Weapon Arsenal Earth Federation

Earth Federation Mech based Combat Vehicle

RT-93: Raptorian Type 93 [Multi-Purpose Light Mech]

The mech specification was to have a high speed and good amount of power but due to it, the operating system was not yet updated causing only a veteran pilot able to operate it but sometimes system failure may occur during combat duty that may cause causalities since no engineer yet to remake system and reconfigure it to be available for combat-ready.

- Will be replaced by new version on the later chapter -

RP: Raven Prototype [Advanced Multi-Purpose Mech] (Weapon Plan Missing / Custom Based)

The prototype that was made by -Deleted file name- who designed the most advanced Mech that utilized the energy of its surroundings as the means to gather power for the effect which allowed permanent and almost inexhaustible energy sources.

Its latest version was hijacked by Silvia during the last war as the means to fight numerous numbers of the federation army before she was sentenced missing in action.

- Will be added new modified version to the archive, may add new type or Variant in the later chapter -

TB-V: Tiger Base Type Five [Medium Long-range to Heavy Static Arty Mech Variants]

The Mech is designed from the German descendant of the second world war tank designer of Henschel and Daimler were they were inspired by their ancestor's design where they were made the massive improvement from the former four based tigers causing massive order by the Earth federation gaining massive sponsor for the next advancement.

SEP Mk-I: Silver Eagle Prototype Mark one [Advanced Light Multi-Purpose Land-Air Mech Variants]

The mech was designed as the means to incorporate the usage of AI in the previous war before its mass production but after the AI insurrection war, the Mech design was considered to be discarded and stopped its entire production line when nearing the end of the entire war.

- In later Chapter, the Mech will have variant and will be back in the production line -

Earth Federation Non-Mech based combat vehicle.

Hunter-II: Hunter Type Two [Scout / Light Combat Vehicle]

Daimler-XXI: Daimler Type Twenty One [Scout / Medium Combat Vehicle]

Warrior Mk-VII: Warrior Mark Seven [Main Battle Tank Smooth bore Variants]

Warrior MK-VIIB: Warrior Mark Seven Beta [Main Battle Tank Plasma Variants]

Warrior MK-VIII: Warrior Mark Eight [Main Battle Tank Dual Weapon Weapon/ Smooth to Plasma-based Variants]

Leopard-X: Leopard Mark Ten [Advanced Slope Armour Tank with 125mm Smooth Bore]

Tiger-V: Lord Tiger [Advanced Melded Armour with 125mm Railgun Based]

Vulture Mk-V: Vulture Assault-Helicopter Mark Five [Beam with Rocket-MLRS Hover Heli]

Spectre-IV: Spectre Stealth Drone Type Four.


Earth Federation Civilian Vehicle

Holder Type-4: The Eastern version of the Holder series but used mostly for light transport.

Holder Mk-VI: The Heavy Vertical Transport for Atmosphere re-entry Aircraft.

Caregiver Mk-II: The Modified version of the normal Infantry Transport.

Caregiver Mk-II Ark: The Custom variants of the Caregiver to support Mech Transport.