goddess wait

At Star Wind Academy, Shi Hao has only one friend in the true sense.

    This person is called Liu Mang. It is said that when he was born, he was just too busy to pay. Therefore, when his head was hot, he gave his son such a name.

    Being able to enter Star Wind Academy shows that Liu Mang's talent is bound to be excellent, but Liu Mang has a bad problem.

    Like to voyeuristic.

    This is not the case. He had sneaked a pair of men to fight the field a few days ago. The result was seriously injured and he could not come to the Academy.

    – Hey, that's not a clerical error. It's really a pair of men. Otherwise, Liu Mang is still being beaten so badly.

    Liu Mang turned and smiled, and he took it to Shi Hao: "Boss Shi!"

    Shi Hao let him hug and smiled. "Are you hurt?"

    No problemLiu Mang let go of his hand, and the pictures of the two men he saw a few days ago were very untimely and crossed his mind, making him a little vomiting.

    "Hey, you seem to be fat again?"Shi Hao said.

    Liu Mang is very fat, and now it seems to be a thick circle.

    "Eat every day, eat pig's trotters and bones. If you try, can you not be fat?"Liu Mang said, however, that he is not against the fat of the body, and even proud of it, because when eating the attack, the fat can play a buffering role.

    Shi Hao suspects that this guy is afraid of being deceived and will deliberately fatten himself.

    "Boss Shi, have you been bullying you for a few days while I am away?"Liu Mang is very loyal. In the past, because of Shi Hao covering him, this little fatty was saved from being bullied, so when Shi Hao was "discarded", only he stood firmly on Shi Hao.

    Hey, this guy hasn't come to the Academy, and he doesn't know that he's getting back to life.

    Shi Hao Yan Yan: "fatty, I have something to tell you."

    "What happened?"Liu Mang said casually, "If any girl confesses to you, you don't have to say it."

    "No–" Shi Hao shook his head, just wanting to say it again, only to see a girl who came to them.

    "Hey, hello, that's Ma Dai'er, the flower of the ground floor!"Liu Mang immediately got excited and arched Shi Hao with his elbows.

    However, it is obvious that Ma Dai'er went to Shi Hao, which made Liu Mang immediately show his frustration.

    This is his dream lover.

    "That, Junior Brother Shi, tomorrow is my 17th birthday, there is a small party in the evening, can you come?"Ma Dai'er is obviously one year older than Shi Hao, but now it seems to be a little sister, with a low head, it is a shame.

    "Can come, must come!"without waited for Shi Hao to answer, Liu Mang has already agreed to it.

    Ma Dai'er suddenly showed a happy look and looked up with a big smile: "That, tomorrow I will congratulate the Junior Brother Shi and… at Twin Clouds Restaurant…"She looked at Liu Mang, but she didn't remember who Fatty was.

    "Liu Mang."Fatty reminded very intimately, "I am both you and the Earth' character institute."

    Ma Dai'er shows a faint color, is there such a person in the ground?

    Forget it, although Liu Mang promised it, but Shi Hao did not refute, this is enough.

    She waved her hand to Shi Hao, then quickly turned and trotting.

    "It's so beautiful!"Liu Mang looked at the backs of others, his face full of love.

    "Beautiful to chase."Shi Hao smiled, don't look at Liu Mang fat, but not ugly, and people are doing business at home, how can they be a rich second generation.

    At Star Wind Academy, the nobles and nobles are all in the Heaven' character institution, and the rich merchants are entered into the Earth' character institute. Only the talented person enters the Human' character institute. It is said that the Heaven' character institution and the Earth' character institute's annual test standard Not as strict as the Earth' character institute, as long as you have some money, you can usually pass.

    Of course, Heaven's character institution's students don't even have to send money. They are all children of the giants. Who dares to fire?

    Liu Mang showed a sly smile: "I will see it."

    Shi Hao couldn't help but twitch. The guy said, does it mean voyeurism?

    "Boss Shi, you must go tomorrow night!"Liu Mang quickly said to Shi Hao, making a look at his hands, "I beg you!"

    Shi Hao can be ruthless to the enemy, but he can't keep up with this heart for his friends.

    "All right."He nodded, but it was at night, and he could not delay his time.

    "That's it, I will go with you tomorrow night."Little fatty is happy.

    "Right, I don't live in Academy now, I found a place in the city."Shi Hao said.

    "Eh?"Fatty is not a meal, and then exudes fierceness.

"Is there someone bullying you again? Boss Shi, you tell me, I will help you to fight him, special grandma dripping, dare to bully my brother! "

    Shi Hao knows that this guy is definitely not doing it.

    When Liu Mang was bullied, this little fatty was not the one who beat and did not fight back. The opponent was strong and dared to go to work hard, and Shi Hao just appreciated the little fatty and became a good friend with him.

    There was a warmth in his heart, and he smiled: "No one dares to bully me now, only I am willing to bully people. I made a small amount of money and bought a yard in the city. The picture was clean. "

    "For real?"Little fatty will be suspicious.

    "Really"Shi Hao nodded.

    "Fine".Little fatty still has some doubts. "I have to go to fake now, I will go to the yard tomorrow to find you."

    Shi Hao has made a turn in Academy. Song Tianming has left the Academy and went back to recover. It is said that the Song family has already released words and severely punishes the culprit, but the Academy has not yet acted.

    He had a dinner in the Academy and stayed in the Academy this night.

    However, the next morning he returned to the home in the city, anyway, the address has been given to Liu Mang.

    He routinely medicinal bath, practice Tyrant Body Technique, and then run Nine Revolutions Plundering Heaven Scripture, the power surged again "4, reached 20,000"4.

    Now, even the first person of the Start of Spring City City Lord and Martial Dao, Chen Zihao, is definitely not his opponent.

    When the sun was about to go down, Liu Mang came over.

    "Your yard is really broken!"When the guy came in, he commented, "How much money to buy, twelve silver?"

    Shi Hao Know, if you let Xiao Fatty know that it was bought by him for two hundred and two, it is estimated that you will not be able to eat for a long time.

    He nodded in no clue and then opened the subject: "The break is broken, but the air is good."

    "It's really, I looked down, around this area, the trees and flowers in your home are the best, and they are as good as they are."Liu Mang patted Shi Hao's shoulder. "It's just fine, the air is fresh and quiet, it is suitable for you to recover."

    This fatty still doesn't know that his meridians are hurting.

    Shi Hao just wanted to talk, little fatty has urged him to change clothes: "Hurry up, don't be late, let the goddess wait, how embarrassed!"

    Ok, Shi Hao decided to tell Fatty a little later, and he wouldn't forget to take care of Liu Mang's only friend.