Chapter 16: Colossal death

Suddenly a loud shout came from the sky. An elder elf was flying above us and had a ball of energy gathered in front of him. He shot the ball on the door, due to which the door's health bar dropped by half.

{Reinforcements arrived! Grove master Rem'len has come to aid you!}

"Heretics! Our master will arrive and cleanse you all as the rotten filth that you are! Awaken! Sacrifice yourself for master's arrival!"

{Blood forest has been awakened! All the blood will now turn into colossus and will attempt to reach the shrine. Defeat the colossus.}

Suddenly all the forest started liquefying. It turned into a massive pool of blood; which then turned into a giant colossus.

[Blood colossus

Level: 7

Grade: 3 Star

Health: 30,000

Nature: Aggressive

All the blood contamination of Rakh'bal forest have combined to create this colossus. It will kill whoever comes in between it's task.]

"Everyone! I'm Sky Rain. Currently lv5 with 3000 P.DEF and 2500 M.DEF with inner skill suitable for tanking. If anyone got better stats than mine, then please speak up."



"Then I will aggro the boss, please prepare yourself."

Sky rain, the guild leader of 'Firmament', one of the famed international guilds. He is famous for his tanking ability and wise tactics; 5th in the heavenly shield ranking, the world rank of tank specialization players.

Many of the players here already belong to some guild or clan, therefore once Sky rain took over as the tank; other players backed off a little bit so that he can get aggro stabilized. Generally, the aggro method for tanking will only work for these type of bosses that don't have too much intelligence; for any intelligent boss however, they might attack the weaker players first ignoring the tanks.

Sky rain aggroed the boss using his taunt skill, possibly generating from his inner skill since it was not the general taunt skill available for all players. The colossus tried to stomp him, which he dodge rolled. However, the stomp generated shockwaves; causing an AOE attack which dealt 600 damage total to all players.

"Healers! Do one AOE heal for everyone other than those dedicated to the tank."

Immediately all players had their health bar filled. The basic AOE heal skill uses a little bit more mana than the basic healing skill; although it recovers small amount, since there are 29 healers, it is enough to heal the rest of the 67 players due to overlapping effects.

"Damage dealers! Start attacking!"

In this situation, the range attackers actually got better damage than us, the melee since the giant didn't attacked them at the beginning. Then it punched down it's hand in the ground and bloody tree roots started attacking random players, dealing 200 to 300 damage depending upon the players defense. I told the healers to keep other players health at around 70% for now; since this attack is random, healing someone to full will not guarantee that he will not get attacked again.

After a while the giant again started stomping, seems we got it's basic rotation for now. Due to the damage piling up, the boss lost 10% of it's health soon.

{Blood colossus is summoning minions!}

The colossus stopped moving and several blood balls started coming out from its body. The balls changed into imps, a total of 30 imps were generated.

[Blood imps

Level: 6

Grade: 2 Star

Health: 3000

Nature: Aggressive]

These imps started sending bloody orbs towards us. Once someone got hit by it, the boss recovered 200 health points.

"Avoid the orbs! Everyone kill the imps as fast as you can."

We continuously used our movement skills and avoided the orbs; meanwhile only when the imps got bound by our cc skills and fell down could the melee players attack them. The range players kept attacking the imps and within another 6 minutes all imps were cleared. But the boss already recovered 4% of his health. It again started it's basic rotations, but now it also grabbed a player and threw him away. It seemed to keep doing it randomly in between his rotation. The feeling of being thrown was …. Not good at all; not to mention you get damaged while being caught by it and then there's the fall damage as well.

Through the cat and mouse game, we got it's health down to 80% and another phase started.

"Infidels! You will never stop the lord's descent!"

{Blood colossus has entered hibernation stage, once it finishes the process, it will become twice stronger. Attack the cocoon and destroy it to prevent the misfortune from falling on yourself.}

Another round of attack started as we tried to burst the cocoon down; however it's defense was too strong and the maximum damage we did was 7 points. As the cocoon health fell to 90%, the grove master spoke.

"Nature always finds a way to restore the damage. You heretics will never succeed!"

{Grove master cast empowerment!}

[Buff: Empowerment

Deal 100% additional damage to corrupted existences.]

Everyone started dpsing with much more relish due to the buff, now it seemed this phase would be over soon. However, as soon as the health bar went to 50%, that damn voice spoke again.

"Cleanse the world of infidels by blood!"

{Flesh cannons have started firing, getting hit will kill you.}

Immediately four players died due to sudden fire from the cannons. Everyone scattered due to the sudden attack that seemed to be random; but we noticed that you can tell where the cannon will fire at by looking at it.

"Twelve range players look at the cannon and try to attack them. Mark on the mini map the spots you see being targeted, also try to see if they can be damaged."

"No, the cannons are immune just as anything on the shrine."

"Then keep marking the map. Anyone with revive spell! Unless you got huge resource to cast them or big cooldown timer, try to revive those four players."

With the help of the lookout team, we barely avoided dying from those cannons while attacking the cocoon; taking the health bar to 30%. Meanwhile, the progress bar for the cocoon was halfway filled.

"Curse you infidels! Men, hasten the process!"

{ Five blood cultists have started chanting, for every 20 seconds of chanting, 5% of progress bad will get filled.}

"We will never let you succeed! Plant the banners!"

{Banner of natural energy is planted. Random players will be selected every 10 seconds. They must use the banner to attack the cultists to interrupt their chanting.}

We saw five banners being planted nearby us while the bombardment stopped; five cultists came in front of the shrine while chanting in an unknown language, while a timer started ticking. Five random players got selected from the raid who were ordered to get to the banners.

"We need five seconds to charge the banner and three seconds to lock in targets!"

"Everyone keep your movement skills ready! You have two seconds to move to the banner once selected."

The first interruption failed due to the first batch not being fast to get under the banner. But after that everyone was prepared and two batch successfully interrupted the chant, then the fourth batch made a mistake. Two players targeted the same cultist and caused it to fail.

"Don't target same ones, target the cultist that is in front of you."

Meanwhile we kept up the damage. It seemed that we had to continue this till the health of the cocoon deplete. With much difficulty and messing up, we dealt with the cocoon and the colossus was released again.

{Due to incomplete hibernation, the blood colossus received 20% damage.}

With that, the giant now had 60% of its health left. The cultists also retreated inside the shrine.

"Heretics! You and your abomination is but a twisted path that can never reach to the apex! Be erased!"

{Gove master attacked the door!}

Great! Now the door only got 20% of its health left. Probably when we kill this giant, the door will be broken.


The giant suddenly shouted out while his body shrank down by 20%.

"Careful! It might have gotten faster."

And it did. It can now easily chase after the players. It also started to use the hands to punch the players, throw them or gobble them. Once eaten by it, the giant uses one attack from that player's skill set. It got annoying quite fast due to how diverse the skill system is in Chaos and you can never tell what skill will come after you. The most annoying part was when it got a heal and almost healed itself. Luckily we could interrupt it.

Sky rain had to face many high damage dealing skills due to him being the tank; at a point, we had to switch healers because they couldn't keep up with how much damage he was getting. We also lost 5 damage dealers while all these were going on. I forbade the healers from reviving them for now and save that skill in case the tank or a healer dies.

As soon as the health bar hit 50%, the colossus released an AOE aura attack that kept rotating the whole damn field! Sky had to keep changing his position and we also had to keep rotating with him while being behind the boss as the aura attack came in the form of a frontal conal attack that rotated clockwise. We already saw one healer dying by coming in contact with that aura, being sucked dry of all the blood from his body, while the giant got 250 health points back.

Generally, revival skills need you to stand at one place and cast, thus I used my word to revive him.

We spent around 15 minutes while being chased around and chasing the giant to bring its health down to 30%.

"You infidels will never win!"

{Second hibernation stage started, 60 blood imps have been summoned. Kill the imps and then proceed to destroy the cocoon.}

This part wasn't that hard, other than the fact that there were double the amount of imps now. Without any interruption from other enemies, by the time we finished the imps; 30% of the cocoon progress was done.

{10 blood cultists have come to awaken the colossus, interrupt them.}

This time the cultists only had 10 seconds of chanting time, while we only had 2 seconds again to reach the banners. Due to previous practice, this round no one made mistakes; however the time to kill the cocoon was short.

"Cocoon attackers, use few of your strongest skills. Don't use all of them, we might need them when the boss awakens."

With all the bursting down from us all, the cocoon was finally destroyed when the progress was 91%. What a relief!

{Due to incomplete hibernation, blood colossus receives 20% damage.}

With that the boss is now at 10% health, where things got ugly.

The boss shrunk down to the same height and built as us, it got so incredibly mobile that Sky was having a hard time tanking it. The bombardment from the shrine started again as well.

"Sky, try to rotate the boss so that we can see the cannons."

With his skilled tanking, we got the situation under a little control. But still 9 people died from the cannons, this time those damn cannons were sometimes changing targets!

As soon as the health of the boss got at 5%, too many tentacles sprouted from its back and started attacking us.

"Everyone! Use all the skills you have! Burst him down!"

I also used sanctuary on us to give us some immunity time. Suko used her shield to defend against those tentacles while I and Suo went at her sides and proceeded to cut them down.

We cut a portion those and concentrated our attacks on the cut off portion of its back side, causing critical damage.

"Attack the spots where you cut the tentacles before it regenerate them!"

Under our bombardment of skills, after another 10 minutes, he finally died!

"INFIDELS!!! You will pay for what you have done!"