
Alarms sounded all over the Acclamator-class ship. Thousands of clones were moving to the fighters and turrets, or just taking defensive positions.

Hell Squad was left on the hangar, near an ETA-class shuttle. If any ship suspected of taking prisioners was detected they were the boarding crew.

Dageer was walking fast towards the bridge. It was at this moment that twenty or so Separatist ships came out of hyperspace, including the three Lucrehulk-class battleships that were supposed to be on Rhen Var.

Immediately after, a dozen thousand or so Vulture droids started flying at their direction. Dageer could see less than half that number of Republic ARC-170 going to meet them.

For a time there was nothing, as the two massive groups flew directly to each other. Then there was laser fire being shot and explosions started going off. It was impossible to tell which side was winning, but the Republic seemed to be on the losing side, as their opponents overpowered them almost 3 to 1.

For Dageer, who was inside the ship, the explosions and shots didn't have any sound, it was like mute fireworks. However, as some pilots have alredy told him, for those inside the battle the noise was overwhelming, not from the outside, but from their own ships and the others. Everytime someone died they were able to hear as if it was at their side.

Dageer shook his head and took his eyes out of the battle. He had orders to obey, and he needed to get back to Hell Squad as soon as he has finished his talk with Admiral Yazeb.

Yazeb was up in the bridge giving orders to everyone. One of the Republic Acclamator-class cruisers was damaged, and he had to coordination with the ship's commander to evacuate everyone possible.

"Admiral, sir!"

"Dageer, General Kenobi contacted us from the surface. Count Dooku bounty hunter, Cydon Prax have escaped in a shuttle. He is taking General Skywalker and another prisoner with him. Your mission is to board them and retake the prisioners. He also said that there is a special cargo. If possible take it with you."

"Yes sir!"

Dageer made his way back to the hangar. His men have already been warned, and were waiting inside the ship. Only Cell would not go, because of his leg wound. Dageer entered the ship, and the pilot took off.

They were heading to a hexagonal ship that Dageer didn't recognize. The ship was flying from the planet below, and it was gaining speed. The pilot looked to the panel in front of him.

"They are entering lightspeed sir. We are not gonna make it."

"Go as fast as you can. We have to try."

The ETA accelerated, and for a moment it seemed as they would be able to catch up and interrupt the lightspeed jump.

But a group of four Vulture droids came into their sight and attacked them. The pilot took evasive maneuvers, and Cydon Prax ship disappeared, taking the prisioners and whatever General Kenobi wanted.


"Sir! We need somebody on the guns! Those Vultere droids are coming for another round!"

Dageer went to the top laser turret, and sent Dab to the back turret. The Vulture droids were on their tail. Luckily Dab wasn't good only with rifles, any weapon looked alive on his hands.

One of the Vulture droids exploded. Dageer swinged his turret around, aiming for the Vulture droid on the back of the group. He spawned fire, and the droid was sent spinning on the void.

The pilot started making back for the cruiser, and as they got close the turbolasers on it sent the remaining two Vulture droids away.

A dejected group of clones left the ETA. With the escape of the hexagonal ship, the droid forces on Raxus Prime quickly retreated. The ships on space also left. It seemed that everything valuable for them on the planet left with the escaping ship.