Wrist Rocket

The battle that followed lasted for no more than twenty seconds, but it was intense. First the droids, stupid as ever, spent a moment figuring out were to shoot. That was enough for one of the B1 get obliterated.

Deciding that CT-4063 side was the weaker one they started marching and firing his way. The E-5 that the droids used were able to rapid fire, losing on accuracy but gaining on damage. Plus the fact that droids usually win by overwhelming their enemies with numbers, the E-5 and them were a perfect combination.

The B2 Super Battle droid was also a big problem. His double wrist laser blasters and thick armor made him equal to three B1 droids.

CT-4063 and CT-4087 were only able to stay hidden, but the squad leader was doing a good job, directing his men to pick the droids one by one.

The lasers coming from the droids lessened considerably, and they judged safe to come out. The only droid left was the B2 unit.

CT-4087 took aim and fired, his shot hitting the target. Seeing this he came out of cover, his hands alredy up in commemoration.

Only to be hitten by a rocket directly on the face.

"CT-4087! Noo!"

CT-4063, who just saw one of his brothers die, jumped out and fired a stream of lasers on the B2, melting part of his metalic face. He only stopped when he was sure it was dead.

On his feet was a deformed clone helmet.

Squad leader CT-4099, who had seen everything consoled him.

"He was a good soldier. But he was also overconfident. Those wrist rockets are deadly even to the AT-TEs. Don't let his courage be in vain by dying here."


Two hours later they finally saw the big battle. For the next few kilometers there were hundreds of clone and droids corpses. Fallen AT-TEs, Laats, Dwarf Spider-droids, Hailfre and AATs where everywhere.

There were shells holes everywhere, and on the places where the Hailfire volleys had hit the clone death toll was in the dozens.

For any other person it would have been as terrifying as hell, but for the genetically modified clones it was normal, even though they haven't seen such a scene before. Even so, walking amid the cold corpses of their fallen brothers wasn't a good feeling.

Thankfully there was a clone command center not too far way. Fourteen surviving clones - CT-4087 and a trooper by the number CT-4298 had died - made their way to there.

The closer they got the louder it was. By the time they arrived they could alredy see the fight. The droids were on full retreat, but the clones were taking heavy casualties.Every second clones were falling.

CT-4099 left his subordinates with a medic clone and ordered CT-4063 to go with him to the command plataform.

On the plataform were two clone sergents and one lieutenant. Squad leader CT-4099 and CT-4063 saluted.

"Squad leader CT-4099 reporting sir!"

The lieutenant glanced at him and turned back to the battle ahead.

"Good to see you CT-4099, but I need you to talk fast. We are in the middle of a war. You and your squad, together with another two squads should have been here long ago. We thougth you were dead. What happened?"