- B1 Battle Droids

Standard Separatist droids, they carry a variety of weapons. Very dumb, they usually win by number superiority.

- B2 Super Battle Droids

Armed with a double wrist laser blaster and a wrist rocket launcher, those units are deadly to infantary and light vehicles. They are also stronger, usually needing more than one shot to fall.

- Dwarf Spider Droids

Armed with one heavy blaster cannon and advenced sensors, those four-legged droids are a nightmare for infantary, but are pretty much defenceless against rockets and tanks.

- Vulture Droids

On the ground those droids work as above average turrets. But it is in the air that they shine. With 6 blaster cannons and a bunch of concussion missiles, having two or three of them on your tail is as good as being dead.

- T-series Tactical Droid

This droid wasn't good at combat, but served as strategist and many times as a droid general. They were intelligent and cautious, always analyzing every possibility before making a move.

- Droideka - Destroyer

Destroyers are one of the most feared close combat droid units. They have 2 twin blaster cannons and a deflector shield. Able to transform in rolling balls of death, they are deadly.

- IG-100 MagnaGuards

Those droids served as bodyguards for most of the Separatist leaders, including General Grievous and Count Dooku. They are deadly close combat machines, and use a Electrostaff as main weapon.

- Manta Droids

Droids that look like a half moon, and function underwater.

- Aqua Droids

Those droids look like compact B2 super battle droids, but they are agile on the water and clumsily on land. They have only one weapon, a Retractable Laser Cannon, that packs a serious punch.

- BX-series droid commando

The deadliest unit on the CIS army, the droid commandos are an upgraded version of the B1 units. They can equip a big range of weapons, from blasters to vibroswords. With reinforced armor, they can take quite a number of shots and still keep going. They are also extremely flexible, and capable of doing inhuman maneuvers to take their enemies by surprise. The only safe way to kill them is to shoot them right through the eyes.

- Octuptarra Tri-droid

A huge droid that use three laser cannons in a rotation system, so it doesn't have to face cooldown. Easy to take down, but difficult to kill.

- Tri-fighter Droid

A more advanced droid fighter, those deadly robots are smarter and nimbler than the Vulture droids, while also being more expensive. They are armed with the usual laser cannon, but also have proton torpedoes, concussion missiles, and even some buzz droid missiles.

- Hyena-class Bomber

Wider and sturdier than Vulture droids, the Hyena bombers were slower, designed to shower targets with every kind of bomb and missile. They had two "heads", which are, in truth, two central processors, one to control the flight, and the other controlled the bombs.

- LM-432 Crab-droid

A six-legged droid. It doesn't have a great accuracy, but it is cheap and able to walk on marshes and sand as if it was firm ground. It's main weakness is the head, and if a clone can get behind it and climb on it, it is easy to kill.

- B2-RP

A variant of the normal B2 super battle droid, those droids have thrusters on their back, enabling them to fly for short periods of time. They are extremely deadly in air combat, although they are also more fragile, because they lost armor make them lighter and more maneuverable.

- J-1 Semi-autonomous Proton Cannon

A huge droid, composed of basically a single barrel, which can be changed to shoot different types of ammunition. Although they need someone to load them, they can aim and shoot by themselves, and, as such, as more accurate than manned cannons.

- Probe Droid

Small droids, without any attack power. They have dozens of different kinds of sensors, are are designed to go anywhere, and spy on the enemy. Being very quiet, they are almost never discovered.