Press Conference (2)

Checking the quest log, the team navigated through the camp towards another bunker. The guards checked their ID and allowed them to enter. Inside a female officer was seen talking with few other people, upon seeing the team, she went towards them.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hello, we are here to take permit for diver gears, this is Lt. commander's permit."

The man showed a transparent screen to the officer which had some details written about their mission and had the imprint of the Lt. Commander. Checking the screen, the officer gave them five permits and saluted them.

Returning the salute, the team went out from the bunker towards the water way nearby. There small single sitter water bike type vehicles were parked under watch of the guard team. The officer in-charge verified the documents and allowed them to man each bike. They started the bike and started following the water way towards the fort. After going a bit far, they dived underwater.

The screen showed the underwater environment. The dim light from the vehicle showed many different fishes and underwater plants in the water way.

The scene changed, now it showed the team swimming underwater. In front of them was a water duct. One of the member cut a wires on the duct and everyone went inside it. The swimmer in front followed the map given to them from the base to navigate through the ducts, since the duct was connected to many other similar ducts it seemed. After a while they came in front of a small pipe line. The team again checked their gears and attached a propeller to their gear.

Now one of them connected a disk on the pipe's door and they went back a little bit. The disk activated and cut through the door, at the same time, each member had a timer activated on their HUD that counted down for 1 minute. They all activated their propeller and one by one went inside.

swimming for around 43 seconds they found another door that they cut and went out. the total time they took on this was 54 seconds.

The place they came out from was a dimly lighted room that had some machinery working automatically, there was no one in the room other than themselves. They put away the gears they were wearing in their inventory and checked their map.

"All right, we need to move to the room which is 2 rooms away from this one, everyone enable stealth gears and energy detectors, we'll sneak through the rooms to the air duct."

On the first person, screen now showed everything in black, with all machinery lightly lighted up, while the team was not shown. It seemed the stealth gear masked their energy signatures as well.

The team moved on towards the door, using energy sensors, they detected some robotic scanner bots checking the area. Stealthily avoiding them, they went to the room with the air duct entrance. After opening the duct, they went inside and followed the path to the sub-system room. From the duct, the room showed 12 energy signatures at different corners of the room.

The team separated to different duct channel openings and crept beside the security personal. The screen showed them taking out a kind of rod and touching the people with it's open end, anyone touched by it died immediately, but the item was discarded, signifying that it was a one time use item. taking care of the security, the team came near the system console. One of the girls starting typing on the keyboard while the other one was connecting different device to the system and operating them.

After few minutes of hacking, the system went under their control and they operated the defenses to open the locks to let the army come in. At this time, they all got a notification on their HUD.

Quest objective 1 complete.

Stage reward received: 5600 exp, 500 merit point.

At this moment, the screens stopped showing the video and went black, Mr. Wilson took the stage again.

"This was a small part of the scenario mission that we tested on during out alpha test. We will not show the mainframe disabling part or the boss fight since this will be one of the main scenario in one the the starting planets that players will start in. So, we hope the players will figure the hard part themselves rather than us showing them."

A round of applause went again in the hall, everyone seemed excited. The reporters kept keeping notes of what was shown. Even though the clip was a small part, it showed how Chaos looked like reality, from a game's side, many things were not shown but the people hoped to get answers of their questions and that Chaos will really be what Serenity promised to people.

"Yes yes, I know all of you are very excited to get your hands on chaos and start your journey, but before that, I shall tell you some things related to it which are normal knowledge you will find. There's no reason for us to hide them since knowing them will prepare you to think of how you want the journey to be. First, we announced that EHF and us have joined in to discover Chaos. As anything in Chaos is almost replicable in reality, therefore when you learn of such technologies, you can apply to EHF to become one of the pioneers of that technology. Depending on the usage of the technology you will be rewarded resources and contribution points."

"As of now, All citizens of earth will have level 1 citizenship. As you contribute to EHF, you will receive more resource as your level increases. You might wonder what kind of resource, let me tell you, due to almost everything in Chaos being real, it is possible for humanity to evolve and become the strongest race. We will also explore the real creation as we gather more resource and technology. Therefore, I hope everyone will try their best to learn from Chaos and apply in reality."

The hall started buzzing with discussion, if what he said is true, then the possibilities are endless!

"Now, let me talk a bit about what you will face about when you go inside the game. These are a bit important for everyone since you will be born in Chaos, so you will only have one avatar in there. Any kind of restart or recreation do not exist. So make your choice carefully, as you will have to live your life in there with it."

Everyone started focusing on him now, since they have to contribute to mankind through Chaos, it will literally be another life for them, they can't help but focus as the company did not posted details about the game on their website, they wanted to explain everything today.

"I will first clarify something, the developers will also play the game alongside you. Don't worry though, we won't have any special start or anything different from you. We used a totally different system to create this world, so even we don't know what is inside it. Every developer, in terms of in game development, only a few trials and quests are what we made inside the games which will be used to various events, in which we won't participate. Or rather, we can't as we will have different roles in them. So in terms of exploring Chaos, we are as new as you are. And what we already know, we are going to share with you today."

This was a surprise for the audience, but they found it reasonable. After all Chaos replicated the reality itself, humanity who don't understand creation can't manually create it at all.

"Currently with the resources available in Earth, we can create only one galaxy to accommodate our expedition. later on as we can gather more resources from our galaxy, we will upgrade the server and someday hope to hold the entire reality in it!"

The audience cheered up at this announcement. After all, to have a reality in a server where they can do everything they want without affecting their own reality is a novel concept.

"Also, as Chaos is also a reality, the residents inside it are real people, not programmed robotic being. They have their own emotions and intelligence. So, treat them as such, or it will be you who will face problems. Now let's begin with what happens when you first log into the game."