
On a building on the central platform of Tipoca City.

A female togruta, with red skin and blue and white protuberances on her head, was talking to General Di. She appeared to be very calm as if nothing could make her feel worried.

"Master Di, I understand how important those facilities are for the Republic better than anyone, however, I still think the High Council is wrong about positioning you here."

"Any danger that the kaminoans might suffer has to be treated as a peril to the Republic core itself. Our informants have enough proof for us to believe that the Separatists are mounting an attack."

"Then, tell me Master Di, how are the Separatist supposed to get past dozens of highly fortified Republic systems and still have a big enough force to destroy Kamino."

"That is... unknown yet. But the council is so sure that the attack is going to happen that they have sent not only me but also another group of jedis, who are on their way."

"If what you are saying is true, then may the force be with us."


Hell Squad didn't have much to do on Kamino. Apart from the occasional guard duty, their only occupation was staying ready to defend all times.

They spent most of their free time watching the cadets run the test course, a hobby that Cell had discovered and the other members of Hell Squad had adopted.

At this moment Hell Squad was on the bleachers, watching a squad of five clones trying to clear the course. B1 and B2 battle droids reconfigured to fire non-lethal shots and painted with white targets were blocking the clones. As Dageer watched the clones finally shot down the last B2 battle droid and captured the green flag that they were protecting.

"That wasn't bad. But if the one on their right flank hasn't hesitated so much to advance they probably would have won without losing anybody."

"You can't blame him Brain. He has only trained here, we wouldn't have fared much better if we were still cadets."

It was at that moment that someone behind them said something calmly.

"Then why don't you try it trooper?"

They all turned quick, only to see the togruta that was talking to General Di before (of course they didn't know that).

"General Shaak Ti!"

"No need for that troopers. If you are so interested in the test runs, why don't you show the cadets what a real soldier is like?"

"I... hmmm..."

"If we can do it as a squad, Hell Squad would be more than happy to give the cadets a taste of what a battlefield looks like."

Dageer stepped forward, and Cell gave him a thankful stare.

"Good. I will call all the cadets available here, and I hope that by watching you they can understand some of their own problems. Prepare yourself."

"Yes general!"

Before long at least a thousand clone cadets had filled the benches, and, as improbable as it sounded, Tech and Cell, two soldiers who had passed through dozens of life-and-death combats, we're starting to get nervous.

"Man, I don't think we ever had such a big crowd watching us battle."

"Usually the crowd was trying to kill us."

This lightened the mood, and Dageer directed them to the starting line. The course was made up by scattered crates, small fortifications, and at the end a tower they had to either climb or invade to get the flag.

Of course, there were also many training droids, who had been placed on almost all defensive positions of the test field. Since Hell Squad was an elite unit, Shaak Ti had decided to increase the difficulty, adding not only a lot more droids but also some Droidekas.

Dageer had the feeling it was going to be fun.