The Ministry

I had spent an entire day sleeping after the ordeal. Truth be told, I actually didn't sleep that long, but simply pretended for several hours of that time. Instead, I used that time to collect my thoughts and recall everything I knew about this world and future events.

With my mental capabilities from my former life, recalling the memories in high details was a simple matter. And, if anything, I felt that my thoughts were faster and more accurate, and my memory was even clearer upon obtaining this new body. It was as though I were working with the means of two minds instead of just my own.

The most difficult thing during this time was bringing my emotions under control. I felt deep sadness over the deaths of parents I didn't even know. I felt a remaining sense of terror from the Death Eaters' attack. I felt happy that Eva and Elric were alive. But, other than my excitement to be in a world of magic, I didn't feel as if any of these emotions were my own. It certainly didn't make sense that I, someone who only experienced some depression over my life of slavery in my past life, would all of a sudden feel such extreme emotions.

This led me to two separate conclusions.

First, since this body had not endured the genetic modifications, it was perfectly reasonable to have true feelings. As this was my first time feeling such things, it was not unreasonable that my reaction to such emotions would be more extreme than normal.

Second, Keira – the original Keira – was still alive and it was her emotions I was feeling. My hypothesis was that instead of killing the original Keira, the Avada Kedavra had functioned as a catalyst to fuse – at least partially – our souls together. Then, because my will was the stronger of the two, I was in control of this body's consciousness. This would not only explain my emotions, but it would also explain why I felt my mental capabilities were now higher since it was an amalgamation of my spiritual consciousness and thoughts plus Keira's physical and spiritual mental prowess.

Naturally, my second hypothesis was complete guesswork. Just because I had died once did not give me the qualifications to understand souls and how they might fuse.

In the end, I figured that – while the topic had great bearing on my situation – only time would tell which hypothesis was correct.

When I had 'woken up,' I spent a fair amount of time with Eva where we each consoled each other. She officially told me that my parents were dead and the funeral would be held the next day. I felt it was a bit fast to have a funeral, but Eva told me that my mother – unbeknownst to the original Keira – had been covertly funding and providing hideouts and supplies to Dumbledore's group and other 'good' witches and wizards throughout the war. Many of these people wanted to attend the funeral, but with Voldemort so recently dead and many Death Eaters still at large, it worked better for everyone to have the funeral earlier than later.

Though I would have liked to have been consulted on the matter of my parents' funeral, I was ultimately fine with it as I felt my mother deserved to see the gratitude and impact her actions had on those she helped.

Eva also tearfully told me about Elric. While he was alive, being subject to the crucio curse for such a length of time had driven him insane. He was no at St. Mungo's under observation and treatment. I recalled a similar situation happened with Neville's parents and wondered if they would share the same ward with my godfather.

In the end, Eva and I had cried with each other for over an hour. At the beginning, I think neither of us really knew how to behave towards the other. However, both of us only had the other person to rely on now and I think that fact drew us closer together rapidly.

It felt nice to have a motherly figure in my life. Though I hardly knew her, as she held me, I felt safe and warm.

Later, after both of us had calmed down, we dressed and went to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic. Apparently, the day before when all the aurors had shown up in the woods, they had wanted to take my statements, but, with me asleep, they decided to allow us to report to the department at our convenience.

Holding Eva's hand and doing my best to imitate a scared little girl, we walked through the department and made our way to Alastor Moody's office. Everyone in the department was in a flurry of activity, practically running from one task to the next. That said, they all had a cheerful attitude as Voldemort had been defeated just days before.

Yet, I quickly picked up on the fact that everyone was giving me glances filled with curiosity, respect, and a hint of fear. Eva also seemed to pick up on the additional attention we were receiving and, gripping my hand tighter, she picked up the pace.

Moody was already waiting outside his door when we got there, presumably having seen us coming with that eye of his. My first thoughts on seeing him were that the books did not do him justice. He was far more scarred, and his eye was far more disconcerting to look at than anything I had expected.

Looking at me with both eyes, he said, "Keira Eilean. Four years old. After having been knocked out by a curse from an adult dark wizard, managed to regain her senses quickly. She then, with nothing other than a dagger, killed four Death Eaters and provided the opportunity for her godmother to finish off the fifth. On top of that this, she kept up her constant vigilance in the situation even after having her shoulder and thigh slashed open by a curse."

His normal eye remained fixed on my face while his magic eye looked me up and down. "Arriving at the scene, the six aurors found five dead bodies, one insane man, one crying woman, and one unconscious child drenched in blood. It was a situation that none of us had come across in all our combined years of experience. It's no wonder everyone in the department is curious and wary of you. Wouldn't you agree, Miss Eilean."

His magic eye fixed its gaze on my eyes. It was as though he was trying to probe my very existence. I must admit, despite all my experience, his gaze unnerved me.

I gripped Eva's hand tighter and practically his behind her. My actions were one part me trying to act like a scared, traumatized girl, and me actually feeling the need to hide from this man.

Eva assumed an indignant expression. "I brought Keira here to give her account of events as requested by you. I did not bring her here for you to scare her." Her voice had begun calm, must steadily rose by the end. It drew the attention of those around us, and many stopped what they were doing to listen in.

"Fine," Moody responded to Eva before addressing me again. "I don't believe any normal, innocent girl could do what you did. Miss Eilean, where did you obtain the skills to kill four Death Eater's with just a blade? Did your parents train you in assassination techniques? Have you been trained in Dark Arts? Were your parents ever followers of Voldemort?"

Each of his questions was more ridiculous than the next. I knew he was a paranoid man, but this was absurd.

The fire of rage grew in me. I could handle insults directed at me – my combat instructors had insulted me enough over the years to numb me to hurtful words – but a part of me could not endure this body's parents being slandered. My killing instincts – having subconsciously recognized Moody as an enemy – surged within me and I analyzed the department for potential weapons, threats, and escape routes.


A loud sound of flesh striking flesh echoed through the department, causing everyone to fall silent. Eva had marched a step forward and slapped Moody fiercely across his scarred cheek. Her hands clenched in rage, the fire in her eyes was almost tangible. "How dare you," she seethed.

Moody – and everyone else for that matter – had clearly not expected her to do that. So much for 'constant vigilance.'

Her actions had helped me vent my own frustrations, and I began to calm down. As I did, I felt a moment of concern for my own behavior. I was a genetically modified soldier and assassin. I shouldn't be getting so emotional in such a situation. Yet I had. Should such a thing occur in a more severe scenario then it could easily lead to my death.

I didn't have much time to ponder over the matter, however, as Eva turned back to me, held my hand, and said, "Let's go, honey."

Moody made no attempt to stop us as we turned and walked away.

My mind raced as we got further from him. While Eva's slap had appeased my rage, I was still indignant over Moody's attitude. Plus, perhaps as a mix of my training to look for my enemies' weaknesses and the original Keira's training as the Young Miss of the Eilean family, I was trying to think of a way to turn this situation to my own benefit.

Five meters away from Moody, I stopped in my tracks. I let out a small smile before assuming a neutral face. I knew what I wanted to say. I knew what I was about to do wouldn't make me sound like a four-year-old girl, but fuck pretending to be innocent and naive.

Eva stared at me questioningly. I gave her a warm smile before facing Moody once again. I stared at him, my eyes unwavering, before speaking. As I spoke, I also swept my gave over the other department employees, all of whom gave me their undivided attention.

First, I wanted to address the deaths of the Death Eaters.

"I am of the House of Eilean. Here in England you look at those of the Hogwarts founders' lineage with awe and respect, partially due to them being able to inherit rare abilities from their ancestors. But these are families who only have centuries of history. Then what of the Eileans? I am a witch who can trace her ancestry directly back to the great witch and warrior, Scathach. I have a genealogy of magic that is thousands of years old. Is it unreasonable, then, that I have the ability to kill four Death Eaters?"

No one responded. I knew there were holes in my claim, but I continued on before anyone could point them out. It was now time to stick in the knife.

"My parents came to England because they wanted a peaceful place to have a family. But what did they find? War. A war they wanted nothing to do with and should have had nothing to do with. However, they were kinder than was good for them. While most of the other noble houses withdrew their support of the Ministry and followed Voldemort, my mother channeled ever greater amounts of our house's wealth to support you and Dumbledore. She provided money, materials, information, and safety for many individuals."

At this point I began raising my voice. "But how does the Ministry show its appreciation? As soon as they're dead, they and their daughter are accused of practicing Dark Arts and of following Voldemort. Despite being the victims, the Eilean House is now the accused?!" I say incredulously. "I may only be four years old; I may not know much of the affairs of this world; I may not know about the intricacies of politics and law, but even I know that this is not right! This is not how a fellow witch or wizard should be treated. As a human being, I believe we should all be above such a vile farce."

I paused, letting my words sink in. There was complete silence. One could probably hear a pin drop. When the atmosphere reached its heaviest, I knew it was time to twist the knife and go for the kill. If my words had their intended effect, the Ministry would have to make some large concessions to the Eilean family in the future.

Standing straight and looking around with the most noble air I could muster, I said, "The Eilean family will not stand for this injustice. From this day forward, aside from taxes, no person or entity that associates with the Ministry will see so much as a Knut from the Eileans. All information networks and sources, materials, financing, safehouses, and political support is hereby revoked and withdrawn. We will not oppose Ministry rule, but neither will we go out of our way to support it."

As the last syllable dropped, I turned back to Eva and we walked out of the Department, our heads held high.