Chapter 10: Preparation

The library is a large tower facility facing east located behind the main chamber of practice in the manor, since generally after reading manuals people go to the chamber to practice what they have learnt. Behind it is the tutor facility, where the older generation teaches the younger.

West side of the chamber is the garden area of the manor, where generally banquets are hosted, surrounded by many trees where countless beautiful flowers bloom, making the atmosphere joyous.

I followed the road to arrive at the library. The outside is colored in white with some small decorations done of it with golden line. There are many words written in different languages that have been lost through the passage of time on the decorations. The door looks like a simple one, however it is made of material that is very hard to break even for a seedling grade powerhouse. The door is also equipped with instruments to detect who is trying to enter, their permission level etc. Without proper permission from the main system of the manor, the door won't open, but since I had permission from father, it allowed me in without any problem.

Inside is a small corridor which ends at several elevator doors. There are total 15 floors of the library, each containing separated topic of interest. For now, I need to go to the second floor where survival based skills are stored. Calling down an elevator, I arrived at a room with countless table and chairs separated by membranes which are soundproof and blocks other parties vision. This makes sure no one can learn what others are reading about.

I just randomly chose one spot to sit and an interface opened up in front of me asking to choose searching parameters. Putting survival there, the interface showed several books containing skills about it.

[Skill book: Sense

Allows to sense presence of existences nearby.]

[Skill book: Hide presence

Thin out your presence to not alert others nearby yourself.]

[Skill book: Camping

Allows to build camps with efficiency]

[Skill book: Survival cooking

Food is necessary for survival, may upgrade to cooking.]

[Skill book: Trap making

Nothing better than a stag trapped and waiting for you to roast it.]

[Skill book: Trap disarming

Don't want to lose a leg or two now do we?]

[Skill book: Hunting

Who can survive better? A hunter or a prey?]

[Skill book: Fishing

Who can say if you will fish out a treasure chest?]

[Skill Book:Harvesting

Harvest resources from plants.]

[Skill Book: Skinning

Skin dead bodies of living beings to gain materials.]

[Skill Book: Mining

Gain minerals from mining.]

[Skill Book: Butchering

Butcher animals to gain cooking ingredients.]

Some of the basic necessities of the survival skills present among the others, I chose to learn these all, since you do not have any limit of learning skills, meaning other than few class restricted skills, all other are available for you to learn. There are some other skills available too, but I couldn't learn them being at level 1, maybe some other time. Now it's time to head to battle section on the fourth floor. First I needed to be agile, so typing footwork on search, I had to choose something useful for me. Battle skills and lightness skills can evolve from one to another depending on my comprehension, so I didn't need to learn too much, only what I might be suited for. However, being at lv1, I can only learn one skill, it is a basic footstep skill available for every player.

[Skill Book: Light step

Increase agility by 10% per level for 30 seconds, allows evasive maneuver.]

At lv1, no player can access any elemental attribute, so the only skills players can learn are skills that contains simple intent and focus on the physical body more. For weaponry skills, players had to learn the basic weapon wielding skills at lv1, of which they may choose as many as they wish, but it is recommended to learn one of each type. I chose to learn spear, archery and weapon throwing skills.

Each of these skills increase the respective weapon proficiency by 1000, which allows the proficiency to reach lv1, allowing 10% increased damage, 3% crit hit rate and 5% accuracy of the said weapon type, at lv0 no buffs are applied to weapons making players without any experience of the said weapon find it very hard to wield the weapon. Then they would have to use it and train to increase the proficiency points, such as hitting a dummy with the weapon, the system would calculate how much points one receive depending on the accuracy, power behind the usage and many more parameters, of course, slaying creatures will award more points than hitting a dummy.

Proficiency level 1 to 9 are trainees, who receive rather simple buff per level of the weapon, from level 10 to 19 are students, they gain resistance from the said weapon attacks as well. As the higher the level increases, various special and hidden bonuses will be applied to the weapon. While some of the skills are quite exclusive for the big influences, most of the basic skills players can learn by joining any of the associations and guilds like adventure guild, mage guild or sects. Although, joining adventure guild is most likely the option as other influences require certain conditions to be fulfilled, for example, you need to have be a mage to join mage guild, but without your class at level 5, you can't become a mage, while joining adventure guild is mandatory since for transmigrators that is their identity, even some reincarnators who are not from good background need to join there to gain access to resources. The guild also exist in every civilized planet, accepting and providing job requests from clients across the civilizations to accommodate people, it is an enormous organization that no influence can offend easily.

General players won't get access to the inner skill from big influences, since even if in future they can join one, the power will not change their way of practice, since every road ends at godhood, only your methods change. For those players, they will receive a personal quest directing them to a chain quest which will test their several quality and will allow them to choose between 3 inner skills. The system also scans their body constitution and takes that as a factor for the options, however the constitution buff and some more stuff are not available for players to see yet, due to some more balancing and perfection required, they will be updated later on, for now the system is recording them and experimenting upon what kind of influence they can bring and how much are they affected.

For defensive and life saving skills, they are harder to find due to their rarity and before players gaining their class, only 1 of each type can be learnt. After players gain their class, they must join their class related power in order to gain access to more of such skills.

[Skill Book: Block & Parry

Chance to negate damage upon blocking enemies increases by 10%. Upon parrying an attack, chance to stagger enemies with 5% chance and can deal double damage for 5 seconds.]

[Skill Book: First aid

Use first aid knowledge to prevent health loss by 5% on successful attempt. Require appropriate herbs.]

All of these skills are available for players to learn at lv1 to smooth their journey, however learning from skill books are not the only way to get it. If someone has real world experience on any of these skills, they can acquire them through performing the actions by themselves and the system will evaluate their skill in handling the task and give appropriate skill level to them. Gathering and crafting here will not be done by pressing a button, players have to manually do them and learn them to get good. Now with all that out of the way, not it's time to head to the adventurer guild and register myself.

[Personal quest: For the call of nature

You have learnt the knowledge and prepared yourself, now it is time for the chick to leave the nest to become a bird.

Objective: Register yourself as an adventurer

Reward: 100 EXP, 10S, a weapon]

I also went to the food department of the manor to stock myself some basic necessities to make food myself, since during the rite I am not allowed to get the dept to cook for me. As I left the main entrance of the manor after getting all my stuff sorted in my inventory, I headed towards the Northern area of the city. This part of the city is the home for most of the guild houses and other official business. Although some places like the adventurer's guild are not strictly a facility, due to being one of the largest guilds, they are considered as one. The guild manors are a one building facility which accommodate all official business, guild library, store, exchange market, cafeteria and several other facilities in there. All buildings are designed similarly in their structure, only the sign above them indicates them. Going through the entrance there are scanners to check whether anyone is carrying illegal items or not, I took the elevator to go to the 1st floor where registrations are handled.

Inside the room there are containers where people enter and connect to a virtual network, inside the system will take info and register them as adventurers. Most of the facilities in here don't have any personal to handle them, every process being automated under the AI of the adventurer's guild. For natives of this realm, they gain something similar to a status screen after registering as an adventurer, for players though, their status screen show their adventurer rank as well. Registering as an adventurer sets a person's rank as E, then it increases as you accumulate points for doing mission.


[ Name: Akrosh Shire

Age: 21 Y/O

Race: Human

Status: Third young master of house Shire.

Level: 1

Stage: Stats

Exp: 200/1000

BS: 46.541

Class: N/A

Bloodline: Locked

Soulline: Locked

Adventurer Grade: E (0/100)

Strength: 23

Perception: 16

Endurance: 27

Charisma: 19

Intelligence: 17

Wisdom: 34

Agility: 25

Luck: 13


Healthy: Always stay in proper condition. Exp gain increased by 10%. Health regeneration increased by 5%.

Way of the spear: Spear damage dealt increased by 5%. Damage received decrease by 5%. Effect of charisma increases by 5%. [not awakened]

Clear mind: Spirit based damage increased by 5%. Damage reflected by 5%. Damage reduction increased by 5%. [not awakened]

Combat Mastery: Weapon proficiency increased by 5%. In battle condition, the increased is 10%. [not awakened]


Jealousy: Attract trouble to yourself. Encounter chance increased by 5%.

Wrath: Increased chance of attracting harmful existences by 1%.

Inner skill: Absorbing intent

Skills: Sense, Hide presence, Camping, Survival cooking, Trap making, Trap disarming, Hunting, Fishing, Harvesting, Skinning, Mining, Butchering, Light step, Spear mastery, Archery, Throw, Block & Parry, First aid]

[Patch 0.0.1: Several buffs and debuffs were deemed too strong as this current stage of the game and is henceforth fixed, the previous values are now adjusted. However in future players will have the chance to improve their B&D through several quests and encounters. All changes are applied immediately. Durability was missing from item texts, has been rectified.]

[Personal quest complete: For the call of nature

Rewards: 100 EXP, 10S, beginner's iron spear]

[Personal quest accepted: Rite of passage

Now is the time to prove yourself to the society and contribute to its cause. For youth!

Objective: Rank up to D grade

Rewards: 1000 EXP, 20S, Weapon]

[Beginner's iron spear

A rough spear made for beginners to accustom themselves with the spear.

Durability: 100

GS: 5

P.ATK: 5-10]