There has been a few months since she returned from New Years... and broken up with Natsuo. Rui wondered what he'd be up to right now? Getting ready for bed most likely, after a long day of school or club or whatever he was up to... probably with that Miyabi girl he seemed so fond of.
She'd had plenty of time to think about how their breakup played out, and she came to the conclusion while both made mistakes, she was undoubtedly the one who was at fault over it. She'd been so hurt that he wouldn't confide in her, that he felt he needed to protect her, that she didn't even consider what he was going through. What kind of a girlfriend or even sister was she when she was so selfish? So she left him, to spare him of her troubles and pain. They'd both left him, her and Hina, under the pretext of Natsuo's benefit, so why did it... hurt so badly.
Rui blinked tears out of her eyes again, as she arrived at at work. Kajita appeared to be waiting for her at the entrance, an increasingly frequent gesture that he'd started to do, amongst other things, which were endearing in their own way. They'd been on a couple of "dates" I suppose you could call them but they'd never held hands or kissed, so ironically he was way more like a brother then... Natsuo ever was. Thinking of him always filled her chest with hurt, and that much was obvious to Kajita who opened his mouth to say "does my presence really upset you that much Tachibana San?" Pouting, she replied with "no, I was thinking about other stuff," and left it at that. As they slipped into the place they worked, he said "well you can make it up to me then. Let's go for a walk through Central Park tonight." She pondered this request for a moment, somewhat sad because honestly that's the kind of thing she would have loved to do with Natsuo had he been here, so against her judgement she said "Ok, I suppose."
After the long work day, she was ready to go home and get cleaned up, it was early evening now with the sun getting a bit lower. Exiting the building of her work place she noticed someone get out of a limo, which wasn't that uncommon, but what surprised her was when he began to approach the hotel. Whoever the man was began to get absolutely swarmed by a crowd, which was unusual. Famous guests usually took the back entrance or had security ready them a path, so whoever it was had been unprepared to be accosted by so many people. Her curiosity may have even enticed her to find out what was causing the commotion, but at the moment she had other things on her mind.
She was acutely aware Kajita had been growing feelings for her, and while he was a big idiot and has a sweet side to him, he wasn't who she loved. The brother thought came to her again, and she decided since she couldn't be mature with Natsuo she'd start here, she'd let him know that's where her feelings for him lied tonight. She didn't want anyone else to get hurt by her indecisiveness and trust issues. After a bit of navigating past the mob, she hurried to where she was residing.
After getting home, She put on some okay attire for the cool weather and then Kajita picked her up. They walked in almost total silence with a heavy air around the two of them, she wondered if it was clashing expectations. She had to say what she needed to today, no matter what. They arrived and he offered his arm to walk with, which she replied by walking on ahead of him with an annoyed face. Annoyingly he seemed to appreciate the gesture with a very light blush and a smile. They walked for a while looking at the beauty of the park, a small snowman was made by a bench as they stood by a tree, and it was peaceful.
She realized it was a full moon and felt a bit sad, fingering her necklace she was thinking of Natsuo. Kajita seemed to pickup on this, and she guessed at other times, and begged the question "why do you always fiddle with necklace when you're with me? Nervous Tachibana San?" The nerve of him, saying this entirely deadpanned and without any hint of joking, she slapped him across the face before apologizing by falling to her knees, she didn't mean to hit him. He offered her his hand to get up in reply, stating "no, it's okay. You still feel something for your old boyfriend it seems. But you've broken up now, so how do you feel about me?"
The question caught her off guard, this was exactly what she wanted to tell him, that he was a brother figure and not the kind of brother I want to date. She blushed, panicking as to what to say, when he flat out said "kiss me. It'll show... exactly how we both feel." She wanted to say no, she wanted to protest... but... but...