"Lieutenant Shield, you are under arrest for treason against the Republic."
The moment those words left Dageer's mouth, every clone, including Hell Squad, looked at him dumbfounded. Accusations of treason couldn't be made lightly, because the penalty was death. However, that wasn't what shocked them. The fact that Dageer was accusing a fellow clone, a brother, of treason was unbelievable.
Even Hell Squad, who knew nothing about the conversation Dageer had with General Windu and General Yoda, couldn't help but hesitate and look at him.
When they saw his straight back, and that he wouldn't go back on his words, they finally lifted their blasters, and aimed them at Lieutenant Shield, albeit hesitantly.
"C-Commander? What do you mean? I don't understand!"
Dageer took a deep breath, but his hands remained steady on the trigger. If his brother tried to run or resist prison, he would fire. Of course, his blaster was set to stun only. Without taking his eyes of Lieutenant Shield, he called a trooper.
"Get General Windu and General Yoda here immediately. Go!"
He couldn't help but yell the last word, scaring the clone with the intensity. The trooper didn't hesitate anymore, and left the communications center already talking on his comlink.
"Commander, sir? Can... Can you tell us what is happening?"
More and more troopers entered the room, and stared confusedly at the scene. A clone holding another clone at gunpoint was something that had never happened before. They couldn't understand it. They were all brothers, so what was happening? Treason? How could a clone commit treason? That was impossible.
Ignoring the crowd that was being formed, Dageer stood a few more seconds without saying anything. Then, with a shaking hand, he took off his helmet, and put it on top of a panel.
Looking at the expression Dageer had, Lieutenant Shield understood he had been caught, and that there was no way he could escape punishment. But that didn't worry him. At the moment, all he could think of was the feeling of betrayal that he could see in Dageer's eyes.
"Why, Shield? Why?"
"I am sorry, commander. But it wasn't I who betrayed the Republic. They betrayed us! They created us to die for their selfish reasons!"
When he yelled, his entire face contorted in one of pain. He didn't try to hide anything, because he believed he was right. However, for the other clones, who heard his confession, it was as if the ground had been pulled from under their feet.
One of their brothers, blood of their blood, had betrayed the Republic. Had betrayed them. They weren't idiots. Even though they didn't know the extension of Lieutenant Shield's betrayal, they could imagine it cost a lot of lives. And to think that a clone would knowingly cause the death of his brothers... It was too much.
"Shield... Listen to yourself, brother. When did it start?"
"Hahaha! When the Republic abandoned us, commander. They left us to die in Ryloth! They knew we were going against an enemy ten times our size, and that we had no chance of winning, and what they did? Nothing!"
All the clones around, especially those who knew what happened to the 303rd, were shaken. They would never admit it, but deep down, they agreed with Lieutenant Shield. However, they would never go as far as he did.
"Our entire legion, all our brothers, were slaughtered for a single planet. They were your brothers too, commander. Don't you feel anything?"
The lieutenant almost spat those words, but, before Dageer could rebuke, he was already talking again. His eyes showed a madness that clones shouldn't have.
"And you know what we got, sir, after all those sacrifices? More battles, more deaths. I saw one of the Twi'leks we fought for use our brothers as meat shields. He pushed them in front of lasers so he could run faster! Face it, Dageer! We are disposable!"
"Maybe. That was the reason why we were born. However, Shield, no matter how many grievances you have with the Republic, how could you betray your brothers?"
"I didn't betray you or anyone! I just don't want to be a Republic slave anymore! When the Separatist win, they will set us free!"
Dageer closed his eyes in pain. To see a brother of his fall to such pitiful state was terrible. The clones watching, who now already included Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Commander Bly, and dozens of others, stood quiet. They already understood that Lieutenant Shield had lost his mind.
"I don't know what the Separatist promised you, Shield, but was it really worthy the lives of thousands of your own brothers? Or are you so crazy that you can't see your actions caused the deaths of so many?"
Dageer's words echoed inside the communications center. Even if the troopers didn't know what Lieutenant Shield's actions were, it was obvious that they led to losses. As much as they were shocked, they couldn't feel anger, only sadness.
The spy, on the other hand, had a different reaction. As if realizing for the first time what he had done, Lieutenant Shield fell to the floor, holding his head.
"I-I... I didn't... I..."
"Shield... Brother... Where did you send that message to? Stay on our side this one last time. You can save thousands."
The clone stared at Dageer for a long time, long enough for the Jedis to arrive. They wanted to intervene, but General Yoda blocked their path with his cane, and shook his head. All General Windu and the other could do was stay put.
"A relay station on Kaeros System. They control it."
Dageer looked at Lieutenant Shield's eyes, and nodded slowly. He had no doubt the clone was telling the truth.
"I am sorry, Shield. You know what awaits you."
The spy took a deep breath, and got up. Dageer nodded for two troopers to hold him, and take him away. He didn't want to see what came next.
"Commander? Dageer... I see them. The general and Commander Keeli, and all the others. They are in the nightmares. Th-They look at me. Will... Will it finally end? All the pain? All the dreams?"
Dageer had turned around, trying not to look at his old brother. However, when he heard that, he still clenched his fists in agony. He knew far too well what Lieutenant Shield meant. Every clone saw their dead brothers in their dreams, and Dageer was no exception.
"Yes, brother. It will. You can finally rest."
He could almost hear the sigh of relief that the lieutenant let out. Turning around, he left the room, and ignored the Jedis, even though General Windu tried to get his attention. He needed to be alone right now.
Two days later, CT-7034, known as Lieutenant Shield, former member of the 303rd Attack Legion and of the 212th Legion, was executed without trial by a firing squad. The execution was performed by members of the Coruscant Police after the Coruscant Guard refused to do it.
The Republic relay station the Separatist had taken over, and were using to gather intel from all their spies was destroyed by the 327th fleet, and the Separatist there were all killed.
The battle plans for Fondor were changed, resulting in a crushing victory for the Republic, and with minimal losses. For the clones who knew the circumstances of their victory, the cost was far too great.