Black Pudding

"Hey. Listen. Do you mind if I give your phone number to Imogen, in case mine goes out of coverage area like the last time?" idril asked.

"No. It's alright."

They reached the small inn and he settled them down in a corner. Then, he proceeded to order them two full Scottish breakfasts. During the time it took for their food to arrive, he explained to her that "full" was exactly what she would feel by the end of it. And he wanted her to eat her fill because they were going to have a busy schedule ahead of them.

"Now, you won't be able to eat all of it. Some of these are acquired taste. Like this black pudding." He explained, pointing to a black blob. "Also, you might want to avoid the blood sausage. But the rest should be fine. Here's toast, kippers, oatcakes, potato scones, mushrooms, cheese, baked beans, cheese and butter." He finished looking expectantly at her to start.

But instead of picking up the spoon, she looked with trepidation with the large white china plate with its assorted items on it. She realized now that she should have mentioned to him that since coming here she had become a vegetarian.

"Umm, could you possibly point out the items which are not prepared with blood and meat?"

He looked a bit disconcerted but recovered quickly. "Well, then leave the kippers as well. And I thought you'd prefer orange juice rather than tea. Or do you want to go somewhere else?"

"No, no, it's fine." She hastily assured him. "It will be a new experience." And to prove that, she made a show of picking up her fork and digging in.

He hid an appreciative smile. Brave girl. He had seen her expression when the waiter had set their plates in front of them. Most if the items were unfamiliar to her and she had been apprehensive. He knew that there were some reservations in her culture regarding food but hadn't expected her to be a vegetarian. But she had shown complete faith in him and had proceeded to taste the food as he instructed. When she responded with appreciation he took that smilingly as his due. He was going to show her his country. His way of life. Because he was going to make her a part of it.

After breakfast, they set off. It was a beautiful drive to Loch Lomond Park Centre. It provided an excellent instance of the famous Scottish Highland's scenic beauty. They walked around casually, just letting the serenity and the beauty permeate them. Just like yesterday, he continued with his description of historical events that had taken place around the loch. His modulated baritone filled her with a strange sensation of fulfillment and quiet joy. They picnicked in a small secluded area surrounded by tall trees.

Finishing their lunch, they sat for a while just enjoying the beautiful surroundings. Feanor stretched out on the mat, carefully hiding his face under a cap as he espied few people passing nearby. Idril watched in amusement as he waited till they had passed completely from their vicinity before he took off the cap and closed his eyes in relaxation.

"How do you cope with this constant attention?"

"I'm nothing without my fans." He answered without opening his eyes.

"Yes." She agreed, and then teased. "Especially, when that includes lots of ladies."

"I am surrounded by beautiful ladies all the time. Much more than I sometimes care for."

"Is it? You must have had a lot of interesting incidences of fan encounters?" she was curious.

He raised one eyebrow and looked at her. "You are at the top."

"No, c'mon. Be serious." She tried to keep the pleasure out of her voice.

He closed his eyes again, settling himself more comfortably. "It isn't difficult when you know how to handle women."

"You do? How to manage women?"

"Yes. You just have to know where and how to draw the line, without offending. And I am very good at it."

Oh? That was cynical. And hurtful, she thought. He considers himself a.........…

As the afternoon wore on, he took her shopping in the small shops surrounding the loch as promised, walking hand in hand, and browsing the small shops selling different merchandise. She brought several small mementos to be given as gifts to her cousins. Then she shopped for her family. She usually preferred to shop alone but with Feanor made the whole event exciting and highly enjoyable.