
"So when did you get to New York?" Rui asked, unusually cheerfully.

"I came straight from the airport to your room, so less than two hours ago" Natsuo answered, also unusually cheerfully.

The reformed couple was in an excellent mood, continuing their walk.

"Do you have a place to spend the night? And how long do you plan to stay?" the last bit sounded less cheerful, confronted with the question how long her freshly recovered boyfriend would keep her company.

Natsuo got serious too "Well, I don't have a place to spend the night yet but that won't be a problem I'll just find some cheap inn. As to how long I intend to stay.. I actually thought a lot about that on the plane. I really don't want to go back to being seperated, even though I think our relationship would survive it without a problem now. I was actually thinking about staying until you finished your training here."

Natsuo smiled as he saw Rui's expression turn to pure joy only to become worried after a second "But what about college? You can't just stay here for half a year!"

"Actually, I think there's no good reason why not. I'm in college because I want to become a novelist, but in my current condition I can't really write anyways. Also, I went to college to gather experiences just as much as to learn, and I think staying in New York for half a year can provide me with tons of interesting experiences. If I can find a place to stay and a job, there shouldn't be anything in the way! If anything, my chances of getting rid of my writer's block are probably better here, where I am with you!" Natsuo's heart felt warm seeing Rui's big eyes fill with joy once again, this time not vanishing. He kissed her.

When he parted from her, Rui turned slightly red, stopped and said "You know, if we go back now we'll still have some time till my roommate gets back..".

Upon hearing that, Natsuo turned slightly red as well, stopped, turned around and started walking back without saying a word.

It was a nice and warm Saturday. The sun shone from a beautiful blue sky partially covered by a few small white clouds. As there were no plants nearby, there was only a slight rushing of the wind.

Enjoying the amazing weather, a cute couple sat at one of the tables outside a cafe. After a while, Natsuo took out a few pieces of paper and a precious pen, a gift he had once received from the most important person on the world, Rui.

"You'll try to write?" she asked.

"I will. When I looked outside before visiting you I just felt like I needed to share this joy I feel. I get to go on a date with my girlfriend on a day as beautiful as this in a nice cafe. I couldn't think of something to improve if I wanted to! This kind of feeling is what I want to convey with my stories. I actually think I will be able to write a good story. One that shows how happy the person you love can make you. How happy you can make me!"

Rui blushed "You better not fail now. I wanna read it! And it better be good!"

Natsuo smiled "It's about you, isn't it? How could it possibly not be good?" After that, they just sat there for a while, enjoying the sunlight, Natsuo writing his story, occasionally looking at the main source for his inspiration, Rui looking at her boyfriend, wondering every time he looked up to stare at her what he was writing about, what the sight of her made him think. After an hour Rui noted "You don't seem to have any problems with writer's block!".

Natsuo looked up, his concentrated expression giving way to a very very happy one "I don't. I can write just fine! And realizing that just makes me even happier, so I can write even better. I'm almost finished, too. I truly hope I managed to capture this incredible atmosphere!"

Rui looked at him, cheeks turning a little red "I want a kiss! For inspiring you!"

Natsuo kissed her "And I feel like kissing you a hundred times!" Rui blushed a little further hearing that, but instead of kissing her ninety-nine more times, Natsuo just started writing again. Having finished his story, when Natsuo looked up the next time he got to see an even cuter face than before. "You're truly astonishingly cute when you're sulking, you know that?" he stated, resulting in what he had thought to be impossible, a once again even cuter face as Rui started sulking even more.

"I'm sorry.. but its true! Whats the matter? Did I say something wrong?"

"You said you felt like kissing me a hundred times... but you only kissed me once!"

Natsuo laughed, resulting in Rui pouting again. Then he kissed her – maybe not a hundred times, but definitely more than once.

The next day the weather wasn't good at all. It was supposed to rain all day, the clouds not once opening up to show some blue sky. But it was a Sunday and Natsuo had gotten some very good news in the morning, so there was no way that would keep him from spending the day with Rui. Just when he wanted to call her to make some plans, she called him.

"Good morning Rui"

"Morning Natsuo – I... I want to do something together in spite of the bad weather."

"I was just about to call you because I was thinking the same thing. There's something I want to tell you anyways. I actually even have an idea already. Remember when we wanted to go to an aquarium for our first date? We eventually never got around to visit one! It's perfect for the weather, too."

"Sounds great"

"Eh.. alright. Lets meet up at the cafe from yesterday in half an hour then okay?"

"See you then. Bye"


Natsuo was a little disappointed by Rui's plane answer. She didn't seem nearly as happy about finally going to the aquarium as he had thought she would be. But then again even a normal date with Rui was absolutely amazing, so it didn't have to be special.

He only noticed how wrong he was regarding Rui not being happy about going to the aquarium when he saw her waiting for him at the cafe. He hadn't taken into consideration that Rui simply wasn't the kind of person to make shouts of joy over something, even if she really was happy about it. Over the phone he didn't really notice, but seeing the usually so calm Rui standing there, barely able to keep still, running towards him as soon as she saw him, he knew she was happy.

It turned out Rui's choice of visiting an aquarium for a date could hardly have been any better, and Rui and Natsuo had a great time together. There was a huge room that was completely surrounded by an even bigger aquarium, with benches, atmospheric lighting and generally everything you need. The couple sat down there for a while.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Rui asked while taking in the impressive scenery. "Oh yeah I have some good news! It looks like I'll have an apartment soon." Natsuo replied.

"I thought you struggled with even finding a cheap room because of the high prices here?" Rui wanted to know.

"Well, in a way I have you to thank for it once again. Remember the short story I wrote yesterday? I added a few bits and pieces you're sulking inspired me to and mailed it to Tsutaya in the evening. He is absolutely delighted. This morning he basically assaulted me with praise and questions. According to him, it is far better than anything else I've written so far, including the story I won the award with. He wanted to..."

"So its better than the story you wrote about Hina-nee?" Rui interrupted him

"Well, yes, yes it is."

"So you're best story is about me now?" Rui made a happy expression.

Natsuo kissed her "That was only a matter of time. You're the person I care about the most on this world after all"

Rui blushed "I love you!"

"I love you too Rui!"

They kissed again.

"So what does that have to do with you finding an apartment?" Rui asked after a while.

"Tsutaya wanted to know what happened to take me from not being able to write at all the last time I saw him to the story I sent him yesterday. When I told him about how I was in New York visiting my girlfriend and how I would like to stay for a few month but can't find a cheap room he said he'd get me one. He told me that the new continent and my girlfriend obviously do wonders for my writing so it's in his best interest, but I think he also still feels guilty about the publication of my book. Either way it's amazing!"

"It really is" Rui said, for some reason blushing a little. After enjoying watching the fish for a few more minutes, Rui asked, blushing even more "Natsuo?"

"What is it Rui?"

"If you really find a place to stay here for the next few month, I want to move in with you. I've thought about it since you told me you wanted to stay until i finished my training. Nobody here knows us – there's really no reason not to"

Natsuo stared at her "You're right! Nobody here knows us – and our parents won't come visit either. We actually can live together here! I didn't even consider that. That's an amazing idea!"

"So you're okay with it?" Rui asked shyly.

Somehow, Natsuo only now realized that this meant they would actually live together. He blushed as well "Of course I'm okay with it. It's basically a dream come true right?"

Rui kissed him "Then lets hope Tsutaya really gets you an apartment – fast!"