You messed up with me

  "Hahaha!"Someone in the cafeteria couldn't help but laugh.

    A few days ago when Song Tianming came to look for Shi Hao, Shi Hao did not hurt the meridians on his legs. Is it bad? Didn't see you have any tolerance for Song Tianming.

    Besides, Shi Hao was still injured in the arm meridians.

    Now you are yelling?


    Song Tianming also realized that this person in front of him is also a "destroyed person".

    What kind of sympathy can you fight with a disabled person?

    Song Tianming felt very wrong, obviously he was the one who was injured. Why didn't anyone sympathize with him?

    "Go, take me to him!"But he immediately became murderous.

    He is the Song family Young Master. Do you need to care about this problem?

    Originally, Shi Hao is already a waste person. He is too lazy to publicly bully. He also said that he is also a face-to-face person. More importantly, Shi Hao has won the Academy girl's likes. If anyone bullies him, it is a girl. Public enemy.

    Song Tianming is self-sufficient and certainly does not want to be a street mouse in the eyes of girls.

    But now, Shi Hao interrupted him with one leg, and that was not the face of face.

    Suddenly, the six people behind him came out and forced Shi Hao.

    "Six bullies, too shameless!"Immediately, a girl sang for Shi Hao.

    "Yes, and Shi Hao has hurt the meridians, you are bullying!"

    "Go to the teacher!"

    A few girls are going to sneak out and invite the Academy's teacher to the town.

    "Who dares!"Song Tianming said coldly, his eyes swept through the circle. "Whoever dares to leak what is happening here today is the enemy of my Song family!"

    When they heard this, everyone was silent.

    Song family, one of the five giants in the city, with the Martial Master sitting in the town, and the five giants are in control of the city's 90% economy, and the Song family is enemies, it does not need people to do it, you can completely die, starve to death .

    Here are the students of the Human' character institute. If there is any strong background, then it is even more afraid to be enemies with the Song family. Even if you don't want to be yourself, consider it for your family?

    Song Tianming sneered, these people are really embarrassed, they have to force him to carry the family out.

    At this time, his six younger brothers also surrounded Shi Hao.

    One of the six is ​​the Intermediate Martial Apprentice, Wang Gan of the Earth' character institute. Because the Wang family is a tribute to the Song family, even if Wang Gan's strength is above Song Tianming, he will come over.

    SlowShi Hao waved his hand.

    "Want to ask for mercy?"Wang Gan smiled.

    He is already 19 years old, and will expire early next year, automatically withdrawing from Academy, and this is exactly the case. His strength has already passed the five-pound mark.

    He is not the strongest of Star Wind Academy, but is it not a hand to pick up a person who has 2000 of half-waste?

    Song Tianming is really a waste. In the case of strength, it was actually interrupted by Shi Hao, the waste in waste.

    Shi Hao Yixiao: "When I finish eating."

    Wait, wait for you to finish?

    Wang Gan exploded in an instant. Who do you think you are?

    "Bad boy, you are really arrogant!"He yelled and first yelled at Shi Hao.

    Shi Hao shot, straight through his attack, grabbed his neck and threw it out to the rear.


    Wang Gan slammed into the ground and made several more rolls, which stopped his figure and his face was full of unacceptable expressions.

    He was actually knocked down by waste!

    After a shock, he could not help but yell.

    Because Shi Hao just wants to kill him, it only needs to twist his neck, it is easy.

    God, spike Intermediate Martial Apprentice?

    The other five people were all shocked, and the raised hands were raised high, but they did not dare to fall.

    They were all scared, even Wang Gan was so fast, they joined forces and used hair.

    Shi Hao did not pay attention, just concentrate on eating, so that a group of fans can see it is a peach blossom.

    "Is this guy really only 2000? "

    "And, he just used the right hand."

    "If you say that Song Tianming was just not careful a few days ago, but what is going on now?"

    "Is it true that his injury has already been good, but he has been hiding in Tibet?"

    "It's genius. If you defeat Wang Gan in one stroke, I am afraid I can compare with Gao Feng."

    "Well, absolutely."

    "Gao Feng is already eighteen years old. He is two years older than him. When Shi Hao is 18 years old, how strong will he be?"

    Everyone whispered, and they were all shocked.

    Shi Hao was eating very fast. After a while, he put the chopsticks on, then stood up and walked over to Song Tianming.

    Song Tianming couldn't help but push the wheelchair back. Shi Hao's enthusiasm has already seen him. He stepped on his leg without hesitation a few days ago, letting him know that the other party really did not fear the power of the Song family.

    "You messed up with me."Shi Hao said very casually.

    This was very dull, but Song Tianming could not help but tremble, because he thought of what Shi Hao had said in his ear before he dared to provoke, Shi Hao would kill him.

    "How can you be so strong?"He was unwilling to say that he competed with Shi Hao for fifteen-year-old battles last year. Although Shi Hao is indeed superior, he definitely cannot achieve such a crush.

    "I am genius."Shi Hao smiled and said, "This time, how can I scrap you a leg?"

    "No! No! No"Song Tianming said, shaking his head again and again.

    Shi Hao, who would care for him, stepped on one foot and listened to the "card". Song Tianming's other leg was also broken and twisted to an exaggerated point.

    "Ah–" Song Tianming began to scream again.

    "no more chance."Shi Hao patted each other's shoulders and walked away.

    Song Tianming was crying out, but the heart was broken.

    The trouble of finding Shi Hao twice, why did it end with a broken leg?

    Then, if you want to provoke Shi Hao again, can you have a third leg to break?

    Oh, there is, but that is absolutely unstoppable.

    Shi Hao went back to the dormitory and sat down on the bed. He had to sort out his thoughts, plan to do it, and what to do next.

    The general direction, of course, is to imperial capital, where his enemies and righteous enemies are there.

    But, just kill it?

    It was to die, unless he made Martial Venerable, otherwise High Level Martial Ancestor could not stop Amethyst Cannon's bombing.

    – The power of the individual cannot match the state machine.

    Moreover, Shi Hao also wants to enter the imperial capital academy.

    Although there is no memory of the original Cheng Mie, imperial capital academy has nothing to teach him, but into the imperial capital academy, this is what Shi Tianyang has always expected of him.

    For the righteous father, he must enter the imperial capital academy, even if only for a day.

    Then, the imperial capital competition after three months is a good opportunity