Time moved in its own pace, sometimes as slow as a snail other times in a head to head competition with Suga's rap speed but it moved nonetheless and before I knew it 'presidentJoonie' became a part of my everyday life. Though we had been friends for months and even exchanged numbers at one point, we never told each other our names. We didn't really feel the need to and it didn't actually matter. We gave each other our own names and talked about everything- our lives, insecurities, people around us and our interests.
He, like me, was an avid reader so that made up for the most part of our conversation. We also shared a love for poetry and philosophy and it really made him easy to talk to since he could understand my random ramblings and occasional existential crises. My anxiety eased up a bit too and it was all thanks to him as he always encouraged me to be a little more courageous in pursuit of things I really wanted.
That day was no different as we went on discussing about how literature and pop culture influence each other when it took a drastic turn.
Knowall: [Hey… I have been thinking…]
Otaku: [When did you start thinking?]
Knowall: [ha ha ha]
Otaku: [What's up? You seem down…]
Knowall: [I am fine… it's just that we have known each other for months already but you never told me your name.]
Otaku: [Well… you never asked… and you never told me either]
Knowall: [You are right... let's start from the beginning then, shall we?]
Knowall: [Hello, my name is Namjoon and it's nice to meet you!]
Otaku: [LOL bro…]
Knowall: [What?]
Otaku: [Nothing but… Namjoon is your real name??]
Knowall: [100% original]
Otaku: [Wow… you lucky]
Knowall: [Lucky?]
Otaku: [Yep… you got the same name as our president! By the way, I have always wondered what does 'Namjoon' actually mean?]
Namjoon: [Oh… It means something along the lines of 'a genius from south'.]
Otaku: [Really?]
Namjoon: [Really! Don't you believe me?]
Otaku: [I do! It's just kind of amazing how the name really suits you…]
Namjoon: [Thanks I guess]
Otaku: [Yep… it's the perfect name for Mr. Know It All LOL]
Namjoon: [Hey!]
Otaku: [kekekeke sorry… couldn't help it. But it really is a good name.]
Namjoon: [Now it's your turn… what is your name?] (Speak yourself)
Otaku: [Okay… **clears throat** nice to meet you too Namjoon, my name is Tesha.]
Namjoon: [Tesha? That's a pretty name. What does it mean?]
Tesha: [It means 'survivor' and its okay I guess.]
Namjoon: [You don't like it?]
Tesha: [It's not that I don't like it… I just find it kind of ironic.]
Namjoon: [Ironic?]
Before I could answer, another violent cough racked my body. It was quite normal for me so I didn't really think much of it until my eyes widened slightly at the sight of blood on the floor. I used my hand to wipe the moisture I felt around my mouth and at the red that painted my pale hand, I could only stare unbelievingly….
How can it start so early?
Is it that time already?