Young Master Shi is domineering!

At this point, Wu Shibai certainly can't be embarrassed again, otherwise he will not be pleased on both sides, only more unlucky.

    "Li Mingjun, you are a big courage, actually want to harm Young Master Shi!"He immediately slammed back.

    Li Mingjun laughed: "A primary Martial Apprentice, and it's still a waste. You actually think of him as a treasure?" Oh, your brain is really worrying. "

    He shook his head and said: "I am a Li family, three less, what are you talking about with you?"

    "Old age, kill them all!"He turned his head and said to Ning Yangqing.

    "Yes.Ning Qingyang nodded, and when he straightened up, he exuded a strong murderousness.

    He was a free man, but he was a murderer, and he had too many enemies. He could only rely on the Li family to be a servant.

    However, his nature can be changed without any slight change, and he is still addicted to killing. Therefore, the order given to him by Li Mingjun is exactly what he wants.

    "you guys...Which one comes first to die? "He glanced at Wu Shibai and looked at Shi Hao again, "Or you?"He swept to other people in the practice field.

    No one dared to look at him, this is the primary Martial Master. Just now Iron King was shot by him. Who can match it?

    Shi Hao Yixiao, walked over to Ning Yangqing.

    "You, pretty boy?"Ning Yangqing stared at Shi Hao, her eyes fierce as if she were a beast.

    He particularly hated the good-looking man because his wife was seduce by a pretty boy, and the red apricot came out of the wall. Later he killed his wife and adulterer and embarked on the road to killing.

    Shi Hao's good-looking, at least ten times more than the ten pretty boys add up, makes him more annoying, and wants to kill.

    "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

    He rushed toward Shi Hao, and under the blessing of more than 10000 strength , his speed continued to accelerate, and then he flew over his palms and patted Shi Hao.

    Eight Trigrams Palm , Star level High Level martial skill !

    This person is the primary Martial Master, and also touched the limit of this realm, the original power is up to 15000 strength , plus the support of Eight Trigrams Palm, the explosive power is even as high as 18000 strength!

    "Good!"Shi Hao's eyes are shining, and finally I have met a decent opponent.

    He rushed up one step and the Flying Cloud Fist unfolded.

    Hey, his strength is even stronger, up to 20,000 kilograms [1]. The boxing and Ning Yangqing are hard and the fists of the fists are actually forming a ripple that is visible to the naked eye and swaying toward the surroundings.

    And Ning Yangqing is clearly at a disadvantage.


    Li Mingjun was shocked and inexplicable, which he did not think of.

    Ning Yangqing is actually not as good as a 16-year-old boy?

    This boy was not on the annual test a few days ago, only nearly "2000?" And the armies of one arm one leg are still abolished!

    In just a few days, he not only made great progress, but also the meridians were cured.


    "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

    Shi Hao's fist is getting heavier and heavier. In fact, he could have seized the flaws of Ning Qingyang and easily defeated each other. However, the young man's enthusiasm, coupled with his own character, he is more willing to use this kind of rudeness. The direct way to fight.

    Ning Yangqing The more the Vietnam War is flustered, what happened to this young man, and the power is still above him?

    "Young Master Shi Mighty !"

    "Young Master Shi is domineering!"

    Among the Martial Hall, cheering cheers.

    When they were abused by Shi Hao, they were all wronged, but when they saw Shi Hao raging outsiders, they gave birth to a sense of coolness, a kind of pride for themselves.

    This is the boss of our boss, Niubi!

    When such an idea rises, they don't feel that it is a shame to be a 16-year-old boy.

    Ning Yangqing raised the idea of ​​running away. This boy is too evil. It is in the imperial capital. Is there such a few enchanting genius?

    He suddenly buried a flaw, then pulled back and wanted to run away.

    Li Mingjun ?

    Hehe, take care of him, big deal, he will not return to imperial capital, it is, no matter what.

    "Want to go?"Shi Hao faint Yixiao, a catching up, attack constantly.

    "I don't participate in the grudges between you, let me go?"Ning Yangqing sold Li Mingjun without hesitation.

    The words fell in Li Mingjun's ears, and his expression immediately became angry.

    But at the same time, he is also a chill.

    Even Ning Yangqing can't beat it, he is definitely not an opponent.

    Go, the hero does not eat before the loss.

    However, he just turned around and saw Wu Shibai not knowing when he had stopped his way.

    "Young Master Li, why are you so anxious to leave, it's not too late to stay for a cup of tea."Wu Shibai laughed, since Shi Hao has already shot, how can he leave Li Mingjun here to avoid trouble.

    As the leader of the underground forces of Start of Spring City, he is not lacking in decisiveness.

    "Are you looking for death?"Li Mingjun shouted, "I am after the imperial capital Li family, and you know how many powerhouses I have in Li family? Not only is the Martial Master countless, but there is even a Martial Ancestor Lord! "

    Martial Ancestor !

    "What about Martial Ancestor?"The sound of Shi Hao sounded.

    Li Mingjun quickly turned and looked at it, but it was eclipsed, because Ning Yangqing was lying on the ground, and the chest was sunken for a large group. Obviously, the heart of the ribs was all broken and could not die.

    How many tricks did this happen, how was Ning Yangqing killed?

    Shi Hao strode toward Li Mingjun. If Ning Yangqing didn't mean to escape, he didn't mind taking the other side to practice.

    "Li Mingjun, I asked myself if you have no complaints, why are you killing me?"

    Li Mingjun's eyes turned sharply. What kind of excuse he was looking for to resolve Shi Hao's murder?

    "Forget it, I don't care."Shi Hao said again, "You want to kill me, I will kill you, fair!"


    Li Mingjun is in a hurry, why don't you play the cards according to common sense?

    "If you kill me, Li family will never let you go!"He quickly lifted the family to threaten Shi Hao.

    Shi Hao faint Yixiao: "Li family If you are uneasy and dare to provoke me, then I will flatten the Li family!"

    This sentence, he said it is a matter of course, as if it was just a small matter.

    Wu Shibai and Martial Hall are excited and scalp.

    Imperial capital, there is Martial Ancestor sitting in the town, but Young Master Shi is not in the eye.


    Shi Hao looked at Li Mingjun and asked again: "Are you regretting getting me?"

    Taitamade is desperate!

    Li Mingjun gritted his teeth, but the hero did not eat the loss before him. He decided to temporarily hold this breath: "Repent!"

    "That's good!"Shi Hao nodded and swung out.


    Li Mingjun is going crazy, I already think it, how do you still fight?

    He reached out and blocked, but how could he stop it, hey, his hand was hit hard and hit him, his face was on his face, the power of terror continued to squeeze, and his life was smashing his head. .

    Hey, he was soft and fell to the ground.

    Shi Hao has no sadness and no joy. After the memory of the original Cheng Mie, he is not only Shi Hao, but also a once-dead powerhouse. This kind of killing is naturally much more.

    "Young Master Shi !"Wu Shibai Kneel down on one knee, only Soul is shaking, and the strong awe is full of body.

    Killing and decisive, without any delay, will become a hegemon in the future!

    "Young Master Shi !"The others in Martial Hall are also half Kneel down, this time, they are willing.

[1]-- 1 strength = 1 kilograms