In 2027...

After a long Time, their continuous victories and unconditional love came from armies decided to take a break. It's been 10 years, giving their best by entertaining and motivating many young girls. BTS, performing their last concert; every army's eyes were filled with tears but never dropped because they promised their 7 boys, they will give a happy departure.

More than half of the world population present, in that great area. All the Army bomb was lighting the whole sky. In that, place everyone had a lot of emotions, which was felt by BTS, still left with no choice than pouring the water of sadness to their armies. Because each individual army have their own life to live and so they are. According to Armies, BTS is not just 7 boys with pretty faces who can sing and dance, to them they are the masters who taught self-love when army felt lonely, who made them clowns by injecting craziness, gave motivation whenever they are down.

The entire scenario was like as if God send these 7 angels to give enough love to this world, and asking them to return heavens, after they created care, compassion and love in every being. Will the God know, these 7 angels not only said to love ourselves but also made infinity minds and hearts corrupted by filling RM's leadership, Jin's worldwide handsome face, Suga's savage sentences-hope's typical dance moves, Jimin's angelic voice ,V being himself and Jungkook's fear towards women.

RM was the only person who tried to hid tears, the remaining six was carry pain in eyes and millions of broken hearts in hands.'' At this moment, I am really lacking of what to speak ,it s more painful than thousand failures .Even ,we never liked to leave you ,considering every army's future ,LIFE SHOULD MOVE ON. Hereafter, we may not able to entertain, but the love we gave and will be giving won't reduce a bit . BTS can get separated ,but not ARMY. You people are the real success, achievement and awards to us. Please don't take this back. Creating a better future with humanism is not in our hands, If, armies try, then it will be possible. Please don't cry, because we will leave you rather than cherish the years together that we celebrated "said Joon by dropping his tears that was been controlled for this farewell speech.

Soon the concert over, everyone's eyes were tiered of crying, still insisted to cry more. BTS got on their caravan. Nobody wished to speak. The silence felt the sorrow each one has.

The next day, their manager gave their original copy of their contract which they signed at first just to have a glance and re-check it. When he gave ,it was as dry as a desert .When they saw ,the past years came and went in a second. The ink they signed long ago, suddenly became wet by the tears. after the manager got the documents back, the papers got drenched with their precious drops fell from eyes.Within one hour, everyone left to their own paths leading to their real families. BTS promised themselves to have one-hour conference daily and Having reunion once in a week. Unfortunately, it continued up to one month only. Due to situational circumstances, they left the touch with each other.


RM became one of the shareholders and advisor of Big hit. Jin took care of the restaurant and opened many branches. J-hope started his own dance studio. Suga produced many record music labels of beginning singers but in low profile by using another name. Jimin became a volunteer in UNICEF teaching music for rural children around the world. V concentrated on farming and build many greenhouses, more like an ECO MOVEMENT. Then at last Jungkook, became a painter, many of his paintings were send to display in exhibition. Their lives became parallel, never intersected. Even their world became ordinary like everyone. The seven people who ruled the world. Got separated, and living around the globe, where they won't be recognized by others, because they don't want their armies to get emotional after seeming them. This is what everyone's life turns out, whoever they are [ Celebrities, Heroes, Leaders or kings.] In spite of being a public figure, still all have a life on their own to run with, in this BTS aren't any exception.

But, these seven really helped god by reducing his works. Changed many lives how god has wished. So, God decided to give them a special gift which is not available for mortals. He decided to give them that special gift cause attempt to create a better world.