Dust Cloud

Since he wasn't carrying anyone Dageer was the first on to arrive at the shuttle. By the time he arrived the droids on the hanger were already coming his way, and the nearest ones were firing.

Dageer secured the shuttle entrance just enough for the other three to arrive, and them closed the door. Lasers hit the shuttle, and the attack from the clone army outside was making everything shake. Dageer took Cell from Tech arms and ordered him to go pilot the shuttle.

"We need to go! Get us out of here Tech!"

"On it!"

Tech went to the cockpit, but he didn't have time to do anything as the floor tilted sideways. Boxes, ships and droids slipped on the hangar. The Maxillipede Shuttle they were taking was no exception.

Dageer knew that the clone army have destroyed one of the stabilizers of the Battlesphere. It was going down. And when it did everything and everyone inside it would be utterly destroyed.

But Tech didn't plan on waiting to die. Somehow he turned on the shuttle, and made it to the hangar door. Not without hitting quite a few things - and droids - on the way.

As they made it out, Dageer looked behind them to the Battlesphere. It was crashing down quickly than it went up. Escape pods and other ships were flying out of it, but Dageer could tell that the majority of the droids would die.

The clone fire was still hitting it though. Dageer hoped that no clone would fire at them thinking they were enemies.

Finally, the Battlesphere smashed on the ground. A dust cloud of dozens of square kilometers large covered the sky. Thanks to the shuttle sensors they didn't crash on anything. Dageer went to the cockpit and turned on the shuttle communicator.

"Republic army, this is Dageer of Hell Squad. We are approaching on a droid Maxillipede Shuttle. Don't fire. I repeat, this is ..."


On the clone army command center.

As soon as the Battlesphere started to fall, General Windu have ordered his troops to retreat. The dust cloud still enveloped them, but he and the other jedi used their powers to create a bubble around the command center, on which the dust couldn't penetrate.

Three-four, who was around him turned to face the clone on the radar. But the clone just shook his head.

"Several droid ships and escape pods left the Battlesphere before it hit the ground, but we don't have confirmation that any of them carried Hell Squad. Sorry brother."

Three-four and Dab stood quiet, and General Windu shook his head. He turned to the same clone.

"What about Delta Squad?"

"Our scouts already found them. They are all good. Generals Djinn and Depa are injured, but not dead. Ahn? Sir! We are receiving a transmission from a droid shuttle."

"Uhmm. Play it."

"... one hear me? I repeat, don't fire. This is Dageer and Hell Squad. Can anyone hear us? Don't fire."

Dab and Three-four were relieved. General Windu smiled and nodded to the clone.

"We hear you Hell Squad. You can land, nobody will shoot you."

"Thanks brother. I started to think you were ignoring us on purpose."


After the shuttle landed, the first to talk with them were Dab and Three-four.

"This doesn't look good Cell. You should find a medical droid after you report."

"Yeah Dab, I will. Next time you and Three-four come with us."

Brain laughed.

"They do have to come. I am not sure Tech and I would have been able to carry you much longer. You need to stop eating those cakes at the canteen man. Hahahaha!"

Dageer put order in Hell Squad, and went to the command center with them. They all formed a line, Dab supporting Cell, and saluted General Windu.

"Mission accomplished sir!"