After the death of devil King there was his son named Alex. Alex had gone to saturn where there was a school where he had gone to learn super power after completing his education.

when he reached to his palace he saw his family were crying Alex asked "why you all are crying ?" his grandfather replied " your father is no more he had been killed"Alex was shocked he replied " who killed him ?" His grandfather replied "A boy had came came from earth name george .He was with the aliens of Mars " Alex got very angry and he could not control his aggression and he immediately sat to his spacecraft and took off to the way to earth .After sometimes Alex reached earth where he landed on blue ridge mountain in America then Alex used his superpower to find the location of George .As george was become an adult man because the 1 day on mars is equal to 6 months as he had lived many days on mars and he had got maried now .when George was going to his workplace there suddenly Alex came and attacked on George. George protect himself by hiding and by somehow he ran and reached to his house and took all his weapons like missile gun ,shield and etc.Then his wife asked him"why are you taking your weapons?" George replied "I will tell you afterwards,it's urgent " by saying this George left his house and Alex saw him and fired on him but George protect himself with shield and George ran towards the mountain because there should no harm to the people of cities and Alex was chasing him then George fired with is laser gun but Alex protected himself with his powers then George asked "who are you?And why you are firing on me?" Alex replied " I am Alex I have came from Jupiter the devil king's planet I am the son of devil king to whom have killed why you have killed him now you will gone" George said "I killed him because he wanted the sword to rule all over and to destroy everyone and everything that's why I have killed him" Alex was very angry he did not listen to George and started firing on George and however George protect himself but he got injured in his legs then suddenly Louis and his friends came there and they fired on Alex and then George shoot at Alex with his missile gun Alex got injured and Alex got up and gave him a letter and vanishes away quickly. George asked to Louis and his Friends that" how you all came to know that I am in trouble? Then Louis replied "we came to meet you at your house but you were not there so we used our powers and find you " George thanked them for saving his life .Then George open the letter and read it in that letter it was written that "I will take revenge and give you challenge to come in space and had a war on coming next sunday as per earths calendar and if you refuse to come then I will destroy your friends and family and also whole planet earth and mars too now it's choice upon you..." then George told that "I will come next sunday on mars" to the louis .Then after hearing this letter now Louis and his friends take off and said bye to George .