Reality 3


Report 6 - Moderator 18 - Jing Qingyuan

Players 186 has officially changed jobs to become a Castle Guard and finally achieved the class Warrior. She accepted the mission to kill Player 187 and eventually killed him after tracking him to an abandoned building.

Player 187 was slain by Player 186, ending his killing spree. His murder count had reached 34 players and 6 NPCs. Player 187 is on stand-by in purgatory for the next conscious upload. I advise not to allow player 187 to revive.

Players 189 hasn't left Grass Village. He has continued to farm each day, increasing his strength and constitution through constant farming instead of leveling up. He is currently the strongest level 3 player in the game so far.


"Moderators, we are ending our second trial. We will now begin our final phase of testing. We are reviving all of those in purgatory into the city or town, the second group currently living within." Mr. Li smiled proudly. If this next phase goes well, the game can be launched worldwide, guaranteeing his promotion. Jing raised her hand to ask the manager a pressing question. Mr. Li pointed at her and asked, " Moderator 18, what is the question?"

"Will the ones from both batches be revived?"

"Yes. The ones who died will have their memory wiped so as not to allow the trauma of dying weighs on them. The ones who survived will retain their memory, but their recollection of purgatory will be erased." Mr. Li answered her question without batting an eye. Jing sat back down. "All moderators will now monitor the players from the first and second batch. Make sure not to leave anything out of your report. We will now begin the final phase, the game's economy. All players will immediately become RPCs, and they will build the game's economy for us. In 100 days, the game will launch from the foundation these players have created for us."

A different moderator raised their hand, "What is the purpose of these RPCs?"

"Good question. If we want our virtual world to be as real as possible, we need to allow real humans to run it."

The room of moderators was in awe—That's why they were using real people in this virtual world. It needed to be their whole existence to take it seriously.

"Moderators, at this time, you will decide where your player revives at the village or the city. Please email the system admins by noon."

Hearing that the moderators were going to choose where everyone would be teleported to, they began to analyze each player. Jing looked at her players to revive. She had to decide where Player 86, 89, 90, 187, and 190 would go.

"Player 86 was easy to determine. He should be reunited with his teammate, who is in the woods south of the village. Player 89 would want to interact with more players, so she should go to the city. Player 90, on the other hand, died right away." Jing sat for a bit lost in thought. She opened up his background information.

Name: George Johnson

George ran up a gambling debt of millions and had several bounty hunters after him. He didn't get caught for a long time until the bounty hunters used his ex-wife and children as bait. The Chaos Cooperation intervened and offered George a way out. If he contributed himself to their new project, they would pay off his debt. He agreed and became a participant in Cyber Horizon.

After looking over his file, she decided to give the man a simpler life in the village to atone for his gambling ways. "What am I going to do with Player 187?" If she sent him to the town, he wouldn't be around people who know he was a killer. If she sent him to the city, he could be killed on the spot. She sighed and knew she had to send him to the town. She then looked at her last player. "Player 190 ran off last time he was in the village. I'm going to send him to the city. Hopefully, he will live longer there."


System Admins,

Send the following players to the Grass Village:

Player 86

Player 90

Send the following players to the Steel Kingdom:

Player 89

Player 187

Player 190


Jing Qingyuan

Moderator 18
