Chu Fei said that the power of Shi Hao is intended to be shocking, and the people of the Murong family know that it is extremely unwise to be an enemy of Shi Hao.

    However, it can only be said that the Murong family's human brain is strange, and actually understands his meaning from another angle.

    What to do, obviously wanting to dispel the hostility of the Murong family to Shi Hao, now seems to aggravate the suspicion of Shi Hao.

    Chu Fei had to take out the majesty of his Crown Prince and said: "Xiao Wang warned you not to shoot Shi Hao, did you hear it?"

    "Yes.Murong family All three nodded.

    When Chu Fei left, the three people showed their chill.

    "It goes without saying that it is definitely the murderer who can kill Haige so quietly."

    "Yes, if not, Haige will definitely struggle, make a big noise, and wake up everyone in the inn."

    Murong Qing is sinking and said: "The murderer is at least the Intermediate Martial Master, and maybe even the Intermediate Martial Master peak. The strength is really strong."

    "We can't deal with it, but can't the Murong family still deal with it?"One person squatted. "Don't say Family Head Lord and Qianfeng's grandfather, they are High Level Martial Master, it is Intermediate Martial Master, we can also come up with ten people."

    "Yes, ten of the Intermediate Martial Masters together, isn't it still a dead one?"

    "Go, go back to obituary, since the strength of the murderer is so strong, you must inform the family."


    After Shi Hao sent away Chu Fei, seeing that Fatty is still practicing, he plans to go out.

    The main thing is to go to the Medicine Shop and see the level of Pill Dao in the county. He did come last year, but he didn't understand it, and he didn't even go to the Medicine Shop.

    He traveled alone and turned around at several Medicine Shops. He found that the level of Pill Dao was not so good. The drugs stayed at the level of mixture and disperse, and there was no refining of the drug.


    Shi Hao went out of the Medicine Shop and went back.

    Without a few steps, he saw someone on the side of the road.

    He went to make a mess, it turned out that someone was selling his father at the entrance of the inn.

    This is a little girl with a cloak. The height of the baby is 11 or 12 years old, but the face is dirty and I can't see the long scorpion.

    Therefore, if you look at a lot of people, but no one has paid for it, don't buy an ugly girl to go back. What can you do?

    Shi Hao himself was an orphan, and he lost his only relative of the righteous father. When he saw the heart, he took out a piece of silver. This was also a small amount of his belongings, and he was placed on the ground.

    He did not want to buy this girl, turned directly and strode away.

    I could walk for a while, only to see that the little girl actually followed him, and did not catch up, always maintaining a distance of about three feet.

    Shi Hao stopped, and the little girl stopped, looking at him with a mess of hair through a messy hair.

    Shi Hao went on again, and the little girl followed her up. When Shi Hao came home, the little girl followed, and when Shi Hao was about to close the door, she hurriedly ran over and squeezed in. Go to the door.

    Shi Hao sighed and said, "What are you doing with me?"

    "You bought me, I am your daughter!"Said the little girl.

    Hey, what do you recognize?

    "What about you?"Shi Hao asked.

    "Oh, I gave the money to the shopkeeper in the inn and asked him to help him."The little girl said very confidently.

    This…Shi Hao is not sweaty, is it a meaning to sell a funeral father?

    Wait, what time is your daughter?

    "I just give you money, let you bury you, don't mean to buy you."Shi Hao emphasizes that for a little girl, he can't throw her out savagely.

    "Hey, don't chase me away!"The little girl came over and looked at Shi Hao with a pitiful look, like a kitten.

    This scream is so incomparably natural.

    By the way, will you not be sold and buried?

    Looking at the lonely little girl, Shi Hao couldn't help but sigh, thinking of herself, a soft heart, said: "I can't stay here for a few days. During this time, I can take care of you. Later, You still have to make a living."

    "Mm."The little girl nodded pitifully, then touched her stomach. "Oh, I am hungry."

    Shi Hao sighed. Did you bring an ancestor back?

    "fatty, let's eat."He cried.

    Roger that. "

    After a while, fatty came out, when he saw the little girl, he couldn't help but smiled and said: "Boss Shi, where did you call it back?"

    "Fatty uncle is good."The little girl said very sensible.

    "be good."Fatty Eyebrows, trying to put out Lord's appearance, although he is only sixteen years old.

    The three people killed a small restaurant and ordered a few dishes before they started eating.

    This eating is scary.

    Shi Hao Because the power is rising too fast, the appetite is naturally amazing. Fatty not only has the same problem, but his original appetite is big, so the food intake is even more amazing. The problem is that the little girl's food intake is not under them.

    Three people ate, like a war, a table of food was almost wiped out in an instant, and everyone was barely full.

    No way, I had to add food and rice.

    Shi Hao looked at the little girl and wondered if the girl's last "爹" was poor and stumbled and died. Was it eaten by the little girl's appetite?

    "Right, what is your name?"he said.

    "Oh, my name is Baihua!"The little girl said very well.

    "No surname?"Shi Hao asked again.

    The little girl shook her head: "I have never seen a parent since I was a child, I don't know what my name is."

    "Hey, aren't you just selling your father?"Fatty also knows this, he can't help but be very strange.

    Shi Hao sighed and raised his hand and asked, "How many times have you sold your father?"

    Baihua pulled up the index and said: "Seven back!"


    Fatty is shocked. Are you a broomstick, a special father?

    He thought for a moment and said: "You call our brother in the future!"

    Ma, the elder of this little girl is too dangerous.

    Baihua shook his head like a rattle and resolutely disagreed.

    In her cognition, only the baboon will raise her daughter, so to hold Shi Hao this meal ticket, it must be screaming.

    After eating, they go back.

    Shi Hao The yard they rented was very big. It was a little pressure to make a room for Baihua.

    At this time, there are still three days from the contest.

    For Shi Hao, the contest is just a passing, and naturally there is no need to prepare.

    One night passed, Shi Hao and Fatty practiced as usual, and Baihua was still asleep, she was awakened by the screams of faty.

    At the end of this cultivation, Shi Hao's strength reached 79,000 kilograms.

    Tomorrow, he can break through to the High Level Martial Master, and his power will reach the starting point of Intermediate Martial Ancestor, looking at the county, and no one can say that no one can give him the right.

    When it comes to martial skill, who has Sun level martial skill in addition to Shi Hao?

    Just when the three people discussed which restaurant they could go to at noon to eat at the luncheon, they only saw Lin Yuyue coming.