noticed the furniture in the room.

"I also brought you breakfast. I say, why don't you freshen up and join me downstairs after your breakfast? I will be in the backyard. Just follow the trail." Dropping a light kiss on her lips, he left the room. Only then she remembered that she hadn't asked him where she was.

She freshened up and ate her breakfast slowly in the balcony. When she was finished, she dressed in her last night's dress and padded downstairs and went outside in the garden. She looked around. The garden seemed to be much bigger than she had thought. The air was cold and crisp and fragrant. The chirping of the birds and the weak sun lifted her mood and she breathed in deep.

Just as he had said, there was a trail leading away from the house among the trees. Feeling buoyant and enjoying the quiet walk and the beauty of her surrounding she started walking. She was feeling absolutely glorious. It was one of those days, when anything seemed possible. And, she reflected, everything is coming true. After all, she had a dream date with the man of her dreams last night, she was going on a rendezvous with him in a beautiful morning in bonny Scotland and most importantly, he seemed happy and so was she. What more could she want?