Strange Expression


He cursed himself for the umpteenth time. He should have thought through his decision to invite Idril to the wedding. Truth was, he had got so swept up by the events and his desperate attempt to hold on to Idril, he had totally forgot about Kate. It can't be helped now. Come what may, he just had to grin and bear it.

He briefly considered whether to come clean about everything to Idril, but what stopped was the reaction he was surely going to get. He aimed a bitter laugh at himself. Who wouldn't?

Feanor looked at Idril. His eyes lingered at the creamy expanse of her seemly neck to the slight swell of her breasts visible, and made a promise to himself. He had to keep idril away from Kate at all costs. She was too pure, too innocent for the world, and he intended to keep her that way for the rest of his life, no matter the sacrifice. If he had to lie, bribe, do anything, he would, he realized with a jolt.

He glanced around and noticed Peter looking at him speculatively. Flicking a warning glance at him, he turned towards Idril and took her left palm in his. He suddenly needed to hold her.

She looked at him and smiled. The smile was full of love for him but with a hint of trepidation,a s if she was not sure of his feelings. His heart melted. Stupid girl, if only she knew what she meant to him.

To show her that, he brought her palm to his lips and kissed the inside of her palm. His mouth slid down and rested at her wrist. An involuntary smile tugged at his lips. Her breath had quickened, how easy it was to make her respond to him. His tongue came out and licked at the tiny pulse. He felt her shudder and looked up to her, smiling. She looked back at him, eyes clouded with desire and something else he couldn't fathom.

There was a sound of scrapping of chair legs and the spell as broken. Yet, he held her gaze, daring her to look away from him. Suddenly the desire to taste her became unbearable. He tugged her gently so she fell towards him. Her fragrant breath all over him. On his own volition, his lips came down and softly brushed her lips. At that moment, he didn't care that he could feel every one in the table were looking at them except, who had vacated her seat.