
Kate's face was a study in scarlet. She clearly hadn't expected Idril to attack her. But Idril knew such characters. She never gave sweet talking back stabbers like Kate any chance. She was smart to understand that Kate was jealous and also angry at Feanor at the same time. And since none of her antics were affecting Feanor in any way, she was aiming Idril.

However, Idril was impressed by how the older woman kept her cool in face of such open hostility from her. Although her black eyes flashed, the smile never left the brunette face.

"Idril, I think there has been a misunderstanding here. I am not your enemy and I am not jealous of you guys. Feanor and I dated a long time ago and we both are over each other." She took a deep breath. "I admit I was a little angry with him, but its so long ago that it doesn't matter any more. Unfortunately", Kate glanced at Feanor, "he still thinks I blame him for how he almost ruined my reputation."

Idril might have believed Kate's sincere tone had she not heard first hand the exchange between the latter and Feanor. But, she was also eager to know more about what conspired between Kate and Feanor those years ago which made Feanor react so badly every time something came up about it. So Idril decided to play along.

She said softly. "I hear its the other way around."

Kate shook her head sadly. "I know. Its always the woman's fault. Never the man's. and how could the golden boy of Frasier be wrong in any thing? Who would believe the teenage who had been in and out of rehab believe that the great Feanor Frasier was equally messed up?"

"What do you mean?" Idril knew by showing her interest she was encouraging Kate but her curiosity was getting the better of her.

Suddenly, as if on cue, Feanor looked towards them. To say his gaze was burning was an understatement. He zeroed in on Kate and there was such ferocity in his eyes that Kate involuntarily shuddered. She turned pale and got up from the sofa. Turning her back on Feanor,she said in a low voice to Idril, "Find me in the outhouse tomorrow morning after breakfast." With that Kate scurried out of the building.

She knew she couldn't trust Kate about anything. She intended to heed Feanor's warning about her. But she was too curious. So she decided to keep her appointment with Kate next morning.