Tournament of Power 3

When I reach Broly, I see an exhausted Hit, Cabba, and Caulifla sitting down. Broly, for some reason, is teaching Kale how to control the LSS using his experience. I didn't expect to see that.

"So, why is he teaching her. Shouldn't they be fighting each other?" I ask as I arrive next to Cabba.

"Oh, the guy name Broly said that he is similar to Kale so he's trying to help her like someone helped him in the past." Cabba reply as he didn't notice it was a stranger that asked the question. Hit and Caulifla on the other hand already jump back and got in a ready position.

"I see, how nice of him."

"Yeah, the Saiyans from Universe 7 are nice…" Cabba said before he realizes that he doesn't know the voice of the person next to him. He looks over and saw me.

"Boo," I said to scare him.

"WAAHHH" Cabba screams as he jumps back attracting the attention of Broly and Kale.

"HAHAHAHA. Man, that way funny, you should really pay more attention when you're on the battlefield." I told Cabba as I laugh. I wasn't the only one, Caulifla is also laughing while Hit is trying to stop himself from laughing. Hit is doing well but I can see the corner of his lips move up and back a few times.

"Ken? What are you doing here?" Broly

"I came to check how you are doing. You know, you two are supposed to be enemy right?" I tease Broly

"I saw that she have the same problem as me so I can't just leave her alone." Broly answer like a kid that has been caught doing something bad.

"Haha, don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong. Well, keep up the good work. I'm going to check how Goku and Vegeta are doing."

"En" Broly nodded

"Oh, and you better be careful or I'll tell Cheelia about you hanging out with other women." I tease Broly. I see Broly face went red after he hears me. 'Huh? I didn't think that'll work. I don't see Paragus or Lemo doing it so did Cheelia tell Broly about men and women?'

"I-It's not what you think," Broly said embarrassed

"hahaha, don't worry. I'm just teasing you. Well, see ya." I wave bye to Broly.

"Wait!" Caulifla call out

"You need something, miss…"

"Caulifla and I don't know who you think you are but I'm not going to let you walk away as if we are not here." Caulifla

"Oh, sorry did I hurt your feeling because I ignore you," I said treating Caulifla as a kid.

"That's it! HAA!" Caulifla yells as she transformed into SS1 and charge at me. I didn't even need to transform to block her attack.

"Oooh, what a strong punch." I mock her.

"URGG!" Caulifla yells in frustration as she tries to hit me again and again only for me to easily block each time. As time goes on, Caulifla frustration and anger grow. Hmm? I wonder if she can transform into SS2 if I continue with this. Let's find out.

I punch out and send Caulifla flying. Kale looks like she'll transform and attack me but Broly holds her back.

"You are still too weak take me on." I try to make Caulifla angrier. I succeed as she tries to attack me again. This time instead of blocking her, I try to dodge her as casually as possible.

"WHY. CAN'T. I. HIT. YOU." Cauliflia yells out each time she punches.

"Like I said. You are too weak."

"ARGG!!" Caulifla scream as a sudden power explodes out of her. It surprised me as I didn't think she can turn SS2 so soon. Before I can gather myself, Caulifla punch me again sending me flying into the distance.

"Who's weak now." I hear Caulifla. I gather myself again and make my way back.

"Looks like someone finally unlocks Super Saiyan 2," I said happily

"Super what now?" Caulifla

"Super Saiyan 2. When you surpass the normal Super Saiyan, you can unlock SS2 and after SS2 comes SS3." I helpfully told them.

Cabba's eyes open wide in surprise "There are even more powerful forms after Super Saiyan?"

"Yes, did you think Super Saiyan is as powerful as we can get. Here let me show you." I transform into SS2 than SS3. "This is SS3. SS2 has twice the power of SS1 while SS3 has 4 times the power of SS2."

"Teach me!" Caulifla order

"Oh and why should I? Unlike my friend, I don't teach my enemy."

"Fine then, I'll just have to make you do it," Caulifla said as she charges at me again. Since I'm still in SS3, I easily knock her out before throwing her to Cabba.

"She really needs to learn some manner. If she did that with those guys in tights from Universe 11 she'll get eliminated for su..." before I finish, I was interrupted by a fist from an overly muscular girl and have to dodge.

"Broly, I thought you are teaching her how to control herself," I yell at Broly

"I was, but she becomes like that because you beat up her friend." Broly

'Great, now Broly knows how to talk back too. It seems he's getting even more OOC. Wait, I got an idea. If I wake Caulifla up, I'm sure she can wake berserk Kale after Broly teaching.' I thought as I continue to dodge Kale. Seeing my chance, I quickly got out of the way and appear in front of Cabba.

"I'm borrowing her," I said before taking Caulifla and disappearing again. When I appear, I put Caulifla down and heal her enough for her to wake up. When she woke up, the first thing she did after she sees me as try to punch me. I quickly grab her and move away before a massive crater was created from Kale impacting the ground.

"Fight later, you got to calm your friend down first otherwise she won't be able to control herself ever again." I quickly told Caulifla a lie so she'll go help her friend. After that's done I use Instant Transmission to appear next to Broly.

"I never knew there was a chance to lose control forever," Broly said a bit scared of what he can do.

"Oh, don't worry, it was a lie. But if I didn't say so, she'll keep arguing and we'll get nowhere."

"Oh" was all Broly said. After a few minutes of waiting, Caulifla was finally able to calm Kale while Kale is still in her LSS form.

"It seems she did it."

"Isn't it too easy?" Broly

"Hm? Are you jealous Broly?"

"No, it's just that if it's this easily why couldn't we do it before." Broly

"That's because we don't have anyone you care deeply about strong enough to help you like that."

"I see..." Broly

"Well, we got to knock them out sooner or later. Do you want to do it or do you want me to do it?"

"If we knock them out, they are going to get erase right?" Broly

'Don't worry about that. I plan to use the wish to bring back the universes that are going to be erased. I'm sure the other will agree to it too.' I use telepathy to speak so other people don't hear but to Broly, it sounded as if I was just talking.

"I see. If that is the case, then I'll finish up here. You go help the rest." Broly

"Sure. See you later." I said before leaving. This time, I want to check how Goku and Vegeta are doing.