27 I won't be merciful

Ren Wu was dumbfounded.

    Miao Hua and Iron King didn't have a good place to go, and the eyes were all picked up.

    Killing Yang Shi'an, this is already arrogant and overbearing, but after all, it is a descendant of the Yang family. Under the operation of power and money, it is still not difficult to resolve.

    However, Yang Chao is different. He is the Yang family Family Head, which represents the face of the Yang family. When he is killed, it is impossible to give up.

    What is even more terrifying is the strength of Shi Hao. Although Yang Chao is not the first master of the Yang family, it is still High Level Martial Apprentice, and he has lost his head with a knife. That is how strong Shi Hao is.

    With such knowledge, Ren Wu is naturally trembled with fear.


    Shi Hao raised his hand and the long knife was accurately inserted into the scabbard of Ren Wu.

    This shocked Ren Wu and almost sat down on the ground.

    He didn't even dare to put one in his fart, and quickly turned and left.

    "Young Master Shi !"Miao Hua and Iron King are both fierce. If Ren Wu is left, it doesn't matter that they can cross the sea. At least the news of the death of Yang Family Family Head will burst out later.

    Shi Hao shook his head, he dared to kill, and naturally he also had the confidence to resolve the consequences.

    With his current strength, City Lord Chen Zihao came, and he had to bow down in front of him, and he was a lonely man. He had no worries. He couldn't go to the mountains for three months, and then he could sweep the whole time. Origin Flower Country is up.

    With absolute strength, of course, you can kill and decisive.

    He does not do evil, but no one wants to provoke him, just as he vowed before, owe him, he must return him!

    "Scattered."There are also two bodies here, and Shi Hao naturally has no appetite, and he has to take time to help Liu Mang.

    "Yes.Miao Hua and Iron King respectfully agreed.

    Liu Mang is stupid, who am I? Where am I in this world? So what was I doing?

    Miao Hua and Iron King sent Shi Hao downstairs, and they waited to find Wu Shibai, although Shi Hao left them with nothing, but they decided to do something.

    "Bold mad!"Just out of the door of Twin Clouds Restaurant, I saw Ren Wu stay there, and the twelve city guards were carrying arrows and aiming at Shi Hao.

    This made Miao Hua and Iron King both face a big change and raised strong concerns.

    – Young Master Shi can resolve a Cloud Piercing Crossbow attack, which has been ruined, but, twelve, no, thirteen?

    Ren Wu also raised the Cloud Piercing Crossbow and aimed at Shi Hao.

    Shi Hao frowned: "Take the weapon to me, it is against me, can you think clearly?"

    In this case, he said that he was chilling.

    Ren Wu thought that before Shi Hao simply killed two people, he couldn't help but slam a little, and gave birth to a strong chill, but still said: "Responsibility is in the body, I must arrest you!"

    "The captain is good!"

    "Take him and send him to the City Lord Mansion for trial. It is necessary to be tortured and avenged for Family Head!"At the door, the other people in the Yang family already knew about the murder of Yang Chao's father and son.

    Of course they dare not go up and can only encourage Ren Wu.

    Shi Hao is contrary to Yixiao: "The duties are in the body and the positions are different. Ok, then I will leave you a life. "

    "presumptuous!"Ren Wu shouted, "I don't know what to do!"

    Being confronted by thirteen Cloud Piercing Crossbow, you dare to speak up.

    "Refused to be arrested, you can shoot directly!"The people of the Yang family are screaming.

    "The captain does not need to hesitate any more, this is a stubborn culprit!"


    Shi Hao frowned and his eyes swept: "Do you want to die?"

    "Captain, you listen, this guy is simply mad!"

    "It's too arrogant, you can kill it on the spot!"

    Yang Jiazhong, with the city guards on the side, all said unscrupulously.

    Ren Wu was a chill, and quickly turned his eyes to Yang Jiazhong, so that they should not die.

    However, Yang Jiazhong was only seen, and continued to sway Shi Hao to encourage Ren Wu to shoot.

    Shi Hao moved, and he strode over to Yang Jiazhong.

    Stop right thereRen Wu shouted.

    "Ren's captain, shoot fast!"

    "Are you a man? It's a man who shoots! "

    "You are the captain of the city guard. Is it necessary to indulge the wicked?"

    Yang Jiazhong is still shouting at that, not afraid at all.

    – Because Shi Hao is confronted by thirteen Cloud Piercing Crossbows, one can make High Level Martial Apprentice frown, and ten can completely threaten the primary Martial Master, so why are they afraid?

    On the contrary, they bully Shi Hao and are easily irritated, so deliberately saying that they want Shi Hao to shoot, in this case, Ren Wu must shoot Shi Hao.

    Oh, do you think they are stupid?

    Shi Hao kept his feet and he was calm.

    Ren Wu had no choice but to drink a low voice: "Shoo!"

    Hey, at the thirteen times, Wuguang shot at Shi Hao at an alarming high speed.

    Shi Hao turned back and punched.

    The boxing power slammed the hurricane, and it was strongly indescribable. Then he saw that the thirteen arrows were rolled in the direction, and even Shi Hao's clothes were not touched.

    At this time, I heard the sound of the arrow breaking through the air.

    The speed of the arrow is actually more than the speed of sound!

    But what is even more horrifying is Shi Hao. It's a horrible force to smash the hurricane of the smashing arrow.

    No, there is no strength in light, and there must be a corresponding speed of boxing. It is necessary to judge the time of punching. Too late is too late.

    Heaven, to do all this, actually is a sixteen-year-old boy!

    Shi Hao's eyes swept to Ren Wu: "If you shoot again, I won't be merciful!"

    Ren Wu collapsed. What a monster, it was so easy to resolve the 13 volleys of Cloud Piercing Crossbow. As far as he knows, the primary Martial Master can't do it.

    Is this teenager an Intermediate Martial Master?

    The problem is that he is too young, how could there be such a young Martial Master, let alone the Intermediate Martial Master.

    However, giving him another hundred courage, he did not dare to shoot again.

    The powerhouse's prestige is not to be sinned, even if he is responsible for the body, the other party also opened the net, everything can not be three.

    Shi Hao took his eyes and looked at Yang Jiazhong.

    Yang Chao This time, there were a total of seven people. They were very arrogant in the past moment, but now, every one seems to have been greatly scared, and they are all shaking.

    It's so horrible, it's a volley of thirteen Cloud Piercing Crossbow, just like a monster!

    You should know that Origin Flower Country is respected by Wu, as long as the strength is strong enough, you don't need to worry about the consequences.

    In the past, a murderer was rampant, killing countless people, and finally became a Martial Venerable.

    What was the outcome?

    Respected by the Original Flower Country as a national teacher, admired by the people!

    Therefore, as long as the strength is strong enough, you can do whatever you want.

    Shi Hao is still so young, but so strong, has shown the future of Martial Venerable.

    They actually got into such a person?

    They regretted and felt that they were really stupid.