V's heart was beating so fast that he couldn't understand why. At the same time Jwane felt very different with her sister. She has never cared for anyone like this and is protecting others?

Vish carried V and made a way to her room. Anyways the path wasn't so easy because her sister built a dam of questions to answer.

she asked, " if he met with an accident why didn't he call to the ambulance? why you?"

Her reply was really like a possessive girlfriend would ever answer " First remember he is a wanted person by the local police cops, because he flirted with the chief Cop's daughter and she took it seriously by willing to marry him but his intention was not to marry her. So, they are searching 24/7 to find him. Unfortunately, he met with an accident. If he call the doctors ,they will definitely inform to the Cops. So, he had no other choice except calling me.!!... of course he is my ex, but it doesn't mean I forgot everything about him. And note your sister is going to be a gold medalist in medicine. I am not willing any other persons except me touching him mainly girls,( nurse)"

This time Jwane really felt very weird about her sister and figured out she is acting and hiding something from her. so, what will it be??

Jwane give her a cool reply, "ACHIEVE AND THEN TALK, PRIDE IS COVERING YOUR EYES"…. By the way, why I searched you, to tell that you took the decision to send the four of them out of the house, but this is not proper way to speak with them, so we will want to find them to ask a proper sorry to them , maybe tomorrow ok??

Vish doesn't know what to do. If her sister knows that the four are here, then surely she knows. So she decided to make a big lie. "I actually made them go out. Then I realized, I have to apologize to them for my inappropriate talk. Then I have to call and apologize to them. They kindly forgave me. They are currently staying at the xx hotel.

Jwane felt something is going wrong and not interest to knew, So she went to her room by saying these words

"Ok carry on, but remember to know your limits and the freedom that I gave you. I believe that whatever you do will have a some reason on the other. I hope you won't cause any troubles to me."

Now Vish was feeling very relaxed, because her sister was not so interested to know anything about her plans. So, she waited for the sound of door shutting from her sister's room. After she heard, she just took off his hands from V and stretched her back and commented to V "Even though you look so thin and skinny ; you're heavy. I think due to bone weight."

V doesn't how to respond, Because this girl talked with him as if nothing had happened. Soon they both went up. In her room nobody was there. Vish remembers that she didn't lock her restroom. She went inside the restroom she saw RM and Jimin was very busy talking with that one phone. she neared them and asked what was going on??

RM and Jimin looked each other , and finally said to her "The back side of the restroom is near the big tree right? and many green twigs were crossing while we both was climbing anyway we came up. But for Jungkook ; as he have colour blindness he confused with the red rope and green twig, unfortunately, he grabbed the wrong one and fell down even rope went with him. We think he is experiencing a pain in his back .So we are contacting with the phone to check whether he is alright."

Hearing this, while washing his face V grabbed the phone and consoles jungkook like a husband who will console his wife while he is miles far away.

She whispered to RM that; if Jungkook was a girl then it would be a perfect pair in this whole world.

It was a good joke but he didn't laugh.

She understood that; they were really worried about Jungkook. She went out of the restroom and searches something alternate to rope. Finally found something. Took her room's long curtains and tied it up together.

With a quick movement she put the curtains outside the window, and went down with one jump. They three were speechless and shocked by this adventurous girl. Jungkook rest his spines by leaning under the tree and was talking to them in his phone to make himself comfortable at that an uncomfortable situation. she saw him gave a smile and neared him and grabbed his phone and said "ha, ha enough of speaking to your hubby; my sunflower"

Jungkook arose in anger by her words and said " you don't need to give respect because I am an Idol , but you should give respect at least to my age right?? I am elder than you. How can you bully me like this, as if I am your classmate"

Vish was really ashamed in that moment. So, with her embarrassment she said "I am extremely sorry. my intention on you was not to bully you. if it hurts you this much, here after I won't but I will irritate you more it is it ok??" burst out with laughter.

Jungkook thought 'wasting his time by answering or advising her. So he remained silent.

Vish understood his silence and remembers her work why she came down. She said "ok come, we will go"

He replies coldly "Are you mad?? I can't.. my spine is still paining."

She thought for a second and said "OK then , Take off your shirt"

Hearing this Jungkook reaction was like a girl, He screams "please don't do anything to me " Vish understood what he is up to.

She laughed and said "Don't expect more ; You are not my cup of tea. I asked your shirt because; I can tie you and me so that, when I carry you at my back while climbing you won't fall down.

Now Jungkook, relaxed for a second.

Her intention on him was not bad . And quickly realized what she said about carrying him and asked : WHAT???