Big joke

Chang Xun can't help but laugh, but it's amazing: "What do you mean, are these high-minded people smearing you?"

    "Gregory is high?"Shi Hao laughed. "Are you kidding me?"

    Chang Xun snorted: "What is my identity, joking with you? Do you have it? "

    "Often Lord, don't talk to this little bastard, kill him!"

    "Yes, kill him, dare to commit a crime at Abundant Flowers Restaurant, this is humiliating the Han family!"

    "In a public murder, you can kill it!"

    "Please call Lord often!"

    Previously, those shopkeepers rushed to Chang Xun, who knew that this was a Martial Master.

    What is the concept of Martial Master?

    In Origin Flower Country, Martial Apprentice is a big one, but Martial Master's words are already on the top of the pyramid, and the number is limited.

    Looking at the Start of Spring City, the primary Martial Master can become the family head of the majors, dividing the interests of a city, the rare Martial Master.

    Although they have all been defeated by Shi Hao, can be a 16-year-old boy, can it still be Martial Master?

    Big joke!

    Under the urging of "old money", Chang Xun could not get off the stage, and Shi Hao did indeed murder in Abundant Flowers Restaurant, he could not turn a blind eye.

    "You will be awkward, otherwise I don't mind killing you on the spot."Chang Xun said, Senran.

    Abundant Flowers Restaurant's consumption level is the highest in the entire county, but the richest and most prominent people in the city like to dine here because it is strong enough.

    However, even the minimum security can not be done, Abundant Flowers Restaurant is self-proclaimed.

    "Often Lord, you don't need to be polite with this kind of country!"

    "Kill it!"

    "Death is not enough!"

    The shopkeeper is still embarrassed, how have they ever suffered such a big loss?

    Shi Hao looked at the cold and glanced at these people: "It seems that you are all impatient."

    He had only intended to teach them a meal, and did not want to kill them. But these people have to die.

    What can I do?

    Of course, they are fulfilled.

    Chang Xun is a cold face. In front of him, Shi Hao dares to speak out threats. Is there a little bit to put yourself in the eye?

    "Often Lord, you listen, how arrogant this small animal is?"

    "Yes, it's too arrogant!"

The shopkeeper's is a very happy, the more arrogant Shi Hao is now, the more it will anger Chang Xun.

    "You, you are too crazy!"Chang Xun said, he was forced to step by step toward Shi Hao. He wanted to take Shi Hao. As for how to deal with it, he will talk about it later.

    Shi Hao didn't put him in his eyes and walked straight toward "old monkey."

    "Hmph!"Chang Xun was furious and swooped toward Shi Hao, clenching his hands with his hands. The whole man had a goshawk and smashed toward the prey.

    "Vigorous Eagle Claw Gong!"

    "This is often Lord's move, Star level high rank martial skill."

    "Haha, often Lord has made this move, it must be hand-to-hand!"

    "Hey, this madman should be killed in the street, expose the dead wilderness!"

    "Yes, it must be severely punished, so that it works!"

    Shopkeepers have said that they were hurt by a teenager and hurt their face.


    At this moment, they saw a figure flying over, hitting the wall at an incredibly fast speed, and the wooden wall was pulled out of a hole, the butt suddenly fell in, and the limbs and head were stuck outside. It looks very funny.

    However, the few shopkeepers were half-smiling and couldn't squeeze out. They were full of shock and even fear.

    Because this person who was beaten out is Chang Xun.


    The primary Martial Master, can't stop this teenager's blow?

    They can see clearly, the boy just swayed a punch and Chang Xun flew.

    What Vigorous Eagle Claw is doing is simply catching the chicken.

    Shi Hao kept walking, and it was already in front of "old monkey."

    "Small animals, what do you want?"Old monkey said with a hard scalp.

    "Shi Hao, don't be impulsive!"Lin Yuyue also spoke, this is the county town after all, the strong dragon does not suppress the head snake.

    Old monkey is slightly proud, saying: "Listen to your woman, don't be impulsive, you have to dare to kill here, no one saves -"


    He hadn't finished a sentence yet, and his head had been thrown into the chest by Shi Hao. The whole person was suddenly short, and his hands and feet danced, and it crashed.


    This shows that the other nine shopkeepers almost came out of the urine, this teenager is not threatened, killing people, if there is Asura!

    God, they actually angered this existence!

    Shi Hao didn't mean to stop, but he stared at one person.

    That shopkeeper still has the slightest arrogance, and quickly turned over Kneel down, Shantou again and again: "Young Master Shi spare my life! Young Master Shi spare my life! "


    Shi Hao walked over and killed him on one foot.

    Didn't you have a good time just now, would you kill me?

    For such a person, Shi Hao will never be soft.

    Chang Xun was not in a coma. He saw it very clearly. The shopkeeper had a bird and a beast, but he couldn't escape. He was chased by Shi Hao, punched or kicked, and the screams were heard.

    He is amazed that the strength of the ten shopkeepers is not strong, but behind them are the ten sub-luxury gates of the county, all of which are located in the Intermediate Martial Master.

    Ten of them are together, and the 20 Intermediate Martial Masters are definitely there. These people join hands, even if the High Level Martial Artist is going to flee.

    Therefore, the young man is too impulsive, young and prosperous, and now he is so horrible, just waiting to bear the anger of the top ten giants.

    Anyway, he has tried his best, and behind the Abundant Flowers Restaurant is the Han family, Han family, one of the big giants. Which secondary giant dared to find the trouble of the Han family and find him trouble?

    Lin Yuyue is also speechless.

    She knows the strength of Shi Hao, Chang Xun certainly can't help him, but you are so capricious in the county, are you afraid of not ending?

    County City, Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger, what is Martial Ancestor powerhouse!

    "You, you are a big disaster!"Chang Xun couldn't help but say that it was unwilling to be in the heart.

    Shi Hao said: "You are talking like this, very convincing."

    One sentence suddenly made Chang Xun's face red, because his ass stuck in the wall is really shameful. From his mouth, this kind of slightly loaded force is too obvious.

    He was stunned for a while and said: "If you escape now, there is still a glimmer of life. Otherwise, when the top ten families arrive, you have no chance to escape."

    Shi Hao sat down and smiled. "How do you know that I am going to wait for them to come over and convince one by one?"

    Chang Xun suddenly opened his mouth and showed an expression that he could not believe.

    This is too mad, are you still waiting for someone to kill?

    But one of his thoughts hasn't turned around yet, only to see Shi Hao stand up again, his heart is awkward, and sure enough, it is still awkward.

    However, just listening to Shi Hao's voice: "Senior Sister Lin, let's change to a room to eat."

    Chang Xun almost fainted.

    Do you still have a mood to eat?