
The safe passage that the few clones that Dageer was leading had was just a small bridge. The city they were at the moment was split into two, an east and a west part.

At the moment, Commander Keeli and some troopers of the Galactic Marines were holding the east city, and half a platoon, under the command of Galactic Marines' sergeant Rothax, was waiting for Hell Squad and the others on the bridge.

The entrance of the bridge was just big enough for two men to pass side by side, and just like any other part of the city, it was under heavy attack. Dageer saw about fifteen clones, using the characteristic red and white armor of the Galactic Marines.

"Hurry up! We are outnumbered!"

Rothax, the sergeant, saw Dageer and the others arriving, and urged them. The 303rd clones stopped shooting back, and just ran to the bridge, losing one or two men on the process. They were only twenty meters away from the bridge, and from rescue, however, they were destined not to have it.

"Who is that?"


Dab shouted, and drew Dageer's attention to someone in the middle of the bridge. The person pulled an old K-7 Watchman blaster pistol from under his cloak, and fired at the back of the clones.

Without any chance to react, the galactic marines were shot down one after the other. Before dying, Rothax tried to turn around, but was shot in the head, and fell from the bridge, his body lost in the snowstorm below.

Suddenly, there were two small explosions, one on either side of the bridge. It started shaking, and the person turned around and left it right before it fell.

With rumbling and tumbling sounds, the escape route of Hell Squad, and the remaining twenty clones was lost. Dageer was still looking to the rising dust when he heard the robotic voices of the droids.

"Stop! Surrender!"

Slowly turning, Dageer saw dozens, maybe even a hundred droids around the small group of clones. For some reason, the droids were not firing, and so, the clones also stopped. They all came closer together, prepared to make their last stand.

"Sir... it was an honor serving with you."

"There is no need to say that yet, Berro. It is only a few dozen clanckers, we can take care of them with our eyes closed."

"There are a lot more than a few dozen..."

Berro, Shield, and Cell tried to make the situation seem a little less dire, but the truth was that the number of clanckers was only growing. No matter what they said, there was nothing they could do to change their destiny.

"Surrender, Republic scum!"

"Captain, I thought we didn't take prisoners?"

"Quiet, sergeant. This is a secret, we can't let anyone know this."

"Errr... they heard you, captain."

"Bzzz... that is your fault, sergeant! Take them."

Following the captain's orders, the droids started approaching the clones. When those were almost firing, and consequently provoking their doom, Dageer ordered them to stand down.

"Sir, are you sure?"

"It is better than dying outright. At least we might be able to... Arghhhhh!"

Before Dageer was able to finish his sentence, a droid hit him with an Electropole. Light blue energy stripes ran across his body, and he passed out. At almost the same time, the same thing happened to the other clones.

Before long, the unconscious clones were laying on the ground, and B2 super battle droids picked them up by their feet, and dragged them away, without caring if their heads were hitting rocks and rumble on the way.


Bonde Lee was a senator for the Duros faction, but he had never been able to do much for his people. One day, while on a diplomatic mission, his ship was captured by the Separatist, and his life threatened by the one he least expected.

Luckily, he had been saved by the clone army, and thought that everything would end well. But now, the same clones that had saved him were aiming their blasters at him.

"I-I don't understand what is happening. Wh-Why are you doing this? I did nothing. I am on your side!"

"Are you, my dear Lee? We saw you blow that bridge, and leave those poor troopers to die. We have been watching you talking with the enemy for quite some time now."

A person using purple robes walked from the midst of the clones. Senator Farr still had the same expression as he always had, but his eyes carried a dangerous glint that Bonde Lee never expected the usually kind rodian to have.

"Senator Farr, I- I... You... Please..."

"Arrest him."

Two galatic marines grabbed the stuttering senator, and took him away. Seconds later, General Di arrived. He looked at Senator Lee being dragged away, and then at Senator Farr, but said nothing. Without anyone noticing him, he left, and went to his chambers to meditate.


"Kill... Jedi... Jedi... Kill..."





"Kill... Kill... Kill!!!"



Dageer woke up, his head hurting. He tried to support himself and stand up, but his hand slipped in something soft, and he fell down again.


He looked down, and saw the same men that had been with him on the bridge, and about two dozen more.

They were all on a prison cell, but it wasn't dark and claustrophobic like others he had been to. Instead, there was a whole wall missing, and after it was cold, blowing wind.

Dageer walked till the edge of the abyss, and saw why nobody worried about building a wall there. The wind was so strong that anyone who tried to escape by there would fall to his death.

"Brain. Wake up. Wake. Up."

Dageer kicked Brain, and the clone started moving. It was only then that Dageer noticed that they were all without their armors and helmets.

"Wake the others. See how many we are."

Slowly, all the clones woke up. In total, there were seventy-three captured soldiers. Surprisingly, none of them was injured. Or maybe the droids only captured those that were of use to them. What use was that, Dageer still didn't know.

"Sir, any idea of why they captured us?"

"I know just as much as you do. But I bet we will know soon. The seppies are here."

A group of standard B1 battle droids opened the cell, and started pulling and pushing the captives.

"Walk, Republic scum. You have work to do."

"Keep walking."

"Sir, we could try..."

"Stop whispering. Walk!"

The droid used his E-5 to hit Metal, and force him to move. Dageer knew what his subordinate was thinking, but there were too many droids, and the clones were unarmed. Dageer shook his head. Now was not the time.