Buy 2 Get 1 (--___--)

Boky looks long enough pensive, but his eyes look more calm ..

"Hey, System or whatever your name is. What does all this mean? I'm sure you know everything," Boky said.

"Ding! The question can be explained in a Short or detailed, short explaination cost 1 Answer while detail cost 2 Answers. Please choose" ..

Boky thinks that everything that he experiences is very strange and terrible, and seeing the flow that occurs the situation can get worse.

Information is the main thing that he needs to deal with all this, with a complete information he can do the right analysis to further plan steps and decisions with wise choices and little risk.

"I choose a detailed answer," Boky said ...

"Ding! Processing Answer in 3..2..1"

"This Planet is called Dygtiz" System says ...

"WTF, so this isn't on earth?" (---__---) boky said with a pale face ..

"Planet Earth was destroyed when you were unconscious due to a meteor bigger than the sun crashing on the earth" the system said in a monologue tone ..

"That's ... That's ... impossible !!!!" boky shouted hysterically..

"The Earth Has Been Destroyed by Its Creator, so there is no reason not to accept it. Everything has been arranged from the beginning of creation" System says ..

"Planet Dygtiz was initially fine, but due to a fatal error that I cannot explain (Authorization Denied). The planet underwent an evolution that is very different from the planet Earth. The structure of living things, inanimate objects, the natural environment and others have different differences. significant at some points when compared to the earth. Easier to say that the earth is a normal planet beyond the grade classification of planets with a certain class. While the planet Dygtiz including planets that already have a class, even though classified as a lower class planet "System says ..

"The fatal error that occurred cannot be fixed directly by the watchkeeper of this world, therefore it requires the medium indirectly to fix it. You are the only human who received the contract at the right time, so all of that is unintentional and you can assume you are lucky enough not to be destroyed along with other humans on earth "the system says ..

"Lucky my ass !!!" Boky thought while rolling his eyes ..

"In the process of transmigrating you to this world there is also an error where your house is carried away, your luck is good enough so that it doesn't die immediately eaten by zombies after transmigration" The system says ..

"# @ $$% # @ !! ##" Boky curse ...

"As you can see for yourself that this world is hit by a virus that causes most of its creatures to become zombies and mutations in animals and monsters and other strange things that you can find yourself" the system says ..

"Stupid system, who in the right mind wants to meet with all those monsters," Boky thought.

"This world adopts the law of the jungle, where the strong live while the weak perish and all living creatures here compete to evolve. Evolution of zombies, animals, plants and monsters is faster than other creatures, so for those who do not adapt and evolve ever closer with his death. " the system says ..

"fuck" Boky cursed .. "is this a system that could read my mind?" Boky thought ..

"Evolution that occurs in humans only appears with a small number compared to other creatures, this is what triggers your summon to this world to help the crisis that befall into this world," the system says ..

"This evolution can occur if the conditions are in accordance with the amount of your survival experience, training and the number of zombies and monsters that you destroy as well as other factors. To check the progress you are experiencing you simply say: Status, and the interface screen will appear as in the game. Inside the body zombies and monsters that you kill will have surprises that can improve progress of your evolution if you are lucky "the system says ..

"Ding: Answer Complete, Good Luck!"

"Oh, so it's like this", Boky thought .. Boky tried to take 3x long breaths to calm his mind ..

After calm down the first thing he did was ... "Status!" Boky says ...

Then the interface screen emerged similar of rpg game with a sky blue back ground ...

Level : 2 Experince for next level up: 0/10

Name : Boky

Race : Human (Too normal / Ordinary Fatty)

Class : None

Title : None

HP : 100

MP : 10

( Stats )

Strength : 10

Agility : 10

Vitality : 10

Intelligent : 10

Perception : 10

Luck : 7

(Available point to distribute: 0)


Passive Skill :



Active Skill:


"# @ $% $ @ $$$ @ This fucking system, what's wrong with my race why is Too Normal / Ordinary Fatty" Boky cursed ..

"I'd better open all the unread messages" Boky thought ...

the first message, Click.


{Congratulation on becoming a host system}

{This system will support the growth of Host}

{Failure to follow system instructions will result in loss of reward and may result in penalty}

"okay, this is like an initial introduction message", boky thought ..

the second message, Click.


{The following rewards of the first quest are available}

{Would you like to confirm the rewards?}

"Yes", Boky said ...

Reward 1. Basic Survival kit

Reward 2. Special Items

{Would you like to collect them all?}

"Yes", Boky said ...

Boky then saw the detailed explanation of the rewards he received

"Good, it's very necessary to deal with unexpected conditions", Boky said ..

"This 4D pocket looks like a Doraemon gadget, Maybe this is the item I chose on the laptop last night", boky thought ..

the third message, Click.


{Congratulation for your first Title "Noob Butcher"}

{Would you like to confirm the rewards?}

"Yes", Boky said ...

{Would you like to equip title?}

"Yes", Boky said ...

Boky then saw the detailed explanation of the first Title "Noob Butcher" he received

"the fuck with the heart of a Butcher (--_____--)" boky thought ..

the fourth message, Click.


{The following rewards of first kill & level up are available}

{Would you like to confirm the rewards?}

"Yes", Boky said ...

Reward 1. One random box

Reward 2. One Additional Stat Point

Reward 3. Three Additional Stat Points

{Would you like to collect them all?}

"Yes", Boky said ...

Boky then saw the detailed explanation of the rewards he received, One random box (Super Glove)

"This ... This ... 4d pocket from the previous reward and this reward isn't Doraemon gadget?" Boky thought ...

Boky then began to organize his thoughts ...

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Native language:

Terlihat Boky cukup lama termenung, namun tatapan matanya terlihat lebih tenang..

"Hey, System atau apapun namamu. Apa maksud dari semua ini? Aku yakin kau pasti mengetahui semuanya" Boky bilang..

"Ding! Pertanyaan tersebut dapat dijelaskan dengan singkat atau detail, singkat berharga 1 Jawaban sedangkan detail berharga 2 Jawaban. Silahkan memilih"..

Boky berfikir bahwa segala hal yang dia alami sangat aneh dan mengerikan, dan melihat alur yang terjadi keadaan bisa menjadi semakin memburuk.

Informasi adalah hal utama yang dia perlukan untuk menghadapi semua ini, dengan informasi yang lengkap maka dia dapat melakukan analisa yang tepat untuk selanjutnya merencanakan langkah dan keputusan dengan pilihan yang bijak dan sedikit resiko.

"Gue pilih jawaban yang detail" boky bilang..

"Ding! Processing Answer in 3..2..1"

"Planet ini Bernama Dygtiz" System bilang..

"WTF, jadi ini bukan dibumi?" (---__---) boky bilang dengan wajah pucat..

"Planet Bumi sudah hancur saat kamu tidak sadarkan diri akibat meteor yang lebih besar dari matahari menerjang bumi" system bilang dengan nada monologue..

"itu.. Itu.. tidak mungkin!!!!" teriak boky sambil hysteris

"Bumi Sudah dijadwalkan Hancur oleh Penciptanya, jadi tidak ada alasan untuk tidak menerimanya. Semua sudah diatur dari awal penciptaan" System bilang..

"Planet Dygtiz ini awalnya baik-baik saja, namun karena terjadi kesalahan fatal yang tidak dapat aku jelaskan (Authorization Denied). Planet ini mengalami evolusi yang sangat berbeda dengan planet bumi. Struktur makhluk hidup, benda mati, lingkungan alam dan lainnya memiliki perbedaan yang significant pada beberapa point bila dibandingkan dengan bumi. Lebih mudahnya dapat dikatakan bahwa bumi merupakan planet normal diluar grade klasifikasi planet dengan kelas tertentu. Sedangkan planet Dygtiz termasuk planet yang sudah memiliki kelas, walaupun tergolong planet kelas bawah" System bilang..

"Kesalahan fatal yang terjadi tidak dapat di perbaiki langsung oleh pengawas dunia ini, oleh karena itu diperlukan media secara tidak langsung untuk memperbaikinya. Kamu adalah satu-satunya manusia yang menerima kontrak tersebut pada waktu yang tepat, jadi semua itu tanpa sengaja dan kamu bisa menganggap kamu cukup beruntung tidak ikut musnah bersama manusia bumi lainnya" system bilang..

"Beruntung palalu peyang!!!" Boky fikir sambil memutar matanya..

"Pada proses transmigrasi kamu ke dunia ini juga terjadi kesalahan dimana rumahmu ikut terbawa, keberuntunganmu cukup bagus sehingga tidak langsung mati dimakan zombie setelah transmigrasi" System bilang..

"#@$$%#@!!##" Boky mengumpat..

"Seperti kamu saksikan sendiri bahwa dunia ini dilanda virus yang mengakibatkan sebagian besar makhluk hidupnya menjadi zombie dan mutasi pada hewan dan monster serta hal aneh lainnya yang dapat kamu temukan sendiri" system bilang..

"System bodoh, siapa juga orang waras yang mau bertemu dengan semua monster itu" boky fikir..

"Dunia ini ini mengadopsi hukum rimba, dimana yang kuat hidup sedangkan yang lemah musnah dan semua makhlup hidup disini berlomba untuk berevolusi. Evolusi pada zombie, Hewan, tumbuhan dan monster lebih cepat dibanding makhluk lainnya, Jadi untuk yang tidak segera beradaptasi dan berevolusi semakin dekat dengan kematiannya." system bilang..

"fuck" Boky mengumpat.. "ini system jangan-jangan bisa baca fikiran gue" Boky fikir..

"Evolusi yang terjadi pada manusia hanya muncul dengan angka yang kecil dibandingkan dengan makhluk lainnya, ini yang memicu pemanggilan kamu ke dunia ini untuk membantu krisis yang menimpa pada dunia ini" system bilang..

"Evolusi ini dapat terjadi bila kondisinya sesuai dengan banyaknya pengalamanmu bertahan hidup, latihan dan banyaknya zombie dan monster yang kamu musnahkan serta faktor lainnya. Untuk mengecek perkembangan yang kamu alami kamu cukup ucapkan: Status, dan akan muncul layar interface seperti pada game. Didalam tubuh zombie dan monster yang kamu bunuh akan terdapat kejutan yang dapat meningkatkan evolusimu bila kamu beruntung" system bilang..

"Ding: Answer Complete, Semoga Beruntung!"

"Oh, jadi seperti ini kenyataannya", Boky fikir.. Boky mencoba mengambil nafas panjang 3x untuk menenangkan fikirannya..

Setelah tenang hal yang pertama kali dia lakukan adalah.. "Status!" Boky Bilang..

Kemudian muncullah layar interface seperti game dengan back ground warna biru langit…

Level : 2 Experince for next level up: 0/10

Name : Boky

Race : Human (Too normal / Ordinary Fatty)

Class : None

Title : None

HP : 100

MP : 10

( Stats )

Strength : 10

Agility : 10

Vitality : 10

Intelligent : 10

Perception : 10

Luck : 7

(Available point to distribute: 0)


Passive Skill :



Active Skill:


"#@$%$@$$$@ This fucking system, apa yang salah dengan race gue kenapa Too normal / Ordinary Fatty" Boky mengumpat..

"lebih baik gue buka semua pesan yang belum dibaca ini" Boky fikir..

the first message, Click.


{Congratulation on becoming a system host}

{System ini akan mendukung pertumbuhan dari Host}

{Gagal mengikuti petunjuk system akan menyebabkan hilangnya reward dan dapat menimbulkan penalty}

"okay, ini seperti pesan pengenalan awal", boky fikir..

the second message, Click.


{The following rewards of first quest are available}

{Would you like to confirm the rewards?}

"Yes", boky bilang..

Reward 1. Basic Survival kit

Reward 2. Special Item

{Would you like to collect them all?}

"Yes", boky bilang..

Boky kemudian melihat detail penjelasan rewards yang dia terima

"Bagus, ini perlu sekali untuk menghadapi kondisi tidak terduga", boky bilang..

"4D pocket ini mirip-mirip alatnya doraemon, jangan-jangan ini item yang gue pilih di laptop tadi malam", boky fikir..

the third message, Click.


{Congratulation for your first Title "Noob Butcher"}

{Would you like to confirm the rewards?}

"Yes", boky bilang..

{Would you like to equip title?}

"Yes", boky bilang..

Boky kemudian melihat detail penjelasan first Title "Noob Butcher" yang dia terima

"the fuck with berhati jagal" (--_____--) boky fikir..

the fourth message, Click.


{The following rewards of first kill & level up are available}

{Would you like to confirm the rewards?}

"Yes", boky bilang..

Reward 1. One random box

Reward 2. One Additional Stat Point

Reward 3. Three Additional Stat Point

{Would you like to collect them all?}

"Yes", boky bilang..

Boky kemudian melihat detail penjelasan rewards yang dia terima, One random box (Super Glove)

"ini.. ini.. 4d pocket dari reward sebelumnya dan reward ini bukankah Doraemon gadget?" Boky fikir..

Boky kemudian Mulai mengorganisasi fikirannya…

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