
Lasers hit everywhere. The lightsaber of General Di swung crazily, but it wasn't able to stop every shot. By luck no clone of Hell Squad was hit.

Dageer jumped of the Laat. His feet hit the soil and he ducked behind a tree. He looked to the left, quickly taking note of the droid defences. Blast shields have been put in four or five locations, but it appeared that most of their defences were composed of boxes hurriedly moved.

Those were just the outer defences though, further away was the air base. It was one of the easy-to-built droid bases, walls ten meters tall, holes on the top for the droids to shoot. There was one Dwarf-Spider droid on each of the four corners. Towering over the walls was one C-9979 Landing Craft.

The four wings of the C-9979 were able to carry thousands of clanckers, but Dageer was sure that every single clone of the 303rd was worth ten droids.

By now the clones have got out of the gunship, and were taking cover. Meanwhile, dozens of other Laats were landing. The two Dwarf-Spider droids that were able to fire at them made quite a mess, even blowing up one or two gunships. However, the clone fire was annihilating their outer ring of defences. Also, they had a jedi.

Like always, General Di was fighting in the frontlines, although he was heavily suppressed right now. He was, however, attracting most of the enemy fire, and Dageer was using this chance to fire at the droids.

He fired two shots to the right and ran to the left, advancing a couple dozen of meters before the droids aimed at him again. Commander Keeli talked to him through his comlink.

"Dageer, take the left, I am taking the right. The general will attract their attention, and we sneak around them. When we are in position we pincer them from two sides."

"What about the clanckers on the walls, and those two spider droids?"

"Hit and run."

Commander Keeli cut off his communications, so Dageer had no other option but doing as he was told. He waited until General Di had jumped out and started crawling. He used the bushes and logs to cover his body as he passed, and it seemed to work.

He got behind the enemy lines, just before the walls. If he advanced any further they would be able to detect him. Dageer contacted Commander Keeli, careful to speak softly.

"I'm in position commander."

"Wait. I had to take a detour around some of them. Give me ten seconds, and when you hear me fire, do it."

"Yes sir."

Seconds passed at snail pace, as Dageer was worried he would be noticed. No one did. When five seconds had passed he crawled a little more forward, taking the risk of been seen, so he could have a clear shot. The droids backs were turned towards him, but there were al least a dozen of them. And that was just the nearest barricade, there were a few more.

Dageer really had no idea how he and the commander were going to survive the fire from both the droids outside and on the walls, but he trusted Commander Keeli.

Ten seconds, and nothing happened. Dageer griped the hilt of his DC-15A, his finger slightly pressing the trigger. Eleven seconds. Twelve. Thirteen. Bang, bang!

Two droids on the other side of the barricade lost their heads. Dageer fired, aiming for a target a bit easier to hit, their bodies. One, two, three droids went down on his side, and two more on the other. Six remained. Dageer rolled to the side, dodging the laser fire from the droids. He fired two more times, getting one droid, but missing the other one.

Commander Keeli ran out of his position, firing his DC-17, destroying almost all the droids. Dageer got up and fired his DC-15A, his shots and Commander Keeli ones hitting the last droids at the same time. Everything took last than fifteen seconds.