Chapter: 4 First Misson

About a month went by they made some progress, the last year of school is almost done about one more month than he has their full attention.

Jack was changing into some workout clothes instead of the clothes that keep showing up on his body when ever he changes to convergence, From his school uniform.

Then all of a sudden Spencer opened the door it made a creaking noise. "Hey Jack can you come with me I have your first mission ready for you! But first you have to go meet the Big Boss." Spencer saids in excitement, "a new recruit awesome and it's going to be a strong one at that." Spencer thought.

"Oh ok sounds good! And my first mission, uh that freaks me out a little." Jack screachs.

"You need to get used to it kid!" Paris yells.

"I didn't even hear him how did he get in here, god!" Jack thought and hurried to put on his shirt.

"Hey don't yell at the kid he went threw a lot when he saw that Henex monster." Spencer said with a frown, then looked at Jack.

Jack was trembling in fear. And his eyes wide open like he just saw a ghost.

"You should go and sit down and think about it befor-" Spencer was cut off.

"No, if I wait hear and think about it I'll just want to quit even more….so let's just do it please." Jack claimed.

"If you keep beating yourself up about this you're going to go berserk, so try not to think about it much. Oh and the Boss is ready for you. So hurry up." Bonny shouted, and then went back out the door.

"Did she....she just came into the boys locker room." Jack said "These people are weird, oh and speaking of how do they sneak in like that. It scares me to even go around a corner without thinking they are going to pop out of nowhere and attack me." Jack thought.

"All Right well you look pretty serious so let's go then." Spencer said in his cheery voice.

"Well actually i'm terrorfied of even thinking about going out and seeing that….monster again. My body is trembling, and I can't stop seeing it all over again. My past and what happened when it attacked me." Jack thought then looked down at his hands before he left the locker room. Jacks eyes were wide, his body trembling, and his mind nonstop thinking.

"Hey come on we need to go!" Spencer yelled in excitement.

The three of them Paris, Jack, and Spencer walked threw the hallway, and then they went into the elevator onto the 5th floor. Once the three got to the 5th floor, they walked threw a long hallway. They came too a big door.

Spencer said, "let me in."

"Yah come in Spencer I thought you would never come, I mean you never let me meat Jack yet so I called you instead." Big Boss said.

Spencer opens the door and shoved Jack in first. He was nervous he felt the sweat fall down his forehead. "I'm meeting the boss, I'm meeting the boss, I'M MEETING THE BOSS!" Jack thought nervously.

"Hey what are you thinking in that big mind of yours, uh you look nervous what's wrong." Big Boss asked.

Jack froze in his place "uh....uh I uh" Jack studdard. Jack hurried to turn around and the door shut on him. "Where are they, where are they. Ahhhh" Jack thought.

"Hey did you think they would be in this conversation too, because if you did you were wrong." Big Boss said with a smile. Then grabbed a smoke and lit it.

Jack turned around to look at Big Boss, Jack was scared.

"You going to answer my questions or not. All you have to say is yes or no." Big Boss claimed. Big Boss is someone that is the boss of this company, the company is called KHM corp. It means "Kill Henex Monsters," Big Boss is the founder of the company. He is a really nice guy, his power is to freeze things. He wears a suit with black shoes, he has "cool" shades on. His background is unknown he has never told it to anyone.

"Yah ask me anything uh just let me sit down first please." Jack screeched. Jack hurried to the chair in front of him, and sat down.

"Ok so do you know how powerful you are in the long run?" Big Boss said.

"If you wanted to get straight to work we could have. Well yes I do know how powerful I am.....uh my power level is a 10, and I am not Joking Paris is a 8, and Spencers is a 9." Jack studdard in disbelief.

"I see your a powerful one, will you turn into your monster form for me. Oh and that's an order." Big Boss said with a grin. Then he smashed his cigaret against the table. Then put his head his hand and smiled.

"Uh yah Boss!" Jack yelled. Jack got up from the chair being careful not to break anything. Jack yelled "Convergence" and a bright light came from Jack. When the light went away Jack had red glowing eyes, his clothes changed this time he had his normal everyday at home cloths on, again. He had a sweat shirt on and pants. The monster was out of the chair at the time he pretty much was by the door. "There you saw can I go back to the Henex realm now this in't a fight or anything so I want to go home." The monster exclaimed.

"So the monster side is talking now how nice. Sorry to disturb you I just wanted to know what level do you think I am at?" Big Boss asked.

The monster had some doubts about the man he was speaking of, and asked himself if he was a friend or a fo."Oh you, I can't tell because you haven't attacked me with any attacks yet so I don't kno-." The monster was cut off.

The Bosses attack went straight for Jacks head, the attack was a ice attack. Jack put his hand out right in front of it and caught it with his bare hand then fire went up all around it, and it melted.

"Well nice attack it wasn't that strong so I think you didn't try that hard. Well your level is 10. Can I go home now this is really boring." The monster moand.

"Yah you can leave I don't care so much now thanks." Big Boss put a grin on.

The monster yelled "Convergence" and Jack came back. Jack was on the ground in pain. "God that was scary I was in the Henex realm, how is that home to him." Jack exclaimed. "It's so dark there."

"So you go to the Henex realm well he is out?" Big Boss asked.

"Yah but I can still see outside but unless there talking to him I can't say a thing. So we are pretty much two people in one body." Jack groand.

Big Boss came up to Jack and helped him up from the ground. Then Spencer came in and saw that the two were holding hands. Spencer had a big grin like he just saw someone have a baby for the first time. "Oh I see you guys are good friends now or are you guys just holding hands?" Spencer said with a grin. Jack and Big Boss hurried and stopped holding hands. And Big Boss went back to his desk.

"Ok you can go we talked long enough, go on your mision, oh and don't let me forget if you sirve you'll get a nice little reward." Big Boss said "oh and if you mess it up I won't recommend you as a recruit just a lowlife alright."

Jack started to panic then spencer, and Jack turned around, and walked out the door. "See you Big Boss!" Spencer yelled. Jack and Spencer went the garage and got in a car at the lowest level in the building. Then rushed off to their destination.

"Alright the plan. We are going to go to the woman's house and go into her Henex realm. You have to be in your human form to take her to a safe place and knock her out, then you can turn into Convergence and kill the thing alright. Oh and put these on your eyes." Spencer said. Spencer handed contax to Jack so he could see in the dark. Jack opened the lid and put them on.

"Oh wow it is brighter than I thought it would be." Jack said with the sun in his eyes.

"Well they will let you see in the dark, so don't lose them." Spencer yapped.

About an hour and it was dark when they got there, it was a big house and the woman who lived there just got here too. She went slowly to the door like she was scared or something.

"Use this put it on her back when you get in side, and keep your hand on it then you will go into her Henex realm. It won't be fun but of least you can help her without killing her." Spencer claimed.

Spencer handed Jack a light that was shaped like a cube, It was glowing dark blue. Jack nodded and got out of the car he hurried to the door. The woman left the door open so it was easy to get in from the outside. Jack shut the door quietly, and looked around to see the woman sitting down at her kitchen table with some paperwork. Jack slowly walked up to her and slammed the cube on her back, she made a squealing noise in pain. Everything turned black around them. But Jack could see everything so clearly. Jack grabbed the poor lady's arm and said "come on I'll save you ma'am." Jack whispered.

The lady looked terrified and nodded at Jack. they ran about 100 feet away from were they were, so about a mile. Jack shoved her in a corner. "Alright you will be fine as long as you be quiet." Jack reassured her. Then wacked her with his fist and she was knocked out. "Second part of the plan done" Jack thought. Jack yelled "Convergence" and tuned into the monster. "Alright so I am supposed to kill that thing over there right? You gotta be kidding me, the last time we did this we almost got killed, do you even remember that?" the monster camplained. "Yah not like I am not freaking out too, you know that thing freaked the heck out of me! So stop complaining you are the strong one here." Jack shouted. "Well whatever….you shut up." The monster studdard.

The Henex monster came out of nowhere but Jack and the monster doged in time before it hit them. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU SHOULD BE ON MY SIDE NOT THIS LOVELY FOODS SIDE OR DO YOU NOT HAVE ONE" The Henex monster said.

"I do have a side and that side is that foods side. I don't eat people I save them, you here I'm not from the Henex realm eatery, I'm from the the Henex realm savery. You probably heard of it, Convergence. I watch over my one and only master and the people he tries to protect, so get over it." Jacks monster saids calmly, and looks away.


"You know that story you heard was actually true! That person he was me and this kids mother so shut up!" Jacks monster said with rage. The Henex monster ran full speed at Jack but he just dodged it, it was that easy. "This might be way easier than the last one we battled, he is very weak he needs more power but if he gets that he will be too powerful. Guuu I hate you Jack!" the monster yelled.

"Not my fault my mom had a child. Oh and GET BACK TO WORK HE IS COMING THIS WAY YOU BUM!" Jack yelled at him. When Jacks monster said that, Jack went into a depressed state of mind "a Henex monster ate her… dare they. They are going to pay every last one of them!" Jack thought.

"Hey that's what you can do in our team so you should trewly except us as a team Jack" Spencer said threw a transmitter that was hooked to Jacks brain. "There doing a good job but they keep talking to each other. They need to be more focused on the fight. But of least that monster of his is loyal." Spencer said while looking at a ipad that had camera video on it of Jack and the monster fighting.

Jack ran at the Henex monster and kicked him in the head while his foot on fire. Then doged the next few attacks. They let the Henex monster try to hit Jack a couple of times but he missed. And the monster's energy level went down a lot. The Henex monster got slower and slower, then they were able to hit a hole bunch of attacks until the monster turned around way to fast before they could hit him. The Henex monster grabbed Jack and squeezed him.

"Jack he is draining oure energy we can't keep going like this he is reversing everything we just done, he has the upper hand now." The monster groand. "No...we still....have time." Jack exclaimed.

Jack and the monster grabbed the Henex monster's hand that was holding them back and kicked threw the Henex monster's hand. then they Jumped back a few feet and stood there.

"Alright...…...we are going to of our attacks that we haven't tried yet ok, so put all of the strength you have left in this attack. If he survives this attack we could still kill him in time before we pass out." Jacks monster said in pain.

The two start to glow black and Jacks hair went up in the air, Jack starts to float up in the air. The Henex monster runs at them, Jack and his monster look down at him then black balls start to show up all around Jack then start flying at lightning speed at the Henex monster. Each time it hit, smoke would go everywhere. Then Jack stopped flying they fell to the ground. The Henex monster came running out of the smoke. But by the time he came out, Jack and his monster were crouched in between two walls, the Henex monster looked over there shoulder were Jack's hand was it was on the woman they were trying to save. Then Jack took his hand off of her.

"Sorry Spencer we had to use her energy we didn't take a lot so she'll live." Jack exclaimed.

Then Jack went strait at the Henex monster, the Henex monster tried to dodge but it was to slow, he hit it's head like it was nothing at all. Then again, and again, and again.the monster looked exhausted.

"Hey you look exhausted let me put you to bed and maybe for permanent. Heh your useless I thought I could get answers out of you to see how the eatery is going to go to war with the saverys. But that didn't work out to much. Maybe next time, oh wait there won't be a next time!" Jacks monster yelled at the Henex monster. Jack's fire went up all around him then he ran at the monster and went right thru it, and grabbed a round circle called the core and broke it. Then the Henex monster disappeared. Jack, right then and there past out.

Jack got up and "Uhh" Jack moans while falling back onto the ground.

"You really did a number on the Henex monster Jack." Spencer said in a depressed voice, "but every time you fight a Henex monster you use all your energy. Well at least your not dead."