Completing The Mission...?

Ten or twelve of the Mandalorians fell before they could even muster up a reaction. Before hiding behind a pillar, Dageer quickly scanned the room. There were at least fifty men and women inside, all armed to the teeth, and wearing a platinum armor. At first, Dageer thought they had already killed one-fourth of them, but he was stunned to see over half of the 'dead' Mandalorians rise again, rubbing their chest in pain. Only those hit on the head stayed on the ground.

"What is their armor made of?!"

No one could answer Metal. One thing was certain, though: it was way stronger than the blast padding clones had. Even Hell Squad would need more time to get up after being shot.

"Let's hope their helmets aren't as strong! Brain, Dab, time to do your trick!"

Ragout frowned when he saw that some of the Mandalorians were already flying around with their jetpacks, and using two pistols and rockets against them. From time to time, one of them would fall, their visor broken by a blue laser. Even with Hell Squad's accuracy, it was difficult for them to hit moving targets straight in the middle of the head. If they were just a centimeter to the side, the Death Watch members would only be knocked down, but not permanently. They were tougher than they had anticipated.

Still, no armor could resist a detonator to the face. If Brain just threw it at their feet, they would fly away. But, with Dab hitting them midair, the Mandalorians had no time to dodge.

Suddenly, one of the Death Watch members tried to flank them by flying around the sides of the room. Unfortunately for him, Ragout was waiting. He gave the Mandalorian an unnoticeable pull with the Force, then ran towards him, and stabbed forward. Dageer's vibroblade, however, only left a puny scratch on the red and black armor.

The Mandalorian laughed, and tried to shoot Ragout point-blank. One of his lasers flew by the Jedi's head, missing by millimeters, all thanks to his heightened senses. The man didn't get a chance to press the trigger again.

Learning from his mistakes, Ragout found a part of the Mandalorian's left side that wasn't covered with armor, and stabbed it in an upwards motion. Dying immediately, the Death Watch member lost control of his jetpack, and crashed into two other criminals.

If Pre Vizsla had seen what Ragout did, he would have noticed something was wrong. After all, he had thought Jedis before, so he could recognize one if he paid attention. But he was more worried about Hell Squad. The group of seven silent and lethal killers were taking down his top soldiers with scary efficiency. His eyes darted back and forth, but he still couldn't discover who they were. Satine would never resort to such lowly tactics as assassins, and his other enemies were all dead or hiding. That left only the Separatist or the Republic. Both hated him. Especially the Republic.

"Stop! Retreat!"

Hearing their leader, the Mandalorians landed next to him, albeit reluctantly. Only then did they notice that almost two dozen of their own were left on the ground, while the enemy hadn't had a single wound. That realization filled them with shook, and then fear.

"Hold your fire."

Seeing that Death Watch had retreated, Ragout told Hell Squad to wait. He was curious as to what Vizsla would say. After all, his terrorist organization was feared by everyone on the planet, but this time, they had hit a wall. While his troops needed just a second to aim and fire, Hell Squad seemed like their hands were guided by something. Not every shot was a kill, but every laser hit the target. If it wasn't for their famous Mandalorian armor, they would all be dead by now, including him.

"Who sent you?"

As angry as he was seeing so many of his high-ranking officers die, Vizsla was a man of logic. He knew that if he insisted on fighting, maybe he could escape, but not the others. And Death Watch wasn't just one person. Useless as they were, he needed the others.

"It doesn't matter. We will give you one chance to surrender, Vizsla. If you don't, we won't hold back this time. As for the others... You can go. We are not after you."

Only Ragout showed himself, while Hell Squad stood behind cover, aiming at Death Watch. Even after killing almost half of them, the Republic group was still outnumbered about three to one. However, none of the Mandalorians found the Togruta's exigencies arrogant. He had the skill to back it up.

Still, Pre Vizsla wasn't scared so easily. His shaved head, scar, and the dark glint in his eyes remained Ragout of Dageer.

"Death Watch isn't to be trifled with. I will admit you are stronger than us now, but to capture us, you will need a lot more people. Death Watch, scatter! Back to base!"

Vizsla didn't hesitate for a single second to run. He was angry, and his natural arrogance made him want to kill his attackers, but he valued his life more than his pride. That, and also wanted to avoid the unwanted attention their battle was sure to attract.

Dageer didn't wait anymore, and aimed at Vizsla. Unfortunately, the criminal knew he would be targeted, so all Dageer managed to do was damage his jetpack when he turned around. Albeit smoking, Vizsla still managed to break a window, and fly away.

That was one of the advantages of the Mandalorian warriors. Their jetpacks allowed them to escape through the air, quickly getting out of range from Hell Squad. If they were to try and go out through the door, the clones would have dropped all of them in a few minutes. However, now, they only managed to kill four or five more Death Watch members.

Ragout and Hell Squad were only frustrated for a few seconds before forgetting about it. Pre Vizsla and the others were never their targets. From the start, they only planned on killing their three targets. Anyone else was just a bonus.

"Check them, quickly. We already wasted too much time here, the Mandalorian police will arrive soon."

The troopers nodded, and started taking off the Death Watch members' helmets. One of them was surprisingly still alive, although she was barely breathing. She had been lucky enough to avoid a laser, but crashed into the ground hard, and broke her spine. Without a second thought, Dageer finished her off, while Ragout only stared conflicted, but said nothing.

"I got Vizsla's cousin here!"

"Kilrr is dead too."

Brain turned over the last body, and popped the helmet off with his feet, finding a blonde woman. Half of her face was burned, but she was still recognizable.

"I think that's Arta Spnil, general. We got them all."

"And a lot more. I see at least two other important Death Watch officers here."

Ragout nodded, and urged them to go. Barely five minutes after they left the building, they saw spotted several Mandalorians wearing the blue armor of the legitimate government flying towards it. There was no doubt they would receive a huge surprise when they get there.