BTS - Was She Unlucky ?

It was evening. The climate was good compared with other days, Because the world famous BOYS BAND - BTS are at their signing event in Seoul. Their fans was eagerly and exciting to getting their autographs, but in that crowd one was a foreign and she got her autograph in a serious manner like getting exam results. RM saw her and he was quite impressed that girls attitude.

The next day, JIN was jogging early in the morning and in his way he saw a lady in a state of fainting. JIN almost went to help her but a one young girl saved the lady from fainting. so, even JIN think that girl is look familar.

Another day when BTS going for their concert meeting they met with a small accident. Their driver went to see and the same girl was there and fighting with their driver for the accident. It was a quite big fight, so RM , V and Jungkook get down from the car and want to see what is happening , RM was shocked and impressed see that same girl.

RM and V went to that girl and remove their mask said " Excuse me miss, we are BTS have to go for urgent meeting please settle your problem, and give a way to go"

" So what" she said. They are shocked to hear " we are so famous do you know us? and How can you not be excited by seeing us " said V. " I know , you and me are all having 2 eyes, 1 nose and 2 legs and hands like humans. How can a human see another human and get excited ? "she said.

RM asked " okay miss, then what can we do now ", " nothing ask your driver to apologize that's it "and their driver asked sorry to her. "A simple sorry is better than a silly argument" she said and left. V asked to Jungkook " its she weird or pretending to be weird ". " who knows it can be a new trick to impress us" said Jungkook.

After 2 days their manager invited them for his house warming. so BTS decided to give a surprise visit for their manager. they went to their manager house to ring the bell, nobody answer the door they push the door luckily the door is not locked its opened , but they hear the the beautiful and mesmerized singing humming voice came from the kitchen with nice aroma smell of food , they confused if they came to wrong address of their manager house and decided to give a call to their manager he replied that they gone to his old house address. they almost went out of her house but she saw them and said " ACCORDING TO OUR CULTURE WHOMEVER COMES TO OUR HOUSE ARE TREATED AS GUEST AND GUEST ARE GOD FOR US, please come in and have your lunch and go." they cant refused her request and started to eat . The food was more delicious and she served very kindly., suddenly RM asked her " did you that girl recently got our autograph in a serious manner""yeah its me but not for me for my friend" she said. even JIN thought to ask the same but his heart refused it. BTS satisfied with her lunch and they went. On the way again V asked to Jungkook " is she weird or pretending to be weird".

Few days later, BTS getting preparation for their new album, but for that they need a female singer, suddenly RM remembered that the unknown girls mesmerized voice and decided to ask that " why can't we take that girl as new female singer for our new album?" JIN said " its a good idea", and everyone accepted also. then they asked manager to contact her to fix her. the manager asked them about the girls details then only they realized they not having any for her details except house address. they went to call her, but her house is locked and they got information that she went to airport. they rushed to see her and hopefully , she was there . she saw them with a shock and asked "why did you guys all come here to meet me anything urgent" RM said " we are willing to provide an offer to be our female singer for our new album". with such an excitement and smile she said " I am extremely sorry, i can't accept this offer". they are shocked with her reply. V asked " for why"

" for why means, YOU SEVEN GUYS ARE LIKE SEVEN COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW, being an eight colour is every girls dream forever, but i'm not the eight colour for you." " so you hate us right?" asked Jimin.

"not to hate but it can be not willing also right ? this offer can be dream job for every girl but not for me . this job can be more attractive and beautiful like a magic . but be practical MAGIC LEADS TO TRAGIC,i can't sacrifice my aim for this job" she said. RM asked " we are accepting you, so it won't cause any trouble". "YOU CAN BE BOLD TO ACCEPT IT BUT I AM SO COLD TO REFUSE IT" she said this with a SMILE AND LEFT THEM MORE THAN A MILE. V said to Jungkook again " she is not weird she is different" and RM was little worried because he don't even know her name also. suddenly Jimin asked " what's her name" RM said " let we name her as WAS SHE UNLUCKY?".