Sergeant Storge and Torc lasted for last than two minutes after the wall was taken down. Dageer didn't see their end, but he knew it happened because Cell - who was on their rearguard - saw the clanckers storming past the outpost and following them.
"General Di. We lost the first outpost, and are retreating to the next defensive line."
A hologram of a tired Nikto appeared in front of Dageer as he used the hologram projector as he was running. At the same time, his comlink bipped. Through his transmission with General Di, he heard the same noise coming from behind the Jedi. He and Commander Keeli had received the same thing. Looking at the data, Dageer's expression grew serious.
"Did you get that too, Dageer?"
"Yes, commander."
The hologram became smaller and now encompassed both General Di and Commander Keeli. Soon, the padawan, Ragout, joined them.
"What is it, Keeli?"
"Bad news, general. It appears we were the ones who fared best after their first wave of attacks. Several of our bases and defenses near the other cities were taking down. Casualties are as high as seventy percent in some places."
Dageer nodded. Without the Jedis to help on the other fronts, the 303rd suffered a lot more. According to the information he just received, several dozen troopers died, while hundreds were injured. He read the lines on his comlink.
"Sergeants Jung, Milo, and Cooker died. Lieutenant Shield, Lieutenant Womp and Captain Macro were severely injured. We were forced to order total retreat on all fronts."
General Di closed his eyes, and stood like that for a few minutes. Things were deteriorating fast. Their fleet was almost destroyed, and they were getting pushed back in the first confrontation.
"How long do we have?"
"If they continue at this pace, fifteen days at most for the capital, and ten to twelve days for the other cities. That is, if they don't receive reinforcements."
"Which will most probably happen."
"Yes, general."
The Jedi looked at Dageer, and turned to his padawan and Commander Keeli. He said something to the clone, and Commander Keeli left the hologram.
"We are going to switch tactics, Dageer. You still have some freedom fighters with you, don't you?"
Dageer looked around, and saw Apele and three Twi'leks. They were all that remained from the freedom fighters that Hell Squad had with them. Apele saw him looking, and nodded to him, although she couldn't hear what the sub-commander and his general were discussing.
"I have, general. Four of them."
"Good. Let's wait for Syndulla, then I will tell you all what we are going to do."
Dageer acknowledged General Di, and said nothing. Several minutes passed by where everyone stood silent. General Di's group was already on the second base, waiting for Dageer and Hell Squad, so it took a while for Commander Keeli to find Syndulla. When he arrived, the Twi'lek had a fierce expression on his face, and a bandage on his shoulder. It appeared General Di also faced problems to get to Republic territory.
"Master Jedi. Sub-commander Dageer. How can I help?"
"The Separatist are advancing to the main cities. Our troops can't contend with them on an open battle."
Syndulla looked at the Nikto, his expression growing uglier. His thoughts were clear as day for anyone to see. He was disappointed by the Republic's incapacity of holding their promises to the Twi'leks.
"What do you suggest then, Jedi? We leave the cities? We let my people suffer? Is this the peace the Republic promised us?"
Drops of saliva landed on General Di's face, and Dageer saw Ragout tensing up, ready to speak in favor of his master. However, before the Togruta could say anything, General Di gestured for him to keep quiet, and although indignation filled his face, Ragout obeyed.
"Listen to me, Syndulla. We aren't going to abandon you nor your people. But I won't let my troops die in vain."
"Then what do you plan on doing?"
"Your people know this planet. They know the topography, they know the mountains and rivers. They will be our guides. We won't be able to completely stop the droids, but we can slow them down."
"You want to ambush them."
"Not ambush. I want to annoy them. Hit and run tactics. Keeli, Dageer, you know what I am talking about."
"Yes, sir."
"Yes, general."
"We see each other in two hours. Syndulla, Kelli, let's get our people ready."
"It isn't fair. So many clones died, and Syndulla is blaming us! How can he do that?!"
Dageer stood quiet as a very angry Ragout complained. They were in the planning room of the second Republic base. The Separatist were about thirty kilometers behind them. Being a huge army also had its disadvantages, they being mainly the huge amount of supplies needed - energy cells for the Separatist Army - and that they moved slowly.
"General... Syndulla might be rude, but I understand why he is angry. And you also do. He is worried for his people, and he is worried that he made the wrong decision by joining the Republic. Considering our recent results in battle, well..."
"Still... our losses are far greater than his! Can't he see we are doing everything we can?!"
Dageer sighed. He might understand Syndulla's reasons, but that didn't mean he was happy with his words. If anything, he was angrier than Ragout, after, it was his brothers who were dying.
"I didn't live a very long life, General Ragout, but one thing I learned in all the battles I fought is that sometimes, not even doing everything you can is enough."
"Dageer is right, my young padawan. War isn't fair. If we changed sides with the Separatist, we would do the same. As a Jedi, it is important for you to understand that. Don't be clouded by anger or sadness."
General Di entered the room, followed by Commander Keeli. It was clear he heard the padawan and clone talking. Ragout turned to the Nikto, less angry, but still somewhat indignant.
"But, master..."
"Remember we are peacekeepers. We are fighting the Clone Wars because there is no other option. But don't be fooled. We aren't soldiers. Our job is to follow the Force, and maintain peace."
Dageer looked at the Jedi, his expression unchanged, but he was quite confused. How could the Jedis fight a war and still be peacekeepers? Anyway, it didn't make a difference to him. He fought because it was all he knew, it was all he was created for. Besides, he now had his personal motives to fight the seppies. One for each brother that died.
"You will make a fine commander one day, Dageer. Just like Ragout, you can't be clouded by anger. No leader can."
"Ermm... Thank you, general."
Dageer was quite surprised by General Di, and didn't know what to say. He didn't understand what General Di meant, nor why he said it. He looked at Commander Keeli, but the clone was impassive.
"Now, let's get back to the present. Syndulla is picking several freedom fighters to guide our strike groups. Keeli, Dageer, you sort out who those groups will be."
// Author message //
Well, there was another chapter wrongly released yesterday. This automatic release system of Webnovel is starting to piss me off. I wanted to use it so I could guarantee you all would know a time (13:00) you could open the app knowing there is a chapter for you to read, but this is the second time it went wrong. Well, let's wait and see how it does.
Also, there is a spoiler of Clone Wars season 7 below in the author's notes, so don't read it if you don't like spoilers.