
When Dageer got out of the well, the situation was pretty much the same as when he left, but both sides had suffered losses.

Without counting the mon calamarians who chased him, and were by now most probably dead, there were about twenty-five or thirty of them. The clones obviously made them pay a heavy price to get to the inside of the base.

But they did. Dageer could see two dead clones on the doorway, and another one leaning on the wall. Thankfully none of them was of Hell Squad.

As Dageer got inside the facilities of the medical base, more bodies appeared. Most of them were mon calamarians, but there were also some more clones, and even some researchers. Judging by the blasters on their hands, even the researchers were still clones.

Soon, Dageer heard laser fire. He sneaked across the corridors, and saw the backs of the mon calamarians. They were grouped around a door on which 'Water Tests' was written, and were firing inside. There were two more dead clones, with holes on their backs. Dageer couldn't see who they were.

By the sights of it, the clones were retreating when the mon calamarians caught up to them. If Dageer didn't miss anything, then there were seventeen mon calamarians alive. And judging by the bodies all over, only three or four clones remained, plus Hell Squad and some researchers.

"Hey, you smelly scum!"

Dageer did the most reasonable thing, which was, of course, shooting at every mon calamari on his line of sight.

The DC-15S that he took from Three-four was the best option at this kind of close combat, since it could fire faster, and accuracy wasn't so important.

Ge started with his blaster pointed at the left, and pressed the trigger non-stop, at the same time moving the weapon in a horizontal line, ending his movement on the right. As a result, the back lines of the mon calamarians - about six of them - all fell, and the astonished survivors took a lot of time to react.

Dageer didn't have anywhere to hide, and all of his ammo was spent. But he didn't need to worry, as the clones on the room came out, and quickly took down some enemies. For the first time in the whole battle, the mon calamarians showed some common sense and surrendered.


Only half an hour later that Dageer finally had the chance to sit down and think about the situation. They had nine prisoners, all locked and defeated both physically and mentally. However, the Republic side wasn't faring much better.

On the battle, of the original eighteen clones stationed on the medical base, only Salv and three more remained. Of the researchers, more than half were dead, all with a blaster on their hands. Hell Squad only had one wounded - Tech - and no dead, but were extremely tired.

Talking about that, the only reason they were alive and victorious was because of that strange monster that Dageer encountered. The creature killed at least fifteen mon calamarians, and Dageer still didn't know if their leader was alive, but his instincts told him that Hiigi was.

Dageer became curious about why such a dangerous monster lived near the medical base, and asked one of the researchers.

The answer surprised him. It turned out that the monster was called Blixus, a native predator of Scarif. The electric grenades were originally designed to deal with it. And more, the Blixus he encountered was only one of the many who lived in Scarif. The clones knew the monster lived there, but since it never came out of its cave - until Dageer electrocuted it - they never had any problems.

The aftermath of the battle was intense, and the clones spent the next few days cleaning up everything. The task of how to make the production continue was not Dageer's problem, and the researchers decided to wait a few weeks before going down on the water, to make sure the Blixus had calmed down. However, the medical base still had a huge stockpile of medicines, and Dageer got it all ready for their return to Kamino.

Dageer didn't know that Hiigi had survived and followed Dooku's instructions to go to Kalee, but it was a fact that after the battle their communications were restored. Dageer saw that as a sign that the planet was theirs again.

It was only after a week that another group of Republic ships arrived, not rushing since Dageer contacted them to say everything was under control.

Dageer was expecting that they would get the medical supplies on a ship and go back to Kamino, but apparently, Commander Keeli and General Di had other plans. Both of them disembarked from The Sincerity, and asked Dageer to have all the clones in position because they were going to get a speech.

Together with the speech came the surprises.