
Metal got up, his Z-6 spinning slowly. As soon as he appeared the thirty odd droids lifted their weapons, but it was too late. A torrent of laser left the six barrels of the gun, and the front of the droid forces fell quickly. As soon as one droid fell the one behind him would be on the receiving end of the lasers, and would also be shot down pretty quick.

Hell Squad had shown now that even with their backs against the wall they could still take care of the enemies easily. Many of the cadets were already thinking of using this strategy to pass their final examination. What many clones did not think, though, was how much Dageer pondered before formulating his plan.

Dageer has taken into account different facts before he decided for the extreme left. First of all, he knew how many enemies they would face, which usually is an incognita on real battles. Second, Hell Squad had a pretty clear objective, which was that capturing the flag, and he knew that the droids would do everything to protect it, including abandoning defensive positions and agglomerating on a large group.

Lastly, Hell Squad had one sniper - Dab - to take care of the towers and one heavy machine gunner - Metal - to take care of the group of droids. Those were members that normal squads didn't have, so any of the cadets who tried the same strategy would be obliterated.

While Metal was taking care of the droids who came at them, Dageer called Brain, and together they sprinted towards a bunch of crates twenty meters away. They knelt on the floor behind the crates, and Dageer took out a droid popper. Brain, seeing his squad leader doing so, also took out one, and they both threw it over their shoulders, without even aiming.

The grenades flew over some crates and landed behind some droids. Blue, electric chains zapped and the droids trembled before crashing onto the floor.

With the path clear, the rest of Hell Squad advanced, and Dageer signaled for Cell to go ahead. The scout carried a DC-15S, much better for close ranges, and was a specialist on close combat. Cell darted through the crates, and when he passed through a droid he would shoot it point blank. His actions secured Hell Squad another twenty minutes before he was forced to stop.

There was now an open space, and the Droidekas were positioned there, their shields raised. There were five of them, and for the cadets, it was their first time seeing one. The destroyers were amongst the most dangerous infantry forces of the Separatist, and therefore it was difficult for the Republic to acquire one of them. Thus, the cadets only received theoretical training about how to destroy or deactivate Droidekas.

This time there was no doorway on which Hell Squad could funnel them, so Dageer could only go with the second best option. First, he and Hell Squad cleared all the droids on the vicinities, so they wouldn't be attacked immediately. Then, each Hell Squad members grabbed droid poppers.

Their objective was to roll the grenades under the destroyer's shields, but it was a troublesome tactic. They couldn't throw it too fast or the shields would identify it as a laser or attack of some sort and block it. But, if they were to slow then they wouldn't reach the target.

"Remember boys, neither too slow nor too fast, just like we practiced. We have to trick their shields into thinking those here are harmless rocks and not some kind of metal ball of death."

"When you are ready sir."

"Then go!"

Dageer threw the grenade near the ground, and it started rolling towards the Droidekas, together with six others.