More Time Skips

Videl and I appear inside my house while my clone drops Mr. Satan and Buu at their house and explain where Videl and I are at. I didn't have to worry about how Goku'll make his way back as he is with Gohan and the Kai.

"Ahhh, home sweet home," I said as I look around. "Vide…" I said before having to stop as I suddenly find a pair of lips covering my own. I was surprised for a moment making me forget what I was going to say but I didn't worry about it as I enjoy the sensation of her soft lips.

I move my hand down to grab her firm bottom making her open her mouth in surprise. Taking advantage of this, I insert my tongue into her mouth and wrap it around her. After Videl realizes what happened, she enjoys the kiss for as long as she can before she finally breaks off to catch her breath.

I took her hand and ask with a playful smirk "Wanna take this to the bedroom?"

Videl's face instantly blushes red. "yes." She answers in a whisper.

With all the confirmation I need, I teleport us midair on top of the bed and fall down with Videl on top. Before she can say anything, I seal her lips with my own as I use my hand to explore her body. Videl didn't want to lose out so she moves her hand down and lifts my shirt off. As I return the favor, we strip each other of our clothes not breaking our kiss even once.


That night happened about four years ago. Since it was our both first time, we got into a couple of embarrassing moments. That night almost made me wish I didn't make such a perverted move when I created my base form. The only reason that night didn't end up a disaster was because Videl is a martial artist so the pain didn't bother her as much as it should.

After high school, almost two years since the fight with Buu, I finally got the courage to propose to Videl. Even though I know that we both love each other, I can't help but get nervous. I mean I wasn't even that nervous fighting Buu.

Videl proves that I was nervous over nothing when she screams "YES!" and tackle me in a hug. After a talk with Videl's dad, we set the wedding to six months after my proposal as that was the day we met or at least talk for the first time as she was in my class and I didn't notice.

Hearing about our wedding, Gohan jokingly mentions to Erasa that maybe they should get married too. Erasa didn't even pause to consider it and happily accept Gohan's 'proposal'. That lead to us having a double wedding with me and Videl along with Gohan and Erasa.

Due to me being the world savior's 'student' and Videl being his daughter, our wedding somehow got leaked and blown way out of proportion. We were going to do the wedding near the school where we met but with the whole world knowing about it. We decide to move the wedding to Mr. Roshi's island and brought only our friends and family to the wedding. The Ox King, being the ruler of a small kingdom, was our marriage officiant, vow master or whatever that job is called.

After the wedding, I teleport us back to my… no, it's our house now. I teleport us back to our house outside the city. With me having infinite energy and Videl's training, we didn't come out of the house until the week was over. As you can guess, Videl ends up getting pregnant after that.

9 months later, Videl gives birth to a healthy baby boy. Too healthy in my opinion. I mean he was born with a shocking PL of 100,000, only the Frost Demons are born with power level suppressing that. I even have to buy a necklace that suppresses Ki from the system as normal people can't even get near him without collapsing from the sheer pressure alone.

The good news is that he isn't a Legendary Super Saiyan. I think having one Legendary Super Saiyan in the Universe is enough, having two at the same time might just break the universe. Kind of like in Goku and Broly's fight. Speaking of Broly, I should go try to solve that problem before it makes its way to Earth. Hm… I'll do that later.

My boy's name is Seru Darc, name after the MC of one of my favorite DB fanfiction, not that I'm going to tell anyone where I got the name.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Darc's PL. Goku got excited that there is going to be a new strong fighter to battle against. Vegeta on the other hand almost gives up training hahaha. In the end, Vegeta took kid Trunks and went off for more training. Goku follows Vegeta's example and took off to North Kai's place to train.

Just 1 and a half months after Darc was born, he can not only crawl around but also float too. I wasn't really surprised to see him float around as his PL is 100,000. At 4 months old, Darc was able to start walking already and 2 months after that, Drac said his first word.

Now, at only a little over one year old, he can already be seen running around like a 2 years old kid. When Darc is old enough, I plan to train him so he can control his power because as of now, without the bracelet suppressing his power, his power will go out of control wrecking everything in the surrounding.

Erasa and Gohan also have a little baby girl. She was born just 2 months after Drac. It seems Gohan's family was the one that named the kid as they named her Pan. Unlike Darc, Pan seems like a regular kid, that is until she starts floating around like Darc did.

We often went to visit Erasa and Gohan to let Darc play with Pan. Darc grows up like an older brother to Pan. During Darc's first birthday, a dog somehow sneaks into the yard we were celebrating in and scare Pan. Darc saw the scared Pan so he stands in front of her blocking the dog from her like a knight in shining armor. I even manage to take a picture of that moment and frame it on the wall of our house.

In the 4 years since the fight with Buu, Videl doesn't train as hard as she uses too. She still kept up with her training but she likes to spend most of her time looking after little Darc. The last time I check her PL it's already over 20,000. As for me, I stop checking PL after my base PL reach 500 trillion a year ago. (A/N: That mean I'm not going to use PL to show who is stronger anymore, I'm just going to point it out instead)

During my training, I asked Oracle if I can fuse or at least use my two transformations at the same time. The answer is yes, but because of Rai, Oracle won't tell me how to do it. Big surprise there 🙄. In the end, I got some inspiration from Gohan's mystic form. I went with the idea that if I can bring out my Perfect From's power in my base form, then I can turn Super Saiyan and still have both power.

It worked… sort of. I manage to bring out the power of my Perfect From but the exoskeleton still appears on my body kind of like an armor without the weird helmet and face part of the original form. I decided to name it my Armored Form. Like that, I'm able to turn Super Saiyan while having the power of my Perfect Form multiplying my base power by 750. In the end, it ended up more like Super Saiyan 4 instead of Mystic Gohan.

As for why my power was multiply by 750 and not 500. It was because, during the time I was trying to combine my two transformations, I got stuck and start to train my Super Saiyan form instead. I manage to easily reach Super Saiyan full power after 2 months of training but couldn't go Super Saiyan 2 no matter what I try so I go back to trying to combine the two again.

When I succeed in combining the two transformations, I got a feeling that I'm still able to go farther. So I follow that feeling and unlock my Super Saiyan 2 transformation making my total multiplier 1000. I decide to call the new form Perfect Super Saiyan. (A/N: See why I'm not doing PL anymore. It gets even more ridiculous if you add god transformation into the mix)

I didn't just focus on my transformation, I also bought and train in some new skills and magic. The most notable one is Instant Transmission. Now I don't have to visit a place in order to leave a mark and teleport there. I can just lock onto a familiar Ki and teleport there. I haven't practiced it that much because I have my own way of teleporting so I still need a few seconds to focus and can only teleport to familiar Ki.

On the magic side of thing, I brought Magic Materialization. I wonder why I didn't buy that sooner it was so useful in everyday life especially in a house where your family, even the baby, can easily break everything.

I wanted to buy something like Hit time skip but it seems those are not magic or technique and are instead rare traits of Hit's species, kind of like the Super Saiyan transformation.

I also visit Goku, Vegeta, and Piccolo during those four years. I mostly went to them for a spar to gain more fighting experience as well as sharpen my skills. At first, I tried to limit my PL to be the same as them but because I don't have the experience to back me up like them, I quickly got beat up. The only reason I was able to fight 18 to a tie at a similar PL was because 18 don't fight much.

After that, I kept my PL high enough so they can get a good fight and I can get better at fighting. The fight with Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo is also one of the reasons my base PL went up so fast. Since they know don't I don't die easily, they went all out against me while I have to be careful and refine my skills so I don't kill them. It ended up with me getting a lot of Zenkai boost. Now, while my skills and technique weren't as good as theirs. I can keep up with them at the same PL.


[A/N: I tried to write a lemon scene but I spent two hours just getting that small part down. I give up afterward so for the foreseeable future, I will not be attempting to write any lemon. I guess this novel will never make it pass T for teen rating... until I get better at writing lemon.]