Limit ...Broke!


    Shi Hao, why didn't he encounter a realm barrier?

    In Origin Flower Country, Martial Artist is divided into three grades, the lowest is Martial Apprentice, followed by Martial Master, and the highest is Martial Ancestor. Legend has it that there is a higher realm above Martial Ancestor, known as Martial. Venerable.

    Martial Artist continues to improve its strength through hard work and physical exercise. However, the human body has a limit. After this limit is reached, the strength of Martial Artist can no longer be improved.

    Unless broken!

    Therefore, Martial Artist's cultivation is the process of stepping through the Reaching Limit.

    The first limit is "1000. After breaking, Martial Artist's power limit is raised to two human.

    Shi Hao broke the first power limit more than a year ago and successfully broke into "1000. Therefore, he became the primary Martial Apprentice, and then the "3000" limit. After successful breaking, he can call it Intermediate Martial Apprentice.

    However, he now has 4000, but he has not touched the limit yet?

    What happened

    "Is this because of the relationship between Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture?"Shi Hao's heart is jumping, so that the original Cheng Mie is so degenerate!

    This not only makes Shi Hao's strength rise, but even the upper limit of power is beyond common sense.

    "There is nothing to be known about this in Culture Technique."Shi Hao said in his heart, otherwise it would bring him big troubles.

    Unless he is strong enough.

    The strength is so strong, which is of course a good thing, but there are also sequelas, that is, Shi Hao is hungry again.

    He put down the wolf on his back and started to bake again.

    To be honest, this is really unpalatable, even the grain of salt is not, but fortunately he is too hungry, and can not care about the taste.

    While practicing Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture twice, Shi Hao also came to the conclusion that after his Soul was exhausted, he could fully recover in one day.

    In other words, he can practice Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture every day.

    One day raises "and it only takes another three days, and he will have a lot of power.

    What is this concept?

    The power of the primary Martial Master will start!

    In the Start of Spring City, the Martial Master is the highest combat power. It is said that the most powerful City Lord is just the Intermediate Martial Master.

    From start to finish, it only takes five days. Shi Hao can compare the primary Martial Master. In seven or eight days, he can challenge the Intermediate Martial Master. No one will believe it.

    Shi Hao showed a smile, then, as long as the wounds of the Meridians were cured, he could not fear the existence of Start of Spring City.

    "My father, I will take revenge for you."After Shi Hao shook his fist and tasted the warmth of the human heart, he missed the warmth that his father brought him. Unfortunately, the father was killed three years ago.

    Shi Hao knows who the murderer is, but his power is far from enough to allow him to take revenge, so he can only bear it.

    Don't wait for how long.

    On the third day, Shi Hao did not pick up the medicine, just hunting.

    4000 ah, it's too horrible. From a distance, a spear shoots out, and any tiger and wolf are hit with a single blow. The premise is a hit.

    It's okay to lose your hand. In front of his current strength, although the tiger is still not a cat, it will not be strong.

    The key is that his strength is still rising wildly.

    On the afternoon of the day, he continued to practice Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture.

    Seize the strength of Heaven and Earth.

    Shi Hao's strength has increased to 6000 , but he is still the ceiling without touching the second limit.

    God, know that the starting point for High Level Martial Apprentice is "strength of 6000 !

    On the fourth day, Shi Hao's strength came to 8000. On the fifth day, his strength reached 10000 .

    At this time, Shi Hao finally felt that he had reached the limit.

    There is an inexplicable imprisonment in the body, and it is necessary to suppress his power at this level and cannot surpass it.

    Shi Hao decided to return.

    He has a breakthrough experience, which requires constant high-intensity training and squeezes out his potential to hit the Reaching Limit limit.

    However, his meridians were damaged and could not be trained at all. Therefore, he had to go back and formulate Dragon Tiger Cream. When the injury was cured, he could play Reaching Limit.

    His Intermediate Martial Apprentice, the starting point is actually the other's primary Martial Master, which goes beyond two realms!

    Who can believe it?

    Shi Hao went out of the mountains, but Great Clouds Mountain was too big. He went a little further these days, so one day was not enough to get him back to Academy.

    No problem, not bad this day.

    But he can't waste Soul's power, so Shi Hao still practiced Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture.

    The energy of the heavens and the earth has come to him and turned into his power. However, his body has encountered the limit and can no longer be promoted. This creates a conflict, and as more energy flows in, such conflicts become more terrible.

    Shi Hao feels like he is full of gas and will explode at any time.

    Just when he wanted to stop, suddenly, he spit out a blood, but it was a relaxed, raging energy that was continuously absorbed by the body and transformed into his power.

    Limit ...Broke!

    Shi Hao was amazed. He broke the second limit so easily.

    According to Academy, the limit is hard to break, so Origin Garden's Martial Apprentice is one-tenth of the population, but the Martial Master is only one in ten thousand, Martial Ancestor is even less, even One tenth of a million is not.

    However, Shi Hao's second Reaching Limit limit is simpler than the first time.

    Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture !

    Shi Hao took a deep breath and got a new understanding of the importance of this Cultural Technique.

    He didn't stop, but continued to run Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture to keep the power going.

    "strength of 12000 .

    Shi Hao believes that as long as he heals the wounds of the Meridians, and with countless martial skills in his mind, he even has a fight with the Intermediate Martial Master.

    Instead of a few days, he was able to hang the Intermediate Martial Master and even the High Level Martial Master.

    For a long time, Shi Hao finally returned to the Academy, and it was already in the middle of the moon.

    Shi Hao came to the medical room and needed equipment for dispensing. It is here.

    With his current strength, it is naturally easy to open the door lock.

    In the medical room, all kinds of medicinal materials were locked in the cabinet, but Shi Hao did not have to pay for this effort, just borrowing the equipment here.

    He began to dispense medicine, and his movements were as skilled as he was, as if he had been immersed in this for countless years.

    "okay."When the sun rose, Shi Hao smiled.

    He prepared a total of five bottles of Hemostasis Powder.

    How does that work?

    In the memory of the original Cheng Mie, this hemostatic effect is amazing, but Shi Hao is still a newbie after all, he don't know if there will be some minor mistakes, so he needs to experiment.